Chapter 13 Surgery (2)

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25. Analysis analysis is the stage of system capture requirements and problems. Analysis is focused on what to do, and the design focuses on how to do it. During an iterative process, each stage does not have to be performed continuously. This effect of this phase is represented by the analysis layer model (especially with examples and static views). Comparison: Analysis, Design, Implementation and Deployment. See Stages of Modeling, Development Process. 26. Analysis Time Analysis Time is the time when the analysis activity is executed during the software development. Don't assume that all analyzes of a system are at the same time or before other activities, such as design and implementation. For any independent elements, various activities are continuous, but different activities different from the entire system can be mixed. See Design Time, Modeling Time. 27. Ancestor (ancestor) ancestor is an element established by one or more parent relationship paths. See generation, Parent. 28. Architecture (architecture) frame is a systematic organizational structure, including various parts of the system, their connectivity, interactive mechanism, and notification system design. See Package. Semantic architecture is a collection of important decisions on software system organizations, including structural elements and interfaces of interfaces that connect these elements, large-scale organizations of structural elements, and topologies for their connection, and behaviors described in the collaboration of elements Important mechanisms that are valid throughout the system, guiding their organization's structural style. For example, deciding to establish a system, each layer contains a certain number of subsystems, which communicate in a special manner, and the decision is determined. Software architecture is not only structural and behaviors, but also involves use, function, implementation, elasticity, reuse, understandability, economic and technical constraints, and comprehensive, aesthetics. The framework for system decomposition can be discussed can be described by model, subsystem, package, and component. The dependencies between these elements are the main indicators of constructive adaptability and modifying the level of system. Another major part of the architecture is that it is preparing to build a mechanism on it. These can be obtained by collaboration and mode. Non-structured decisions can be illustrated by tag values. 29. Argument parameters are specific values ​​corresponding to parameters. See Binding, Parameters, Substituablility Principle. The running instance of the semantic message has a parameter table, each of which must match the declaration type of the corresponding parameters in the signal or operational declaration. This value is compatible if a value of a value or data type is the same as the parameter's declaration type or its descendants. Through the replacement principle, a descendant value can be used in any way to declare the ancestor type. The implementation of a value depends on the emulator or its execution environment. In collaboration or state machine, the expression appears in action. In these expressions, calls and messages require parameter description. These parameters are also expressions. When these expressions are calculated at runtime, they must calculate values ​​consistent with their matching declaration parameters. However, in the template binding, the parameters in the UML model appear in the modeling time. In this case, the parameters represent an expression represented by a language (usually constraint language or programming language). Template parameters can only include ordinary data values ​​and objects, but also include the type element itself. In the latter case, the corresponding parameter type must be a class or other element type. The value of the template parameter must be determined when modeling, it cannot be used to represent the runtime. Do not use templates if the parameters do not have the moderation time being limited. 30. Artifact products are a piece of information produced by the software development process, such as an external document or work product. Products can be a model, description, or software.

