Install Samba's experience on Fedora

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

This article is just a personal experience, please correct if there is a mistake. This article does not discuss what is Samba.


1. First look for the Samba RPM package in Fedora (optional)

RPM -QA | GREP "Samba"

Note: If you want to uninstall an existing RPM package, you can do the following instructions:


2. Go Download Samba-3.0.3-5.i386.rpm, Samba-Client-3.0. 3-5.I386.RPM, and Samba-Common-3.0.3-5.i386.rpm three RPM packages.

3. Upgrade Samba-Common RPM to 3.0.3-5

RPM -UVH Samba-Common-3.0.3-5.i386.rpm

4. Install SAMBA 3.0.3-5 and Samba-Client

Rpm -i samba-3.0.3-5.i385.rpm

RPM -I Samba-Client-3.0.3-5.i386.rpm

Note: If you have successfully installed Samba, there will be a "SMB" shell script file in the "/etc/rc.d/init.d" directory.

5. Execute the "ChkConfig --List" instruction to detect if the SMB Service is already in the Fedora's service list.

6. If not, add the SMB Service with "ChkConfig --Add SMB".

7. Use the "ChkConfig --level 35 SMB On" instruction to open the Samba Service at the third and fifth run levels (do not know if the specific details are not related). This way, each Fedora restart will automatically open the Samba Service.

8. Form a /etc/samba/smb.conf file. Here is my SMB.conf example:


Workgroup = Workgroup

Server string = my-serv

Netbios name = my-serv

Log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

Max log size = 50

Security = user

Encrypt passwords = yes

SMB Passwd File = / etc / samba / smbpasswd

Unix Password Sync = YES

Passwd program = / usr / bin / passwd% u

Passwd chat = * new * password *% N / N * Retype * new * password *% n / n * passwd: * all * authentication * tokens * updated * successful all *

Pam Password Change = YES

Obey Pam Restrictions = YES

Socket Options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF = 8192 SO_SNDBUF = 8192

Wins Support = YES

DNS Proxy = NO

# ======================== s d definitions ========================= ==== [homes]

Comment = Home Directories

Browseable = no

Writable = yes

Valid users =% s

Create Mode = 0664

Directory mode = 0775


PATH = / public

Public = yes


Writable = yes

Printable = NO

9. Run "TestParm" to detect if the SMB.conf file is wrong.

10. Execute "Service SMB Restart to restart Samba.

11. Confirm that FireWall of Fedora does not disable Samba's file sharing.


1. Your PC must be in "Workgroup" this group, which is determined by Workgroup = Workgroup in smb.conf.

2. Open My Network Places under My Computer. Under "Workgroup", you should find MY-Serv.

3. Map "L:" Drive to // my-serv / homes, "l:" Drive puts your personal information, others have no passwords that cannot be accessed.

4. Map "P:" to // my-serv / public, "p:" Drive stores a public file.

Since then, you will be able to share files between Fedora and Windows.


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