Chapter 14. Standard element

zhaozj2021-02-16  65

Standard elements are keywords predefined for constraints, constructors and labels. They represent the concept of universal utility, which does not have sufficient importance or with core concepts to be included in the UML core concept. The relationship between them and the UML core concept is like a built-in subscriber library and a programming language. They are not part of the core language, but they are part of the environment that the user can rely on this language. The list also includes a keyword that represents a keyword of other model elements, but represents a built-in model element instead of a structural key. List the representation symbols for keywords. In Chapter 13, there is a cross-reference in the vocabulary. 1. Access (Acess) (authorized dependent structure type) Two packets between two packets depending on the public content of the target package for the namespace of the source package. See Access (Acess). 2. Association (constructor of associated endpoint) applies a constraint on the associated endpoint (including the endpoint of the link, the endpoint of the associated role), and the corresponding example is visible through an actual association, not an icon. Parameters or local variables are passing through the temporary chain. See association, associated endpoint, associated role (Association Role). 3. Become (strengthening the stream contact) Its source and target represent the construnce dependencies of the same instance of different time points, but the source and target have potentially different values, state instances, and roles. A to B is dependent on a different time instance A in time / space to become B, which may have a new value, state instance, and role. The expanded representation is a virtual arrow from the source to the target with keyword Become. See the becomes. 4. Binding (BIND) (Keywords on the Symbol) represents the keywords on the binding link. It is followed by a list of comma-divided parameters from parentheses. See Binding, Bind Element, Template. 5. Call (CALL) (using a dependent structure) source is an operation and the target is also a constructor dependence. Call the dependency declaration of the source operation to stimulate the target operation. The call reliance can connect the source operation to any target operation within the range, including the operation of the closed category and other visible types, but is not limited to these operations. See call (Call), use (USUGE). 6. Complete (generalized constraint) applied to a constraint of general sets, stating that all children have been declared (although there may be omitted) and additional children should not be declared later. See generization 7. Copy (Copy) source and goals are different instances, but with the same value, state instances, and roles. The replication dependence from A to B means that B is a precise copy of A. Characteristics in A must not be reflected in B. The replication representation is a slave from the origin to the target with keyword COPY. See Access (Acess), copy (COPY). 8. Creating (constructor of behavior) A constructor behavior feature, indicating an example of a specified feature to generate the feature attached to the feature. (Contemporary Type of Event) A constructive event that represents an instance that encapsulates the state machine for the event type. Create only initial conversion of the top layer of the state. In fact, this is the only trigger source that can act on initial conversion. (Use dependent structure type) creation is to indicate the construnce of the customer class to create an instance of the provider class element, use (USUGE). 9. Derive (Abstract Dependencies) Sources and targets are usually the same type of construnce, but not necessarily always the same type. Delivery dependence claims can be obtained from the target. The source can be achieved for design reasons such as efficiency, although logically it is redundant.

See DeriVation, export the element (Derived Element). 10. Destroyed (constructor of behavior) Indicates that the specified feature destrorates a constructor behavior characteristic of one instance of the class attached to the feature. (Event Treatment) means a structural event that is destroyed by an instance of the state machine that encapsulates the event type. See destruction. 11. DESTROYED (Constraints on Class Role and Connected Roles) indicates that the role example is destroyed before the end of the enclosed interaction. See association role (Association Role), Classifier Role, COLLABORATION, Destruction. 12. DISJOINT (generalized constraint) acts on the constraint of the generalization collection, statement that the object cannot be a plurality of children in the general set. This situation will only appear in more inheritance. See Generalization 13. Document (constructor of components) represents a structured component of a document. See Components 14. Documentation (Tags on Elements) Note, description, or explanation of the attached element. See Note, string 15. Enumeration (keyword on the key symbol) Enumerates the keyword of the data type, its details declare the domain consisting of a gather collection, those The identifier is the possible value of the instance of the data type. See an enumeration 16. Executable (constructor of the component) represents a configuration component of a program that can run on a node. See Component 17. Extend (Keywords on the Symbol) represents the keywords on the dependent symbols of the extension connection between the use cases. See Extend 18. Facade (package constructor) only contains a reference for reference to the elements of other packages. It is used to provide a public view of certain contents of a package. The virtual package does not contain any of its own model elements. Search (package) 19. File (components) file is a structural component that represents a document containing source code or data. See Component 20. Framework (package constructor) contains a pattern of constructor packages. See the package. 21. Friend (authorized) (authorized dependence type) A structure-dependent dependence, its source is a model element, such as operation, class, or package, and the goal is a different package model element, such as a class or package. Friends contact authorized source access targets, regardless of the claimed visibility. It expands the visibility of the source, allowing the target to see the inside of the source. See Access (Access), Friend, Visibility 22. Global (Global) (constructor of associated endpoint) is applied to associated endpoints (including link endpoints and associated role endpoints), declarations The attached object has a global range compared to the object of the other end. See association, associated endpoint, collaboration 23. Implementation (generalized structure type) a structural generalization, indicating that customers inherit the provider's implementation (its properties, operation And methods), but do not use the provider's interface to publicize, nor to ensure support for these interfaces, therefore violates alternative. This is a private inheritance.

