Process engine design

zhaozj2021-02-16  73

We use the JDOM, with the interface design to obtain data, constructed a flow.xml file (reference form 1)

Flow.xml file After XMLSPY opens





The proposed document is the first step of the issuance





Audit is the first review of the union of the unit leaders to the upcoming documents





After receiving the file, the first step is registered





files pass through departmental leadership to take the next step





file is to see all people, so you need to read

(Reference Form 1)

There are two processes in a Flow file, one is a collection, one is a text, they have their own properties and steps, which is all data for saved processes, so the future operation is the necessary operations for this file. . We give an example that explains how to list all processes and all steps. (Refer to Table 2) processes the Flow.xml file.

Package com.test.flow;

// introduction of the package required by JDOM

Import Org.jdom. *;

// Import Org.jdom.Output. *;

Import org.jdom.Input. *;

Import *;

Public class flowengine {

Public static void main (String [] args) {

Try {

SAXBUILDER SB = New Saxbuilder ();

// Construct a document from the file and load the XML file of the process.

Document Doc = Sb. Build (New FileInputStream ("FLOW.XML"));

Element root = doc.getrootElement (); // Get root elements

Java.util.List Flows = root.getchildren (); // Syst.out.Println (" ");

For (int i = 0; i

ELEMENT FLOW = (Element) Flows.get (i); // First process

Attribute flowid = flow.getattribute ("flowid"); "FLOWID");

Attribute flowname = flow.getatribute ("name");

System.out.print ("Process" i " Flowid.getName () " = " FlowID.GetValue () " ");

System.out.println (FLOWNAME.GETNAME () "=" flowname.getValue ()); System.out.Println (" "); // Get a set of steps for a process

Java.util.list steps = flow.getChildren ();

For (int J = 0; j

ELEMENT Step = (Element) Steps.get (j); // First Step

Attribute stepid = step.getattribute ("stepid");

Attribute stepname = step.getattribute ("name"); system.out.print ("[" stepid.getname () "=" stepid.getValue () ";");

System.out.println (stepname.getname () "=" stepname.getValue () "]");

System.out.println ("Step Contents");

Java.util.List Stepchilrens = step (Step.getChildren (); for (int K = 0; k

ELEMENT Stepchilren = (Element) Stepchilrens.get (k); // Get one content item under the steps

System.out.print ("-");

System.out.println (Stepchilren.getName () "=" stepchilren.getValue ());


} System.out.println (" ");


} catch (exception ex) {

System.out.print (ex.getMessage ());




(Refer to Table 2)

The result of the processing is incorporated herein by reference, I have not been processed by the United States. (Refer to Table 3). handles live results of the flow.xml file.

Difference 0 FlowID = 1 Name = Send a document

[stepid = 1; Name = proposed]

The steps are as follows

-ForWord = 0

-Nextstep = 2

-Display_page = ng.jsp

-Action_page = saveng.jsp

-Step_note = Proposed Plenary For the first step

[stepid = 2; Name = audit]

The steps are as follows

-ForWord = 1

-Nextstep = 3

-Display_page = sh.jsp

-Action_page = saves.jsp

-Step_note = audit is the first review of the union of the union of the documents

Process 1 flowid = 2 Name = collection

[stepid = 1; Name = registration]

The steps are as follows

-ForWord = 0

-Nextstep = 2

-Display_page = dj.jsp

-Action_page = savedj.jsp

-Step_note = The first step registration after receiving the file

[stepid = 2; Name = department leadership instructions]

The steps are as follows

-ForWord = 1

-Nextstep = 3

-Display_page = dps.jsp

-Action_page = savedps.jsp

-Step_note = file passing through department leadership can take the next step

[stepid = 3; Name = vision]

The steps are as follows --forword = 2

-Nextstep = 4

-Display_page = cy.jsp

-Action_page = savecy.jsp

-Step_note = file is to see all people, so you need to pass it.

I strongly recommend that you use XML technology as part of the technology of process engine, so that you can implement and later applications will be flexible.


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