Play the slide slide transparent menu (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  77

Play Rotation Sliding Transparent Menu (1) </ Title> <! - make by 9cbs NBA23 8/6/2003) -> <meta content = "text / html; charset = GB2312" http-equiv = content-type> <meta content = "mshtml 5.00.3502.5390" Name = Generator></p> <p><Style type = text / css> </ style> <link href = "images / sytle.css" rel = stylesheet type = text / css></p> <p><Script language = javascript src = "images / dropdownc.js"> </ script></p> <p><Script language = javascript src = "images / dropdown_initialize.js"> </ script></p> <p></ Head> <body bgcolor = "# fdeeee" οnlοad = init ();> <p> play the slide transparent menu (1) :( Make By <em> 9cbs </ em> <em> <strong> < A href = "mailto:"> NBA23 </A> </ STRONG> </ em> 8/6/2003) <br> </ p> <Table Width = "70%" border = 0 Align = center cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = 0> <tbody> <tr> <td valign = TOP Height = 24> <a id = menu1 οnmοuseοver = "swapimage ('Button1', preloaded [1] [1] .src)" οnmοuseοut = "swapimage ('Button1', preloaded [1] [0] .src)" href = ""> <img src = "images / 1-0.gif" name = Button1 Width = "68" Height = "25" border = 0 id = Button1> </a> </ td> <td value = top height = 24> <a id = menu2 onmouseover = "swapimage ('Button2', preloaded [ 2] [1] .SRC) "OnMouseout =" Swapimage ('Button2', preloaded [2] [0] .src) "href =" "> <img src =" images / 2-0.gif "Name = button2 width =" 68 "height =" 25 "border = 0 id = button2> </a> </ td> <td value = top height = 24> <a id = menu3 οnmοuseοver = Swapimag e ('Button3', preloaded [3] [1] .SRC) "οnmοuseοut =" οnmοuseοut = "οnmο3 ', preloaded [3] [0] .src)" href = "" > <Img src = "Images / 3-0.gif" name = button3 width = "</p> <p>68 "Height =" 25 "border = 0 id = Button3> </a> </ td> <td valign = top height = 24> <a id = menu4 οnmοuser =" swapimage ('button4', preloaded [4] [ 1] .SRC) "οnmοuseοut =" swapimage ('Button4', preloaded [4] [0] .src) "href =" "> <img src =" Images / 4-0 .gif "name = button4 width =" 68 "height =" 25 "border = 0 id = button4> </a> </ td> <td value = top height = 24> <a id = menu5 οnmοuser =" swapimage 'Button5', preloaded [5] [1] .SRC) "οnmοuseοut =" οnmοuseοut = "href =" "> <button5 ', preloaded [5] [0] .src)" HREF = ""> < IMG SRC = "Images / 5-0.gif" name = button5 width = "68" height = "25" border = 0 id = button5> </a> </ td> <td valign = top height = 24> < A id = menu6 οnmοuseοver = "swapimage ('Button6', preloaded [6] [1] .src)" οnmοuseοut = "οnmοuseοut =" οnmο6 ', preloaded [6] [0] .src) "href =" http: / /"> "Img src = "images / 6-0.gif" name = button6 w IDTH = "68" height = "25" border = 0 id = Button6> </a> </ td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ table></p> <p><Script language = javascript src = "images / dropdown_content.js"> </ script> <! - js file and gif picture (at 1-0, 1-1, 2-0, 2-1 ..... Named) Save under Images -> <br> <center> <a> Demo </a>: <br> <a> Download Code </a>: <br> </ center> <br> </ body> </ html> sytle.css ------- ------------------------ A {color: #oo; text-decoration: none} a: link {color: # 039} a: visited {COLOR: # 039} A: hover {COLOR: # f60} .mtDropdownMenu {LEFT: -1imagespx; OVERFLOW: hidden; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -1imagespx} .mtDropdownMenu .content {POSITION: absolute} .mtDropdownMenu .items { Border-bottom: # 999 1px solid; border-left: # 999 1px solid; border-right: # 999 1px solid; border-top: # 999 1px solid; left: 0px; position: relative; top: 0px; z- Index: 2} .mtdropdownMenu .Idium none; border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: Medium None; color: # 333333; cursor: hand; font-family: "Verdana", "Arial", "Helvetica", "Sans-Serif"; Font-size: 12px; Text-D Ecoration: none; ext-decoration: none} .mtdropdownMenu. On (Opacity = 75); Left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; z-index: 