FVWM novice entry incomplete manual (original)

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

FVWM Novice Incomplete Manual

<1> What is FVWM? Where can I download?

FVWM is a window manager that can make it easy to manage resources from the system. GNOME and KDE are desktop systems, which is two different concepts. The desktop system can call different window managers, which is why the GNOME system can have two different WMs that Metacity and Swafish can choose.

It is now a lot of WM, but Fvwm is a long history than a history, the biggest advantage is that it can be fully customized and saves system resource overhead. And its interface can also be very beautiful. Since this version does not send pictures, my graphic is in Linuffans, the address is: http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules.php? Name = desktop_downloads & op = Genfo & DID = 161

FVWM graphic address: http://www.fvwm.org/screenshots/index.php

FVWM download address in: http://www.fvwm.org/download/index.php There are two files of GZ, BZ2. It is best to download the BZ2 file because it is compressed. (You can save a network fee)

<2> Compilation and installation process

All Linux software, if you install it, you have to experience three processes, configure, make, make install

The following is a compilation and installation process below FVWM-2.5.6.tar.bz2.

First CP FVWM-2.5.6.Tar.bz2 / usr / local

TAR JXVF FVWM-2.5.6.tar.bz2 (Fvwm2.5.6 directory is generated below / usr / local directory)

Then CD FVWM-2.5.6 is ./configure ,make, make install

After the installation is successful, some files are generated below / usr / local / bin, with fvwm, xpmroot, etc.

You can switch to the USR / local / bin directory, LS FVWM * will come out of the related FVWM file. Ok, now FVWM has been successfully installed in your system. If you encounter something, you can also look at the install file in FVWM-2.5.6.

<3> Start FVWM

I often saw that many people asked this question. Some people in LinuxSir, Linuxeden, and Linuxfans were asking such a problem. In fact, I used to use fvwm, I didn't know how to start it, but I installed WindowMaker. At the time, misunderstanding misconducted. I know that the FVWM is started in the way.

First set your system startup mode is the command line: In the / etc / inittab file, set it to start the way in the command line.

ID: 3: INitDefault, then back up the / etc / x11 / xinit / xinitrc, it is best to change to xinitrc.old, then build a .xinitrc file in / root or / home / usrname / below, write inside Enter: EXEC FVWM Save, then in the way in STARTX, it enters FVWM.

This way is more applicable to me because I rarely use GNOME and KDE for friends who want to switch in a variety of systems, maybe some troubles. Because you want to enter GNOME and KDE, you have to change xinitrc.old into xinitrc, then rename the .xinitrc file below the root directory.

<4> FVWM profile After you enter FVWM, you will find that its default configuration is very simple. Some configuration files below /us / rust.fvwm-2.5.6/sample.fvwmrc directory, such as system.fvwm2rc, etc., you can go below /root /.fvwm directory (if this directory is not, you To build one yourself), and rename: .fvwm2rc, then enter FVWM, see if there is something that changes, is it a little better :) But still very simple :(

FVWM is because it can be completely customized, so its default configuration is very simple, everything can be done according to your own meaning, it can simulate any system, this is its biggest advantage.

Compared to Aftstep, WindowMaker, they have fixed modes, and the default configuration interface is very beautiful, and the change is more difficult. Even if you change the subject, it is also changing the soup. After you starts WHARF, you will start with WindowMaker, you know that it is WindowMaker, but the FVWM simulation system makes you always have a fresh feel. However, there is a beautiful problem with the appearance, it is the benevolent, and the wise is witnessed. In fact, we use WM's purpose to manage our system, let us learn and work better. It is not necessary to pursue the beautiful view of the interface.

However, it is because FVWM can be completely customized, and it has also brought a lot of difficulties to its configuration. It requires you to configure it yourself, which is very difficult for novices, but it has been configured with some masters.

The following configuration file is a master configured, download address in:


<5> Configuration Analysis of FVWM

As long as one .fvwm2rc file, FVWM can realize very beautiful interface, all according to your own meaning, this is more applicable to individuals, and it is more human. Below I will analyze my own .fvwm2rc file.

