Unlimited Directory Tree + Memory Node (ASP + Access)

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

Directory tree borrowed from netizens IUHXQ, thank IUHXQ code to me.

Features: 1, unlimited level node. 2, directly generate HTML code, easy to modify. 3, the catalog is clear, similar to the resource manager, (9CBS Forum, the number of layers is not easy to distinguish between levels). 4, memory node status, humanity.

Demonstration: http://www.yemaweb.com/demo/tree/

Download: http://www.yemaweb.com/demo/tree/tree.rar

The core code is as follows:

<% Time11 = TIMER () set conn = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") Connstr = "dbq =" server.mappath ("db1.mdb") "; defaultdir =; driver = {Microsoft Access Driver * .mdb)}; "conn.open converstrfunction menu (id) set = server.createObject (" adoDb.recordset ") SQL =" SELECT * from menu where id1 = "& id" ot, id "rsopen SQL, CONN, 1, 1 if rs.recordcount = 0 Then Rs.close set = Nothing exit function end if response.write ("

") i = 1 While Not Rs.eof if len (RS ("URL"))> 0 Then if i = rs.Recordcount Then MenuType = "file1" else menutype = "file" end if Menuname = " & RS (" Menuname ") &"
" class = "<% = menutype%>" OnMouse Up = "<% = onMouseup%>> <% = mename%> "Style =" Display: None " > <


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