How to create a hyperlink with a pop-up window to view the details:
This article comes from a loyal DotNetJunkie suggestion. He initially sent an email to us, asking us to give an example to explain how to set up a new window that displayed in Details when the user clicks in DataGrid. The chain list. Before we replied to him, he had provided us with a way and suggested that we write a tutorial. So this article. This article contains two WebForms and a CSS first WebForm contains a DataGrid, which shows a product in the Northwind database and hyperlinks written "Seedetails". As long as you click on this link, you will call JavaScript's Window.Open method to open a new window. In a URL contains the Query String parameter of the product of the product you want to know in detail. In the second WebForm, it is another DataGrid that shows all the details of the product selected by the user. Let us now look at Webform1.aspx and WebForm1.aspx.cs.
Webform1.aspx <% @ page language = "c #" autoeventwireup = "false" inherits = "Howtos.DataGrid.popupwindow.Webform1"%>
limited> head>