For FVWM .fvwm2rc, the most important settings are:

Icons ---- Defining the icon to be used, this is important (you can download some in www.kde-look.org)


Menu ---- System menu lets you start some common software and tools directly in Menu, is it very


Fvwmbuttons --- Decorative system in the form of icons, or put some DockApp in it,

You can start the corresponding program when you press MOUSE.

Fvwmpager ---- Used to set DESK and PAGER, let you hand over different virtual desktops.

Fvwmtaskbar ----- Task bars, and WINDOW task bars

Fvwmwharf ------ This is the same as the Afterstep's WHARF, because of this,

FVWM Simulation Afterstep is very easy :) <6> FVWM related resources

Said so much, maybe you have a little tired, look at some of my FVWM themes, I have sent some graphics in LinuxSir

<7> FVWM detailed configuration (with my own configured .fvwm2rc as an example). Note: The notes at the beginning of the "#", * starting the relevant settings of the FVWM module.

1.ICONS settings: (define some of the ICONS connection addresses required for the system)

ImagePath : / root / picImagePath : / usr / local / AquaFusion / 22x22 / devicesImagePath : / usr / local / AquaFusion / 22x22 / appsImagePath : / usr / local / AquaFusion / 22x22 / filesystemsImagePath : / usr / local / Aquafusion / 22x22 / action

If you set it yourself, these addresses need to exist.

2.Menu configuration

First of all, MenuStyle

MenuStyle * Foreground white, Background gray40Menustyle * fvwm, Font -adobe-times-bold-r - * - * - 14 - * - * - * - * - * - * - * MenuStyle * HilightBackOff, Hilight3DThickness -3, ActiveForeOff, PopupOffset -3 100MenuStyle * ItemFormat "% s% 10p% |% i% 12p% l% |% 6p%>% 10p% s" MenuStyle * ActiveFore # 49C671MenuStyle * MenuFace VGradient 64 darkgray MidnightBlueMenuStyle * MenuFace TiledPixmap / root / pic / macblack. PNGButtonStyle All - UseTitlestyleButtonStyle All ActiveDown Vgradient 8 PalevioleTred Black

Among them, the color schemes of the MENU are defined, and the specific passwords can also be known.

MenuStyle * menuface tiledpixmap /root/pic/macblack.png For this sentence: with a PNG as a background as a background, let menu look very textured, even the transparent effect. Is it very caul? ? Here is my setting, you can choose a background of your own favorite PNG or XPM picture as a background of Menu.

The above is defined for Menustyle, and the details of the menu will be given:

##################Us #########################

DestroyMenu RootMenuAddToMenu RootMenu "Root Menu" Title "& aterm% kcontrol.png%" Exec exec aterm "& gnome-terminal% gnome-apps.png%" Exec exec gnome-terminal "konsole% xconsole.png%" Exec exec konsole "" Nop "& Programs% hancom.png%" Popup ProgramsMenu "& Utilities% kdmconfig.png%" Popup Utilities "" Nop "Re & fresh Screen% kbabeldict.png%" Refresh "" Nop "& Lock% lock.png%" Exec exec xscreensaver-command - lock "ExitFvwm% terminal.png%" Popup Quit-VerifyDestroyMenu ProgramsMenuAddToMenu "ProgramsMenu" "Choose-Pro% view_icon.png%" Title "gedit% editshred.png%" Exec exec gedit "emacs% emacs.png" Exec exec emacs " & gqview% xpaint.png "Exec exec gqview " & xpdf% xchat.png% "Exec exec xpdf " x & mms% xmms.png% "Exec exec xmms " stardict% kdat.png% "Exec exec stardict " mo & zilla% netscape.png% " EXEC EXEC MOZILLA "& GIMP% GIMP.PNG%" EXEC EXEC GIMP "XLOAD% Xsane.png%" EXEC EXEC XLOAD "gkrellm% gnomemeeting.png%" EXEC EXEC GKRELLM

DestroyMenu UtilitiesAddToMenu Utilities "Utilities% scanner.png%" Title "Top% folder_mediumgreen.png%" Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top "xcalc% xcalc.png%" Exec exec xcalc "Xman% folder_burntorange.png% "EXEC EXEC XMAN " Xclipboard% classic_mac.png% "EXEC EXEC XCLIPBOARD & " Konquer% GO.PNG% "EXEC EXEC KONQUEROR " "NOP " WMTIMER% Babelfish.png% "EXEC EXEC WMTIMER &