1; moz-opacity: .8}. mtDropdownMenu .shadowRight {FILTER: alpha (opacity = 40); POSITION: absolute; TOP: 3px; WIDTH: 2px; Z-INDEX: 3; moz-opacity: .4} .mtDropdownMenu .shadowBottom {FILTER: alpha (opacity = 40 HEIGHT: 2PX; Left: 3px; Position: absolute; z-index: 1; moz-opacity: .4} .mtdropdownMenu .hover {background: #cccccc;}: #fffff} .mtdropdownMenu .Item img {margin- LEFT: 10PX}</p> <p>DropDownc.js --------------------------------------- <! - mtdropdown. spacerGif = ""; mtDropDown.dingbatOn = ""; mtDropDown.dingbatOff = ""; mtDropDown.dingbatSize = 14; mtDropDown.menuPadding = 1; mtDropDown.itemPadding = 4; mtDropDown.shadowSize = 2; mtDropDown.shadowOffset = 3; mtDropDown .shadowColor = "# 888"; // menu border shadow mtDropDown.shadowPng = ""; mtDropDown.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; // menu background mtDropDown.backgroundPng = ""; mtDropDown.hideDelay = 200; // menu Hidden time mtdropdown.slidetime = 300; // menu display time mtdropdown.reference = {Topleft: 1, TOPRIGHT: 2, BOTTOMLEFT: 3, BOTTOMRIGHT: 4}; mtdropdown.direction = {Down: 1, Right: 2}; mtdropdown .registry = []; mtdropdown._maxz = 100;</p> <p>mtDropDown.isSupported = function () {if (typeof mtDropDown.isSupported.r == "boolean") return mtDropDown.isSupported.r; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase (); var an = navigator.appName; var r = False; if (u.indexof ("gecko")> -1) r = true; Else IF (an == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {if (Document.GtelementByid) r = true;} mtdropdown.issupported.r = R; Return R;</p> <p>Mtdropdown.initialize = function () {for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry [i]; i ) {menu.initialize ();}}</p> <p>Mtdropdown.renderalall = function () {var amenuhtml = []; for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry [i]; i ) {amenuhtml [i] = menu.tostring ();} document .write (amenuhtml.join ("));</p> <p>Function Mtdropdown (Oactuator, Idirection, Ileft, ITOP, IREFERENCEPOINT, PARENTMENUSET) {</p> <p>this.additem = addMenu; this.tostring = TOSTRINU; this.initialize = initialize; this.isopen = false; = show; this.hide = hide; this.items = []; this .onactivate = new function (); this.ondeactivate = new function (); this.onmouseover = new function (); this.onqueue = new function ();</p> <p>this.index = mtDropDown.registry.length; mtDropDown.registry [this.index] = this; var id = "mtDropDown" this.index; var contentHeight = null; var contentWidth = null; var childMenuSet = null; var animating = False; var slidmenus = []; var slodeaccel = -1; var = false; var _this = tris; var a = null; var pos = idirection == mtdropdown.direction.down? "TOP": "left"; var Dim = NULL;</p> <p>Function additem (stext, surl) {var item = new mtdropdownItem (Stext, surl, this); item._index = this.items.length; this.items [item._index] = item;} function addmenu (OmenuItem) {= (! oMenuItem.parentMenu == this) throw new Error ( "Can not add a menu here"); if (childMenuSet == null) childMenuSet = new mtDropDownSet (mtDropDown.direction.right, -5, 2, mtDropDown.reference.topRight ); var m = childMenuSet.addMenu (oMenuItem); childMenus [oMenuItem._index] = m; m.onmouseover = child_mouseover; m.ondeactivate = child_deactivate; m.onqueue = child_queue; return m;} function initialize () {initCache ( ); initevents (); intesize (); ready = true;} function show () {</p> <p>If (ready) {_this.isopen = true; animating = true; setContainerpos (); Elmcache ["clip"]. style.visibility = "visible"; Elmcache ["clip"]. style.zindex = mtdropdown._maxz ; slidestart (); _ this.onactivate ();}} function hide () {if (ready) {_this.isopen = false; Animating = true; for (var i = 0, item = null; item = Elmcache.Item [i] ; i ) dehighlight (item); if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide (); slideStart (); _ this.ondeactivate ();}} function setContainerPos () {var sub = oActuator.constructor == mtDropDownItem; var act = sub? Oactuator.parentMenu.elmcache ["item"] [Oactuator._index]: Octuator; var = act; var x = 0; var y = 0; var minx = 0; var maxx = (Window.innerWidth? Window.innerWidth: document.body.clientWidth) - parseInt (elmCache [ "clip"] style.width); var minY = 0; var maxY = (window.innerHeight window.innerHeight: document.body.clientHeight) - parseInt (elmCache [ ".? CLIP "]. style.height);</p> <p>While (sub? el.parentnode.classname.indexof ("mtdropdownMenu") == -1: el.offSetParent) {x = el.offsetleft; y = el.offSettop; if (el.scrollleft) x - = EL . ScrollLeft; if (el.crolltop) y - = el.scrolltop; EL = el.offsetparent;}</p> <p>if (oActuator.constructor == mtDropDownItem) {x = parseInt (; y = parseInt (;} switch (iReferencePoint) {case mtDropDown.reference.topLeft : break; case mtDropDown.reference.topRight: x = act.offsetWidth; break; case mtDropDown.reference.bottomLeft: y = act.offsetHeight; break; case mtDropDown.reference.bottomRight: x = act.offsetWidth; y = act.offsetHeight; Break;} x = Ileft; y = ket; x = math.max (Math.Min (x, maxx), minx); y = math.max (Math.Min (Y, Maxy) ), miny); Elmcache ["clip"]. style.LEFT = X "PX"; Elmcache ["clip"]. = y "px";} function slidestart () {var x0 = parseint Elmcache ["Content"]. style [pOS]); var x1 = _this.isopen? 0: -dim; if (a! = null) a.stop (); a = new accelimation (x0, x1, mtdropdown.slidetime , SlideAccel; a.onframe = slideframe; a.onend = slidend; a.Start ();} Function slideframe (x) {ELMCACHE ["content"]. style [pOS] = x "px";} function slidend () {if (! _this.isopen) Elmcache ["clip"]. style.visibility = "hidden"; animating = false;} f UNTWIDTH; VAR OH = Navigator.UsegerAgent; var ua = navigator.useragent; var ua = navigator.useragent; var ua = navigator.USERAGENT.TOLOWERCASE ();</p> <p>Elmcache ["clip"]. style.width = OW MTDROPDOWN.SHADOWSIZE 2 "PX"; Elmcache ["Clip"]. style.height = oh mtdropdown.shadowsize 2 "PX";</p> <p>elmCache [ "content"] style.width = ow mtDropDown.shadowSize "px";. elmCache [ "content"] style.height = oh mtDropDown.shadowSize "px";. contentHeight = oh mtDropDown.shadowSize; contentWidth = ow mtDropDown.shadowSize; dim = iDirection == mtDropDown.direction.down contentHeight: contentWidth; elmCache [ "content"] style [pos] = -dim - mtDropDown.shadowSize "px"; elmCache [ "clip?. "] .style.visibility =" hidden ";</p> <p>IF (u.indexof ("mac") == -1 || ua.indexof ("gecko")> -1) {</p> <p>Elmcache ["Background"]. style.width = OW "PX"; Elmcache ["Background"]. style.height = OH "PX"; Elmcache ["Background"]. style.BackgroundColor = mtdropdown.backgroundcolor;</p> <p>. ElmCache [ "shadowRight"] style.left = ow "px"; elmCache [ "shadowRight"] style.height = oh - (mtDropDown.shadowOffset - mtDropDown.shadowSize) "px";. ElmCache [ "shadowRight"] .Style.BackgroundColor = mtdropdown.shadowcolor;</p> <p>elmCache [ "shadowBottom"] = oh "px";... elmCache [ "shadowBottom"] style.width = ow - mtDropDown.shadowOffset "px"; elmCache [ "shadowBottom"] style.backgroundColor = mtDropDown . Shadowcolor;</p> <p>Else {</p> <p>Elmcache ["Background"]. firstchild.src = mtdropdown.backgroundpng; Elmcache ["Background"]. firstchild.width = OW; Elmcache ["Background"]. firstchild.Height = OH;</p> <p>. ElmCache [ "shadowRight"] firstChild.src = mtDropDown.shadowPng;. ElmCache [ "shadowRight"] style.left = ow "px"; elmCache [ "shadowRight"] firstChild.width = mtDropDown.shadowSize;. ElmCache [ " shadowRight ".] firstChild.height = oh - (mtDropDown.shadowOffset - mtDropDown.shadowSize); elmCache [" shadowBottom ".] firstChild.src = mtDropDown.shadowPng; elmCache [" ". = oh] " shadowBottom px "; elmCache [" shadowBottom "]. firstChild.height = mtDropDown.shadowSize; elmCache [" shadowBottom "] firstChild.width = ow - mtDropDown.shadowOffset;.