See generization, private inhitance 24. ImplementationClass (type constructor) a structure type class, it is not a type, which represents a class of a class of programming languages. An object can be an instance of an implementation class (up to one). Instead, an object can be an example of multiple common classes at the same time, get or lose classes over time. Examples of implementing classes can also be zero or multiple types of instances. See Implementation Class, Type 25. Implicity (IMPLICIT) (Implicit) (Implicit) (Implicit) (Implicit) Connected Connection Not Implemented (just conceptually). See Association 26. Introduction (IMPORT) (authorized dependent structure type) Two packages depending on, indicating that the common element of the target package is added to the namespace of the source package. See Access, Import 27. Contains (IMPORT) (keywords on the dependency) indicates the keywords on the dependent symbols containing contacts between the use cases. See "Include". Incomplete (Incomplete) is incomplete is a constraint applied to a general set, which states that all children have been declared, and there is also an additional child. See the Generalization 29 (INSTANCEO) (Keywords on the Symbol) The source is an instance and the target is a source connection. This reliance from A to B means A is an example of B. Its representation is a virtual arrow with keyword instanceof. See the descriptor, instance, instance of the instantiate (instantiate) (using the dependent structure type) type element, which indicates that the customer's operation creation provider Example. See Instantiation, use (USUGE) 31. Invariant (constraint-constrained structure) must be attached to a constraint constraint on a class or contact collection. It indicates the conditions that must be constrained for class or contacts and their instances. See invariant 32. Leaf (Leaf) (lycope and behavioral characteristics) cannot have an element that cannot be overloaded, ie not a polymorphic element. See leaf (LEAF), Polymorphic 33. library (components) represents a structural component of static or dynamic library. See Component 34. Local (Local) associated endpoints, link endpoints, or constructors of the associated role endpoint, which declares that the attached object is in the partial range of the other end object. See association, associated endpoint, collaboration, transient link 35. Location (label on the class symbol) Supports components of this type. (Keywords on the component instance symbol) Component instance of the node instance. See Component, Location, Node 36. Metclass (Metclass) (Tycles) (Tycles) A ​​structural type element, indicating that this class is a class of other classes. Meetaclass 37. New (New) (constraints on class roles and associated roles) indicate that the role is created during the closed interaction execution, still exists after the execution is executed.

See Association Role, COLLABORATION, Creating 38. Overlapping (Overde Constraint) Applying to a general set of integration, it declares a Objects can be an example of multiple children in the general set. This situation only appears in multiple inheritance or multiple classes. See Generalization 39. Parameter (constructor of associated endpoint) associated endpoints (including link endpoints and associated role endpoints), which declares that the attached object is called for the other end object operation. A parameter. See Association Role, COLLABORATION, Parameter, Transient Link Chain (Persistence) (Tags on Cylindrical, Association, and Properties) Is an instance value longer than the process of generating it. The value is lasting or temporary. If lasting is used on the properties, you can better determine if the property value should be saved in the class. See a persistent object 41. Postcondition (constraint structure) must be attached to a constructor constraint. It indicates that the condition must be maintained after the operation is thrown. See the postcondition 42. Strong Type (Tympering Treatment) A structural type element, indicating that the class is a class class, and the instance of the category is a subclass of other classes. (Relying on keywords on the symbol) The customer is a general set of integration and the provider is a strong type of contact. The provider is a strong type of customer. See Strong Type 43. Precondition (constrained structure) must be attached to an operational structure constraint to stimulate this condition to be held. See the precondition 44. Process (Tympering Treatment) A construction type element, which is a proactive class representing the weight process. See Active Class, Process, Thread 45. Refine (Abstract Dependent Treatment) represents a constructor on the dependencies of refinement links. See refinement 46. Requirement (constructor of annotation) declares duties or constructor. See demand (responibility) 47. Responsibility (Note The structure of the constructed type) class is protocol or obligation. It is expressed as a text string. See responsibilities (SELF) (Self) (constructor of associated endpoint) associated endpoints (including link endpoints and associated role endpoints), declare a pseudocene link from the object to its own, the purpose is The operation of the interaction acts on the same object. It does not imply the actual data structure. See Association Role, COLLABORATION, Parameter, Transient Link 49. Semantic (Semantics) (Tags on Cylinders) statement. (Operational label) Declaration of the meaning of the operation. See Semantics 50. Send (SEND) (using dependencies) Its customers are an operation or class, which is a structure of a signal, which declares that the customer sends a signal to an unknown target.


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