"Kcontrol% kopete.png%" Exec exec kcontrol "xlogo% x.png%" Exec exec xlogo "Captura% kcmkwm.png%" Exec captura "FvwmCommand% xterm.png%" Module FvwmConsole -terminal aterm -geometry 45x5- 0 0 / -BG GOLD2-FG MIDNIGHTBLUE / -FN "- ADOBE-COURIER-MEDIUM - R - * - * - * - * - *"

DestroyMenu Quit-Verify "Choose% Xconsole.png%" Title "YES, Really Quit% XChat.png%" Quit "RESTART FVWM2% kstars.png%" Restart FVWM2 "NO, DON 'quit% Hancom.png% "NOP

Among them "& ATERM% KCONTROL.PNG%" EXEC EXEC ATERM, the frontm is atm, and the back PNG image KControl.png will appear in front of the text in the menu. The following EXEC EXEC will execute this command. This is the case after it is pushed.

"Fvwmcommand% xterm.png%" Module Fvwmconsole -terminal ATERM -GEOMETRY 45X15-0 0 / -BG black -fg white / -fn "-adobe-channel-medium-r - * - * - 14 - * - * - * - * - * - * - * "Started a fvwmcommand, fvwmcommand can't start in Xterm, which can only be started by menu, or Modules.

Here, a fvwmcommand is defined, its background color is black (Black) font color is white. The font is: -adobe-channel-medium-r - * - * - 14 - * - * - * - * - * - * - *, the size is 45 × 15, the location is -0 0, the upper right corner of the screen, You can see its effect in the picture above. Of course, you can change the location of this coordinate, let it appear in the place you want to appear.

FvwmCommand can communicate well with FVWM, in which the FVWM is input directly. For example, enter: fvwmtaskbar in fvwmcommand, it can directly call the FVWM task bar, when your configuration file has a problem, or if you cannot adjust the related module, you can turn on a fvwmcommand, directly call the relevant Module. This is not very convenient :). The definition of the menu is like this, it is very simple, look at my menu:

3. Settings offvwmbuttons

In the above picture you saw, there is a row icon at the bottom of the screen, which is the real effect of fvwmbuttons, how is it, beautiful? ? There are also 2 DockApp, which are used to display the use of CPUs and memory, respectively. (These two programs are WMCPULOAD and WMMEMLOAD. Download address in: http://dockapps.org. Detailed profiles are as follows:

############### fw ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ######## Colors, set fvwmbuttons color * fvwmbuttonsfore White * fvwmbuttonsback White

# With an XPM picture as a background of fvwmbuttons, use some of your favorite pictures to achieve very mysterious effect :) * fvwmbuttonpidspixmap /root/pic/icons/macblack_small.xpm# font Set the size of the font * fvwmbuttonsfont 5x8

# Set the appearance of FvWMButtons on the screen, 250-0 coordinates just in the middle of the bottom of the screen. * Fvwmbuttonsgeometry 250-0 * fvwmbuttonscolumns 7 # Set fvwmbuttons as seven columns, one line * fvwmbuttonsRows 1

* FvwmButtons (Title Nautilus, Icon evolution.png, Action 'Exec nautilus &') * FvwmButtons (Swallow "wmcpuload" "Exec wmcpuload -w &") * FvwmButtons (Title xmms, Icon noatun.png, Action 'Exec xmms &' ) * FvwmButtons (Title gqview, Icon fish.png, Action 'Exec gqview &') # * FvwmButtons (Title kmail, Icon arson.png, Action 'Exec kmail &') * FvwmButtons (Swallow "wmmemload" "Exec wmmemload -w & ") * Fvwmbuttons (Title Terminal, icon Log.png, Action 'Exec Gnome-Terminal &")

In the above, the name of Title is the name, and then the corresponding icon, then it is an action, when you click on it with the mouse, perform the appropriate operation.

Summary: Fvwmbuttons This module is very powerful, you can use Fvwmpager or fvwmwinList, which can refer to FVWM's Manbook.