31. Association If there is a connection between several types of instances, the semantic relationship between these types is associated. See Association Class, Association, Binary Association, n-ary association. Semantic relationship is the relationship between two or more specific classes, which describes the connection of instances of these types. Participation is in order in the associated position. In one association, the same class can appear in multiple locations. Each instance (link) of associated is an ordered list of reference objects, an associated epitaxy, is a collection of this link. A number of objects given in the link collection can occur, or in the case of associated definitions allow multiple times in the same chain (in different locations). The association will organize a system, if it is not associated, there is only one collection without connection classes. Structure associations can have a name, but most of its description is built in associated endpoints, each endpoint describes the participation of associated mid-class objects. The associated endpoint is only part of the associated description, not a semantic or available symbol representation. * Name. Associations can have a name that it must be unique in all associations and classes containing the package (associated classes are both an association and a class, so the association and classes share the same namespace). The association does not have to have a name that the role name of its endpoint provides another way to distinguish multiple associations in the same class. According to the habit, the name is read in the order that appears in the table: Person is working; Salesman sells CAR to consumers. * Associated endpoint. The association contains an ordered table with multiple associated endpoints (that is, these endpoints can be distinguished and are not alternative). Each associated endpoint defines the participation of a class (role) of a given location in the association. The same class can appear in multiple locations, and the location is usually unswiguked. Each associated endpoint is specified for the participation characteristics of the corresponding object, such as how many times (multiplex) occurs in the link in the link. Certain features, such as navigation is only applied to binary associations, but most of them can be applied to N-element associations. See association ends. The instance chain is an associated example. It contains slots for each associated endpoint, each other than the object table, the slot contains a reference to an object, which is an (direct or indirect) example as a class corresponding to the associated endpoint. The chain has no identity. The chain of associated epitaxial constitutes a collection, there is no copy there in this. An object appears in a chain collection must be consistent with the multiplex of each endpoint, for example, associated Soldtickets will connect multiple tickets with a show, then each ticket is only once in a chain, but Each show can appear multiple times, each time a different ticket. The chain can be created and destroyed during the system execution, obeying each associated endpoint can modify restriction. In some cases, the chain can be created or changed from an object of one end of the associated endpoint without doing the same thing from the other end. A chain is created from a set of object references. The chain does not have its own identity, so discussing that it is meaningless to change its value. However, it can be destroyed, creating a new chain to replace it. An associated class chain, in addition to one or more attribute values ​​that define a set of objects, and attribute values ​​can be changed by operations in the case where the reference to the object is maintained. Indicates that the binary relationship is represented by a solid line path of two type boundaries (as shown in Figure 13-22), and the N-element association is represented by a diamond, and the diamond is connected to each of the copies involved in each of them. See -129 (omitted in binary correlation). Multiple endpoints can be connected to a separate class.

The path contains one or more associated solid lines, usually a straight line, but also allows arcs and other curves, especially when a self-association (ie, multiple associations that appear multiple times). Each separate portion does not have a semantic meaning. The style of the line is selected by the user. See Path. The endpoint of the path has a modifier symbol that describes the participation of associated mid-class. Some modified symbols are located between the terminals of the path, lines and class symbols. If there are multiple symbols, they are placed in the order of the endpoints from the line to the order of the class symbols - navigation arrows, polymerization / combined diamonds, qualifiers (as shown in Figure 13-23). Other modifiers, such as name tags, are placed next to those they are confirmed. The role name is placed outside the path endpoint. Figure 13-22 Sequence of modifiers of the associated diagram 13-23 Related Enders 13-24 The name of the associated name associated name is placed next to the path, but away from one end of the associated, this will not cause confusion (confusing danger to humanity In terms of visual, in a graphics tool, the relevant symbols can be connected to each other with a clear internal hyperlink). The associated name can be dragged from a portion to another in a plurality of connections without a semantic conflict. The associated name can indicate the order in the table with a small solid triangle. Intuitively, the name arrow indicates how to read the name. In Figure 13-24, the associated Works for the class Person and class company has a name triangle from Person to Company, which can read "Artificial Company Work". Note that the order of the name is purely a symbolized device that is used to indicate the order of associated endpoints. In the model, the endpoint is essentially orderly, so the name in the model does not require the order characteristics. The associated structure is represented by placing the structure type in small double polar brackets, it is placed before or replaces the associated name. The characteristic table can be placed behind or below the associated name. Associated class We connect class symbols to the associated path with dashed lines to represent associated classes. For the N-element association, the dashed line is connected to the associated rhombus. The characteristics of the related classes in the association represent in the symbol of the class, and the characteristics of the association are represented on the path. However, even if the graphic is composed of two graphs, the basic modeling structure is also a single element. Detail association class. The different or constrained {xor} constraint connects two or more associations that connect to a separate class (base class) at a certain end. An example of a base class can be involved in one of the associations of the constraint connection. You must notice the multiplexes selected. If any associated multiplegens include the base 0, an example of the base class may not be related to the associated connection, otherwise it must have one. Different or constrained dashed lines represent two or more associated dashed lines, all associations must have a public class, and the constraint string {xor} is identified by the dotted line (as shown in Figure 13-25). The role name away from the common class must be different (this is just a predefined use of constraint representation by using standard constraints overlap). Figure 13-25 Different or associated discussions don't need to have a name. Usually the role name is more convenient because they provide names for navigation and coding generation, and avoid how to read names. If it has a name, then the name must be unique in its pack. If there is only one association between two classes, the class name is sufficient for determining the association. When there is a name in the real world, the association is more useful, such as Marriage or Job. When the associative name is specified in accordance with a given direction, only the character name is better, so that it does not have ambiguity. See Temporarily Connection We can get discussion of instance relationships that model only during process execution. See an example of the generalization of the components involving two associations. Implicit, permanent (Persistence), Different or (XOR). Association (binary) association (binary) is a binary association.

