We use the JDOM, with the interface design to obtain data, constructed a flow.xml file (reference form 1)
Flow.xml file After XMLSPY opens
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
(Reference Form 1)
There are two processes in a Flow file, one is a collection, one is a text, they have their own properties and steps, which is all data for saved processes, so the future operation is the necessary operations for this file. . We give an example that explains how to list all processes and all steps. (Refer to Table 2)
FlowEngine.java processes the Flow.xml file.
Package com.test.flow;
// introduction of the package required by JDOM
Import Org.jdom. *;
// Import Org.jdom.Output. *;
Import org.jdom.Input. *;
Import java.io. *;
Public class flowengine {
Public static void main (String [] args) {
Try {
SAXBUILDER SB = New Saxbuilder ();
// Construct a document from the file and load the XML file of the process.
Document Doc = Sb. Build (New FileInputStream ("FLOW.XML"));
Element root = doc.getrootElement (); // Get root elements
Java.util.List Flows = root.getchildren (); // Syst.out.Println (" ");
For (int i = 0; i ELEMENT FLOW = (Element) Flows.get (i); // First process Attribute flowid = flow.getattribute ("flowid"); "FLOWID"); Attribute flowname = flow.getatribute ("name"); System.out.print ("Process" i " Flowid.getName () " = " FlowID.GetValue () " "); System.out.println (FLOWNAME.GETNAME () "=" flowname.getValue ()); System.out.Println (" "); // Get a set of steps for a process Java.util.list steps = flow.getChildren (); For (int J = 0; j ELEMENT Step = (Element) Steps.get (j); // First Step Attribute stepid = step.getattribute ("stepid"); Attribute stepname = step.getattribute ("name"); system.out.print ("[" stepid.getname () "=" stepid.getValue () ";"); System.out.println (stepname.getname () "=" stepname.getValue () "]"); System.out.println ("Step Contents"); Java.util.List Stepchilrens = step (Step.getChildren (); for (int K = 0; k ELEMENT Stepchilren = (Element) Stepchilrens.get (k); // Get one content item under the steps System.out.print ("-"); System.out.println (Stepchilren.getName () "=" stepchilren.getValue ()); } } System.out.println (" "); } } catch (exception ex) { System.out.print (ex.getMessage ()); } } } (Refer to Table 2) The result of the processing is incorporated herein by reference, I have not been processed by the United States. (Refer to Table 3). FlowEngine.java handles live results of the flow.xml file. Difference 0 FlowID = 1 Name = Send a document [stepid = 1; Name = proposed] The steps are as follows -ForWord = 0 -Nextstep = 2 -Display_page = ng.jsp -Action_page = saveng.jsp -Step_note = Proposed Plenary For the first step [stepid = 2; Name = audit] The steps are as follows -ForWord = 1 -Nextstep = 3 -Display_page = sh.jsp -Action_page = saves.jsp -Step_note = audit is the first review of the union of the union of the documents Process 1 flowid = 2 Name = collection [stepid = 1; Name = registration] The steps are as follows -ForWord = 0 -Nextstep = 2 -Display_page = dj.jsp -Action_page = savedj.jsp -Step_note = The first step registration after receiving the file [stepid = 2; Name = department leadership instructions] The steps are as follows -ForWord = 1 -Nextstep = 3 -Display_page = dps.jsp -Action_page = savedps.jsp -Step_note = file passing through department leadership can take the next step [stepid = 3; Name = vision] The steps are as follows --forword = 2 -Nextstep = 4 -Display_page = cy.jsp -Action_page = savecy.jsp -Step_note = file is to see all people, so you need to pass it. I strongly recommend that you use XML technology as part of the technology of process engine, so that you can implement and later applications will be flexible.