4.Fvwmpager settings, through this module, you can implement a virtual desktop switching, you can see the above figure, the upper left corner of the screen is a Pager, the specific settings are as follows:

######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ################### * fvwmpager: rows 1 * fvwmpager: Columns 1 # Set it is a row and a column, of course you can set other numbers. * Fvwmpagerfore white # is on white

# With a png picture as a background of Fvwmpager, you can achieve a very beautiful effect. * Fvwmpagerpixmap /root/pic/macblack.png

# Define fvwmpager appears on the screen * fvwmpagerGeometry 5 5 * fvwmpagerback # 909090 # its background color, actually set up PIXMAP, this is no important * fvwmpager: font - * - fixed-medium-r-semicondensed - * - 13 - * - gb2312.1980-0 * FvwmPagerHilight # 808080 * FvwmPagerLabel 0 MyFvwm pager display name # * FvwmPagerLabel 1 MyFvwm # * FvwmPagerLabel 2 Program # * FvwmPagerLabel 3 Myfavorite * FvwmPager: SmallFont - * - fixed-medium- r-semicondensed - * - 13 - * - gb2312.1980-0 * FvwmPagerBalloons All * FvwmPagerBalloonBack white * FvwmPagerBalloonFore black * FvwmPager: BalloonFont - * - fixed-medium-r-semicondensed - * - 13 - * - gb2312.1980-0

* Fvwmpagerballoonborderwidth 0 * fvwmpagerballoonbordercolor White

Fvwmpager can also be owned in fvwmbuttons, which can be referred to the Manbook.

5.fvwmtaskbar, this module, I am not very good, the task of the task is Win2000, so I don't like it, but some people use some special procedures, like Perl, realize very beautiful fvwmtaskbar, can Take a look at the graphic below: http://www.fvwm.org/screenshots/mikhael-desk-1280x1024.php

The relevant configuration files are as follows:

Style FvwmTaskBar HandleWidth 0, BorderWidth 0 * FvwmTaskBar: UseSkipList * FvwmTaskBar: AutoStick * FvwmTaskBar: DeskOnly # * FvwmTaskBar: Action Click1 DeiconifyRaiseAndFocus * FvwmTaskBar: Action Click2 Iconify On * FvwmTaskBar: Action Click3 Lower # * FvwmTaskBar: Action Click3 FvwmIdent * FvwmTaskBar: MailCommand EXEC EXEC RXVT-E Mutt * fvwmtaskbar: 3dfvwm * fvwmtaskbar: startname fvwm * fvwmtaskbar: startMenu rootmenu * fvwmtaskbar: Font - * - SIMSUN-Medium-R - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * # * fvwmtaskbar: font "xft: luxi mono" * fvwmtaskbar: Selfont - * - SIMSUN-Medium-r - * - * - 14- * - * - * - * - * - * - ** fvwmtaskbar: showtips * Fvwmtaskbar: ClockFormat * fvwmtaskbar: WindowButtonsRight Margin 20

* Fvwmtaskbar: Back Seagreen * fvwmtaskbar: fore gold2 * fvwmtaskbar: Focusfore Cornsilk * fvwmtaskbar: iconback Darkgreen * fvwmtaskbar: iconfore white

# * FvwmTaskBar: Button Title hello, Icon mini.x.xpm, Action (Mouse 1) Module FvwmConsole # * FvwmTaskBar: DateFormat "% A,% B% d,% Y" # * FvwmTaskBar: WindowButtonsLeftMargin 20 # * FvwmTaskBar: HighlightFocus # * Fvwmtaskbar: AutoHide 66. About fvwmwharf, this module is quite good, you can implement a very complex function, like a drawer. Turn some maps therein. The specific configuration file is as follows:

Style "Fvwmwharf" NOTITLE, NOHANDLES, Sticky, Windowlistskip, Borderwidth 0, Circuleskip

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmWharf: ** FvwmWharf: Animate * FvwmWharf: AnimateMain * FvwmWharf: Geometry -7-316 * FvwmWharf: Columns 1 * FvwmWharf: Bgcolor Grey70 * WharfBalloonFore Black * WharfBalloonBack Grey70