Association (ND) ASSociation (N-ary) See n-ary assistation. 32. Association class association class is both associated and class. Associated classes have the characteristics of association and classes. Its instance is a connection between attribute values ​​and references to other objects. Although its symbols include associated and class symbols, it is indeed a separate model element. See Association, class. Semantic Association classes have the characteristics of associations and classes, which connects multiple classes and properties and operations. When each chain must have its own attribute value, operation, or reference to the object, the association class is useful. It can be seen as a class with special classes to each associated endpoint, which is a clear and usual way to implement it. Examples of each associated class have object references and the attribute values ​​illustrated by the class section. The associated class C of connection classes A and class B is different from class D with binary relationships with A and B, (see the discussion part). Like all connections, a connection of associated classes like C is obtained from object references. The attribute value does not involve providing the identity. So even if their attribute values ​​are distinguished, the two connects cannot have the same (A, b) object pair because they do not have the same identity. That is, given attributes E, not allowed (A, B, E1) and (A, B, E2) are all examples of C, as they share the same identity (A, B). However, there is an inherent identity of the object, so two objects may have the same attribute value or a connection to the same object. That is, an association includes associated classes like C, is a sequence table collection and there is no copy in its object reference; however, the implied relationship like D is more like a package, which can have a copy. See the discussion. Associated classes can be operated, which can change the attributes of the connection or increase the connection itself and remove it. Because the association class is also a class, it can also participate in the associated itself. The association class can do not use itself as one of the participating classes (although some people can find out the meaning of this recursive structure. Figure 13-26 Related class representation method is expressed as a class symbol (rectangle), by a dashed line Connect to the associated path (as shown in Figure 13-26). The name of the class symbol and the name string attached to the associated road is redundant. The associated path can have a usual associated end symbol. Class symbols can have attributes and operations, As a class, it is involved in its own association. There is no symbol on the dotted line, it is not a part of a relationship and is just a part of the overall associated class symbol. Style guidelines should not be too close to the path of the path, which will not make it It looks like connecting to or connected to any role symbol on the endpoint of the path. Note that the association path and association class are independent model elements, so there is a separate name. The name can be represented on the path or in the class symbol or in both On. If the association class is only attribute but does not operate or other association, the name can be represented on the associated path and omitted from the associated class symbol in order to highlight its "associated naturality". If it has operation and other Associate, then the name is ignored from the path and put it in the category in order to highlight "class naturality". In both cases, the actual semantics does not differ. Discussion FIGURE 13-26 shows the relationship of the employment relationship The employment relationship between the company and the individual is much more. A person can have multiple work, but only one job is for the designated company. Salary is neither the company is not a personal property, because the association is more It must be the property of the relationship itself. The boss - the relationship between workers is more than just between the relationship between two people. It is the relationship between some people who are in another occupation. It is related to the relationship between people in another occupation. The association between classes and itself. The following example represents the difference between associated classes and modeling into the specificization relationship. In Figure 13-27, the owner of the stock is an adult relationship between adults and companies. The associated class property quantity represents the number of shares.

