Tracking tag full Raiders

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

Track tag

An overview Tracking Tags for temporarily set specific features or shut down specific behaviors

Second classification

1. Track tag recorded by BOL

Description 260 Prints the version information about the extended stored procedure dynamic link library (DLL). For more information on __getxpversion (), see Creating an extended stored procedure.

1204 Returns the type of locks involved in the deadlock and the current affected command. Supplement This parameter will write related information (lock type, SQL query, etc.) generated by the deadlock (lock type, SQL query, etc.) to Error log

2528 Disable objects of objects via DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CheckFileGroup and DBCC CheckTable. By default, the parallelism is automatically determined by the query processor. The maximum parallelism configuration is the same as parallel queries. For more information, see the Max Degree Of Parallelism option. Typically, parallel DBCC should be reserved as enabled. When performing DBCC CHECKDB, the query processor re-evaluates and automatically adjusts the parallelism and checks each table or a batch of tables. Sometimes, check may be done when the server is in actual idle state. If the administrator knows that the load will increase before the check end, it may be desirable to reduce or disable the parallelism.

However, disabling parallel inspections can cause overall performance of the database to decrease. Reduce the parallelism will increase the amount of transaction must be scanned. This increased the demand for Tempdb space and caused the time required for DBCC to perform nonlinearity. If the Tablock function is enabled and the parallelism is turned off upon running the DBCC, the table may be locked longer. 3205 By default, if the tape drive supports hardware compression, the DUMP or Backup statement uses this feature. With this tracking mark, the hardware compression of the tape driver can be disabled. This item is useful when switching tapes with other sites or tape drives that do not support compression.

Untrusted tracking mark 8602 can make the specified index of the declaration in the SQL Server ignore the statement

8785 Disabling all Casoscript (All Locking Hints)

8722 Disabling other types of statements that display declarations (Primary Hints in the Option CLAUSE)

3605 writes the result of other tracking tags to Error log

1200 Display detailed lock information

1206 Show other lock information by deadlock, to supplement 1204

2509 Connection to DBCC CheckTable View all quantities of the stack record

3502 Take additional information of the system error log when the inspection point triggers

3607 Skip all databases automatic recovery

3608 Skip automatic recovery of all databases outside the main database

8687 makes concurrent queries cannot be performed

How to use three tracking markers

1. Set the tracking tag with DBCC Traceon

Example: 8602 Tag Use Use Northwindgoselect * from [Order Details] Where ProductID = 59 Execution Plan Display Use Gathering Index

If you specify the use of the index using Select * from [ORDER DETAILS] (INDEX = ProductID) Where ProductID = 59 execution plan display first scan non-aggregation index, this statement will reduce query efficiency

Now use 8602 to ignore the use of DBCC Traceon (8602) goselect * from [ORDER DETAILS] (INDEX = ProductID) where productId = 59, the execution plan display has been ignored to the use of non-aggregated indexes.

2. Enterprise Manager -> Server Name -> Properties -> General Page -> Start Parameters -> Add Track Mark Format to TXXXX, XXXX - Tag code, determine if you need to restart SQL service after saving is changed to take effect, SQL Will apply preset tracking tags 3. Setting up the tracking tag in the command prompt Next example display how to open the tracking mark 3205sqlservr -d "C: / Program Files / Microsoft SQL Server / MSSQL / DATA / MASTER.MDF under the command prompt "-T3205

4. Yes: Control Panel -> Services -> MSSQLServer-> Properties -> Regular -> Startup Parameters Enter

5. Disable Tracking Mark DBCC TRACEOFF

Status of four-point tracking mark DBCC TraceStatus

DBCC TraceStatus (-1) Displays the status of all tracking tags currently enabled

DBCC TRACESTATUS (8602) Displays the state of the 8602 mark

Example: Open the first connection Using DBCC Traceon (8602) Open the second connection Using DBCC Traceon (8785) Returns the first connection to use DBCC TraceStatus (-1) Tracs TRACEFLAG STATUS 8602 1 8785 2


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