# * Fvwmwharf: bgcolor # 000000 * fvwmwharf: ColorSet # 000000 * fvwmwharf: fullpush * fvwmpager: black * fvwmwharf: TextureType 128 # with an XPM picture as its background, this can achieve a good visual effect. * Fvwmwharfpixmap /root/pic/icons/s11.xpm

* FvwmWharf asclock nil MaxSwallow "asclock" asclock & * FvwmWharf wmitime nil MaxSwallow "wmitime" wmitime & * FvwmWharf bubblemon nil MaxSwallow "bubblemon" bubblemon & * FvwmWharf wmusic nil MaxSwallow "wmusic" wmusic -w

* FvwmWharf a kmenu.png Folder * FvwmWharf Exit xchat.png FvwmForm FvwmForm-QuitVerify * FvwmWharf Recycler software_update.png Restart * FvwmWharf lock Classic.png Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock * FvwmWharf ~ Folder

* FvwmWharf b qtella.png, Folder * FvwmWharf aterm gaim2.png Exec exec aterm & * FvwmWharf konqueror go.png Exec exec konqueror & * FvwmWharf gedit emacs.png Exec exec gedit & * FvwmWharf xmms xmms.png Exec exec xmms & * FvwmWharf GNOME-TERMINAL GNOME-Apps.png EXEC EXEC GNOME-TERMINAL & * FVWMWHARF ~ FOLDER

* Fvwmwharf Wmnotify NIL Maxswallow "Wmnotify" Wmnotify &

Some PNGs and XPM files used above, their paths You must set it in the iCons's Path, otherwise it will not be displayed. <八> FVWM related FAQ

1. Start the corresponding module.

All FVWM modules, only launching them in the function, they work, in the .fvwm2rc file, if you need to use fvwmbuttons, or other modules, you must start it first. details as follows:

DestroyFunc StartFunctionAddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmButtons I Module FvwmPager I Module FvwmAuto 500 Raise Nop I Module FvwmAnimate I Module FvwmTaskBar I Module FvwmWharf I Exec exec xpmroot /root/pic/macblack.png

I means: Immediately, in the above configuration, in the startup function, Fvwmbuttons, FvwmPager, FvwManimate, Fvwmtaskbar, FvwMwharf, etc., five modules. At the same time, what program needs to be executed when fvwm starts, you can join a line: For example, I want to start GKRELLM when I start in FVWM.

I exec exec Gkrellm is OK :)

2. Set the background to the desktop

The default FVWM is not set to the desktop background, up to some color settings, in fact, FVWM can use the sharpness of the PNG or XPM picture as a background. The most direct way is: use the xpmroot program, it is FVWM comes with

Open an xterm, enter: xpmroot filename.png, you can set this image to a desktop background, or add: i exec exec Xpmroot /Root/PIC/Macblack.png

Fvwm-Themes Download

Fvwm-themes is a FVWM theme software, which requires additional downloads, and compile, install. The specific settings are as follows:


Fvwm-themes download address http://sourceforge.net/projects/fvwm-themes

You need to download two files, namely:

Fvwm-themes-0.6.2.tar.bz2, fvwm-themes-extra-0.6.2.tar.bz2

2. Compilation and installation:

CP fvwm-themes0.6.2.bz2 / usr / local

TAR jxvf fvwm-themes-0.6.2.bz2

./configure, make, make install

At this time, you can switch below / usr / local / share / fvwm / themes directory, you can find that there have been several directories, nice, they are the theme of FVWM.

Next, install the topic of Extra. Find fvwm-themes-extra-0.6.2.tar.bz2 storage directory, then

Fvwm-themes-config --site --install fvwm-themes-extra-0.6.2.tar.bz2

The system will automatically install these extensions the topic to / usr / local / share / fvwm / themes directory.

3. Start FVWM-Themes

The way to start the FVWM is the same, and the / etc / x11 / xinit / xinitrc is named: xinitrc.old and build a .xinitrc file below the root directory, write: fvwm-themes-start is OK.

Enter: StartX below: StartX is launched. It offers a lot of themes, you can also make your favorite topics :)


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