This relationship is built into associated classes because there is only one entry for any Person-Company. As shown in Figure 13-28, in order to model the purchase of stocks, we don't use the associated class because there are multiple purchases to the same person and the company. However, they must be different because each purchase is different and has its own date and price and quantity. This relationship must be embodied, that is, the distinguishable object with its own identity certificate is formed. An ordinary class is the right way to model this situation, because each purchase has their own identity, independent of the Person and Company class associated with it. Figure 13-27 Association Class Table Figure 13-28 Association 33. Association End association endpoint is a structural part of the associated endpoint, which defines participation in association. A class in the same association can be connected to multiple endpoints. The associated endpoints in the association have different positions and have names, and is usually uncommon. The associated endpoint is no longer meaningful of unlike its association independent existence. The semantic structure associated endpoint maintains a reference to a target class element. It defines the participation of classifications in association. The associated example (chain) must contain an instance of a given class or a descendant in the specified location. The descendants of the subsequent inheritance association participation. An associated endpoint has the following characteristics: AGGREGATION decision related objects are aggregated or constructed, have enumeration values ​​{none, aggRegate, Composite}. If the value is none, the association is called a gathering or a composition. The default is NONE. Only binary associations can be aggregated or constructed, and only one end can be aggregated or constructed. Changeability decises whether the connection collections related to the object can be modified, with enumeration values ​​{Changeable, Frozen, Addonly}. By default, Changeable. Interface Description (Interface Specifier) ​​Objectable Limitable for Description Types in Core Gals. MultiPlicity and an object-related object may be specified as an integer range. Navigability a Boolean value indicating whether a binary association may be converted to get an object or object collection of a class instance. The default is true. Ordering determines whether a set of irrelevant objects is ordered, the enumeration value has {urdered, ordered}. For the purpose of design, the sorted value can also be used. A Qualifier group of properties is used to select an object associated with the association. Role Name (RoleName) The name of the associated breakpoint, an identifier string. This name determines a specific role of the corresponding class within the association. The role name must be unique in the association and the direct and inheritance of the source class. Target Scope determines whether the connection is related to the object or the entire class, the enumeration value has {Instance, Classifier}. The default is Instance. Visibility Connects whether or not accessible to the opposite end of the association. The visibility is located at one end connected to the target class. Each direction of the conversion has its own visibility value. The endpoint indicating the correlation path is connected to the rectangular edge of the corresponding class symbol. The associated endpoint characteristic represents a symbol on or next to the path endpoint, which is connected to a class element symbol (Figure 13-29). The following table is a brief summary of symbols for each characteristic. To learn more about the independent chapter. Aggregation is an empty diamond in the aggregation end, which is a solid rhombus for composition. Changeability (CHANGEABILITY) is {Changeable} in the text attribute {frozen} or {addonly} of the target.

Interface Description The name suffix on the role name is: TypeName. MultiPlicity is close to the path-ended text tag, form: MIN..max. The arrow on the Navigability path endpoint indicates the direction of the navigation. If the two endpoints do not arrow, it is assumed that it is navigating in both directions. Ordering is close to the text attribute {Ordered} of the target endpoint, there is a dealer of the target class instance. Qualifier is a small rectangle between the path endpoint and the source class. The rectangle contains one or more associated properties. Rolename is close to a name label at the target. Target Scope Class Role Name is an overline unless it is an instance range. Visibility (Visibility) visibility symbol { # -} is in front of the role. If there are multiple symbols on a separate role, they are represented in the following order, read up (as shown in Figure 13-23) of the path of the path of the connection class (as shown in Figure 13-23) Limit collector gathered or constitutive symbol navigation arrow character name and multiple sex should be placed Near one end of the path, so they don't confuse with other associations. They can place any end of the online. That's more important to put them on one end of the line, but sometimes make more important. Role names and multiplex can be placed on both sides of the same role, or they can also be placed together. Figure 3-29 ASSOCIATION, Global, local (local), parameters, self (Self). 34. Association generalization is associated with generalization between two associations. See Association, Generalization. The generalization between semantics is allowed, although this is not very common. Like other generalization relationships, the descendants must be added to the parent (defined rules), and as the subset of the parent's epitaxial (collections of instances). Add to the content means adding additional limits, a sub-association has more constraints than its parent. For example, in Figure 13-30, if the parent association connects class Subject and Symbol, the sub-association can connect class Order and OrderSymbol, in which ORDER is Subject, Ordersymbol is Symbol. As an epitaxial subset means that each connection of the sub-association is a connection to the parent, but it cannot be. The above example follows this rule, any connection to ORDER and ORDERSYMBOL can also be connected to Subject and Symbol, but not all connected Subject and Symbol can connect ORDER and OrDersymbol. The method is expressed as an arrow symbol (solid line, empty triangle arrow) connects the sub-generic and parent. Arrows are in the parent. Because the line segment is connected to other line segments, the associated generalization symbol may cause confusion so it should be careful. Examples Figure 13-30 shows two special modes associated with Subject and Symbol: the association between ORDER and ORDERSYMBOL is a special case and the other is the association between Customer and Customersymbol. They all connect a Subject class and a Symbol class. The Subject-Symbol association can be regarded as an abstract association, and the two sub-associations are specific. This pair of associated connections is quite common. Standard elements are destroyed. Figure 13-30 Associated generalization 35. Association role associated role is a connection between two classifications in cooperation, which is only applicable to association between two types of elements in a particular case of cooperation.