}} function initCache () {var menu = document.getElementById (id) VAR all = menu.all? menu.all: menu.getElementsBytagname ("*"); Elmcache = {}; Elmcache ["clip"] = menu; Elmcache ["Item"] = []; for (var i = 0, ELM = NULL; ELM = All [i]; i ) {switch (Elm.classname) {CASE "items": case "content": case "background": case "shadowright": Case "shadowbottom": Elmcache [ Elm.classname] = ELM; Break; Case "Item": ELM._INDEX = ELMCache ["Item"]. Length; Elmcache ["Item"] [ELM._INDEX] = Elm; Break;}}</p> <p>_this.elmcache = Elmcache;} function inITEVENTS () {</p> <p>For (var i = 0, item = null; item = Elmcache.Item [i]; i ) {item.onmouseover = item_mouseover; item.onmouseout = item_mouseout; item.onclick = item_click;}</p> <p>IF (typeof oactuator.tagname! = "undefined") {oactuator.onmouseover = actuator_mouseover; oactuator.onmouseout = actuator_mouseout;}</p> <p>elmCache [ "content"] onmouseover = content_mouseover;. elmCache [ "content"] onmouseout = content_mouseout;.} function highlight (oRow) {oRow.className = "item hover"; if (childMenus [oRow._index]) oRow.lastChild .firstChild.src = mtDropDown.dingbatOn;} function dehighlight (oRow) {oRow.className = "item"; if (childMenus [oRow._index]) oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = mtDropDown.dingbatOff;} function item_mouseover () {if (animating!) {highlight (this); if (childMenus [this._index]) childMenuSet.showMenu (childMenus [this._index]); else if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide ();}} function item_mouseout () {IF (! "} (!});}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} function item_click () {if (! Animating) {if (_this .items [this._index] .url) location.href = _this.items [this._index] .url;}} function actuator_mouseover () {parentMenuSet.showMenu (_this);} function actuator_mouseout () {parentMenuSet.hideMenu (_this } Function Content_MouseOver () {if (! Animating) {ParentM enuSet.showMenu (_this); _ this.onmouseover ();}} function content_mouseout () {if (animating!) {parentMenuSet.hideMenu (_this); (! animating)}} function child_mouseover () {if {parentMenuSet.showMenu ( _this);}}}}}} {for (var i = 0; i <childmenus.length; i ) {ix (childmenus [i] == this) {deHighlight (Elmcache ["t"] [i]); break;}}} function child_queue () {parentMenuSet.hideMenu (_this);} function toString () {var aHtml = []; var sClassName = "mtDropdownMenu" (oActuator.constructor = mtDropDownItem "top":!? "" ); for (var i = 0, item = null; item = this.Items [i]; i ) {AHTML [i] =</p> <p>Item.tostring (childmenus [i]);} return '<div id = "' ID " class = "' sclassname '"> ' ' <div class = "content"> <Table Class = " Items "cellpadding =" 0 "cellspacing =" 0 "border =" 0 "> ' ' <tr> <td colspan =" 2 "> <img src =" ' mtdropdown.spacergif "width =" 1 " Height = "' mtdropdown.Menupadding '"> </ td> </ tr> ahtml.join (') ' <tr> <td color = "2"> <img src = " mtdropdown .Spacergif '"width =" 1 "Height ="' mtdropdown.Menupadding '"> </ td> <div>" shadowbottom> <img src = " ' mtdropdown.spacergif ' "Width =" 1 "height =" 1 "> </ div> '<div class =" shadowright "> <img src ="' mtdropdown.spacergif '"width =" 1 "Height =" 1 "> </ div> ' ' <div class =" background "> <img src =" ' mtdropdown.spacergif "width =" 1 "height =" 1 "> </ div > ' ' </ div> </ div> ';}} mtdropdownset.registry = []; function mtdropdownset (iDirection, ileft, itop, IreferencePoint) {</p> <p>This.addMenu = addMenu; this.showmenu = showMenu; this.HideMenu = HideMenu; this.hide = hide;</p> <p>var menus = []; var _this = this; var current = null; this.index = mtDropDownSet.registry.length; mtDropDownSet.registry [this.index] = this; function addMenu (oActuator) {var m = new mtDropDown (oActuator iDirection, Ileft, ITOP, IReferencePoint, this); Menus [Menus.Length] = m; Return M;} Function Showmenu (OMENU) {if (Omenu! = CURRENT) {</p> <p>IF (current! = null) Hide (current);</p> <p>Current = Omenu;</p> <p> ();} else {</p> <p>Cancelhide (Omenu);}} Function Hidemenu (Omenu) {</p> <p>IF (current == omenu&&omenu.isopen) {</p> <p>IF (! Omenu.hidetimer) ScheduleHide (Omenu);}} Function ScheduleHide (Omenu) {</p> <p>Omenu.onqueue (); Omenu.hidetimer = WINDOW.SETTIMEOUT ("MtdropdownSet.Registry [" _this.index "] .hide (mtdropdown.registry [" Omenu.index "])", mtdropdown.hidedlay); } Function Cancelhide (Omenu) {</p> <p>IF (Omenu.hidetimer) {WINDOW.HIDetimer; Omenu.hidetimer = NULL;}} Function Hide (OMENU) {if (! Omenu && current) Omenu = current; if (Omenu && current == omenu&&&& Omenu.isopen) {</p> <p>Cancelhide; current = null; omenu.hidetimer = null; Omenu.Hide ();}}}</p> <p>function mtDropDownItem (sText, sUrl, oParent) {this.toString = toString; this.text = sText; this.url = sUrl; this.parentMenu = oParent; function toString (bDingbat) {var sDingbat = bDingbat mtDropDown.dingbatOff:? mtDropDown .spacerGif; var iEdgePadding = mtDropDown.itemPadding mtDropDown.menuPadding; var sPaddingLeft = "padding:" mtDropDown.itemPadding "px; padding-left:" iEdgePadding "px;" var sPaddingRight = "padding:" mtDropDown .Itempadding "PX; Padding-Right:" IEDGEPAdding "PX;" Return '<tr class = "item"> <TD NOWRAP style = "' spaddingleft '"> stext ' </ td> </ tr> '; <td widt ' </ td> <td width = "14" style = "' spaddingright '"> </ td> </ tr> '; ->} }</p> <p>Function Accelimation (from, to, time, zip) {if (typeof zip == "undefined") zip = 0; if (typeOf unit == "undefined") Unit = "PX"; this.x0 = from; this. X1 = TO; this.dt = Time; = -zip; this.unit = unit; this.timer = null; this.onend = new function (); this.onframe = new function ();}</p> <p>Accelimation.prototype.start = function () {this.t0 = new date (). Gettime (); this.t1 = this.t0 this.dt; var dx = this.x1 - this.x0; this.c1 = THIS.X0 ((1 * DX / 3); this.c2 = this.x0 (2 * DX / 3); Accelimation._Add (this);}</p> <p>Accelimation.prototype.stop = function () {accelimation._remove (this);}</p> <p>Accelimation.prototype._paint = function (time) {if (time <this.t1) {var Elapsed = Time - this.t0; this.onframe (accelimation._getbezier (Elapsed / this.dt, this.x0, this.x1 , this.c1, this.c2);} else this.prototype._end = function () {accelimation._remove (this); this.onframe (this.x1); this.onend }</p> <p>Accelimation._add = function (o) {var index = this.instances.Length; this.instances [index] = O;</p> <p>IF (this.instances.Length == 1) {this.timerid = WINDOW.SETINTERVAL ("Accelimation._paintall ()", this.targetres);}}</p> <p>Accelimation._remove = function (o) {for (var i = 0; i <this.instances.length; i ) {if (o == this.instances [i]) {this.instances = this.instances.slice 0, i) .concat (this.instances.slice); Break;}}</p> <p>IF (this.instances.Length == 0) {WINDOW.CLARINTERVAL (THIS.TIMERID); this.timerid = null;}}</p> <p>Accelimation._paintall = function () {var now = new date (). Gettime (); for (var i = 0; i <this.instances.length; i ) {this.instances [i] ._ Paint (now); }</p> <p>Accelimation._b1 = function (t) {RETURN T * T * T} accelimation._b2 = function (t) {RETURN 3 * T * t * (1-t)} Accelimation._b3 = function (t) {return 3 * T * (1-t) * (1-t)} accelimation._b4 = function (t) {RETURN (1-T) * (1-t) * (1-t)}</p> <p>Accelimation._getBezier = function (percent, startPos, endPos, control1, control2) {return endPos * this._B1 (percent) control2 * this._B2 (percent) control1 * this._B3 (percent) startPos * this._B4 (percent);</p> <p>Accelimation.instances = []; accelimation.targetres = 10; accelimation.timerid = null; // -></p> <p>Dropdown_initialize.js -------------------------------------! - VAR preloaded = [];</p> <p>For (var i = 1; i <= 6; i ) {preloaded [i] = [loadingimage (i "-0.gif"), loadImage (i "-1.gif")];} function init ) {</p> <p>IF (mtdropdown.issupported ()) {mtdropdown.initialize ();</p> <p>Menu1.onactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button1", preloaded [1] [1] .src)}; menu1.ondeactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button1", preloaded [1] [0] .src) }</p> <p>Menu2.onactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button2", preloaded [2] [1] .src)}; menu2.ondeactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button2", preloaded [2] [0] .src) }</p> <p>Menu3.onactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button3", preloaded [3] [1] .src)}; menu3.ondeactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button3", preloaded [3] [0] .src) }</p> <p>Menu4.onactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button4", preloaded [4] [1] .src)}; menu4.ondeactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button4", preloaded [4] [0] .src) }</p> <p>Menu5.onactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button5", preloaded [5] [1] .src)}; menu5.ondeactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button5", preloaded [5] [0] .src) }</p> <p>Menu6.onactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button6", preloaded [6] [1] .src)}; menu6.ondeactivate = function () {swapimage ("Button6", preloaded [6] [0] .src) };}}</p> <p>Function loadImage (sfilename) {var img = new image (); img.src = "images /" sfilename; returnim;</p> <p>Function swapimage (imgname, sfilename) {document.Images [imgname] .src = sfilename;} // -></p> <p>DropDown_content.js -------------------------------------! - // Define the drop-down menu address, To add the number of columns of the drop-column, add it it yourself (MtDropDown.issupported ()) {</p> <p>Var ms = new mtdropdownset (mtdropdown.direction.down, 0, 0, mtdropdown.reference.bottomlease);</p> <p>VAR menu1 = ms.addMenu ("Menu1")); Menu1.AddItem ("Web Development", " ASP? Roomid = 3 & Typenum = 1 & Whichpage = 1 "); menu1.additem (" Web Development "," = 1 & WhichPage = 1 "); Menu1.additem (" Web Development "," " ); Menu1.additem ("Web Development", ""); menu1.additem ("Web Development", ""); menu1.additem ("Web Development" ""); var menu2 = ms.addMenu (Document.GtelementByid ("Menu2 ")); Menu2.additem (" Multimedia / Design "," Enum = 1 & WhichPage = 1 "); Menu2.Additem (" Multimedia / Design "," 1 "); Menu2.additem (" Multimedia / Design "," "); Menu2.additem ("Multimedia / Design", "</p> <p>" "; var menu3 = ms.addmenu (Document.getElementByid ("Menu3") ); Menu3.additem ("Web Development", ""); menu3.additem ("Web Development", ""); Menu3.AddItem ("Web Development" ""); menu3.addItem ("Web Development", "http: / /EXPERT.9CBS.NET/EXPERT/forum.asp?url=/expert/forumslist.asp?roomid=3&typenum=1&whichpage=1 "); Menu3.addItem (" Web Development "," http: //expert.9cbs. NET / EXPERT / FORUM.ASP? URL = / esrt / forumslist.asp? Roomid = 3 & Typenum = 1 & WhichPage = 1 "); Menu3.Additem (" Web Development "," .asp? url = / example / forumslist.asp? roomid = 3 & Typenum = 1 & Whichpage = 1 ");</p> <p>Var menu4 = ms.addMenu (Document.GtelementByid ("Menu4")); Menu4.Additem ("21st Century Mailbox", ""); Menu4.Additem ("21st Century Mailbox", ""); Menu4.additem ("21st Century Mailbox", ""); Menu4.Additem ("21st Century Mailbox", "http: / / "); Menu4.Additem (" 21st Century Mailbox "," ");</p> <p>VAR menu5 = ms.addmenu ("Menu5"); Menu5.AddItem ("Web Development", " ASP? Roomid = 3 & Typenum = 1 & Whichpage = 1 "); menu5.additem (" Web Development "," http:/ = 1 & WhichPage = 1 "); Menu5.Additem (" Web Development "," " ); Menu5.additem ("Web Development", ""); menu5.addItem ("Web Development", ""); menu5.additem ("Web Development" ""); menu5.addItem ("Web Development," http: / /EXPERT.9CBS.NET/EXPERT/forum.asp?url=/expert/forumslist.asp?roomid=3&typenum=1&whichpage=1 "); menu5.addItem (" Web Development, "http: //expert.9cbs. NET / EXPERT / FORUM.ASP? 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