See associations, collaboration. Semantic relational roles are only a meaning and defined association only in the case described by cooperation. It is a partial relationship as a cooperation and is not inherent in other cases. The associated role is a key part of cooperation. They allow a description of the contextual relationship. In cooperation, the elementary role represents an independent appearance of a class element, and the other declarations of this type of element and the declaration of this type of element itself. In the absence of a cooperative, it represents the limitations of the use of the base category. Similarly, the association role represents the association used in special relationships, which is usually used for ordinary associations. The associated role connects two types of element characters. When cooperation is instantiated, the object is limited to the class element role and the connection is limited to the associated role. An object can join multiple characters. The associated role connects two or more types of elevated characters or the collaborations within the collaboration. It has references to the base associated and has repetitive, indicating how many connection play characters can be played in an example of a cooperation. In some cases, some connections in cooperation can be seen as a commonly associated use between the participating classes. Cooperation represents some way to use generic associations for some purpose in cooperation. In other cases, the class element role is associated with an illegal association outside the cooperation. If an associated role does not have a clear baseline, it defines an implicit association that is only legally in cooperation. The representation of the associated role is the same as the associated representation, that is, a solid line between two types of elevated role symbols. Figure 13-31 Figure 13-31 Correlated role standard element new (New), temporary (Transient). 36. Asynchronous action asynchronous action does not require sending objects to pause to wait, it is a transmission. See Send, Synchronous Action. 37. Atomic (Atomic) Action or operation, its execution must be completed as a unit, and atoms cannot be partially executed or subject to external events. Typically, atomic operations are small and simple, for example, assignment, and simple arithmetic or string calculations. An atom calculation appears on the determination point of the execution sequence. See Action, Action, Run to complete (Run to COMPLET). Semantic entire system can perform multiple actions at the same time. If we say that action is atom, this does not mean that the entire system is atom. The system can handle hardware interrupts and timed operations between several actions. Action is atomic in its own control thread. After being excited it must perform execution and cannot interact with other simultaneous activities. The system can handle interrupts and events, but cannot affect the atomic action. But the action cannot be used as a long process mechanism. Compared to the reaction time of external events, their duration should be short-lived. Otherwise, the system cannot react in real time. 38. Attribute Properties is a description of a specific type of naming tank in the class, each object of the class stands independently of the value. The attribute in the semantic class is description of the value where the class element instance may have. Each instance of the class or its progeny has a location containing a value of a given type. All positions are different and independent of each other (except class scope attributes will be described below). If the attribute is modified, then the value of the location of the instance can be replaced by the different values ​​of the location when performing. Cyrids make up a namespace for its properties. Included in the namespace is pseudo properties, such as the associated role name of the leaving class, and the generalization discriminant containing the class. The structure attribute has several components below. See if you can modify whether the value in the rear position of the initialization can be changed, it is an enumeration value. By default, Changeable. Possible values ​​are: changeable is not limited to modification. (Default) ADDONLY add-on can be applied to a collection of attribute values.

But once it is created, the value cannot be moved or changed. (Only in maximum more severe than one time, "frozen is not changed after the object is initialized. There is no excess value to add to the value collection. The initial value of the initial value is the expression of the value, which is owned by the properties of the object after the object is initialized. The expression is a text string, including the name of the language that calculates the expression. When the object is instantiated, the expression is calculated by the context of the language. See the expression to get more details. The initial value is optional. If it is empty, the static model does not explain this value owned by the new object, but the other part of the model will provide this information. Note that a clear initialization process, such as constructor, will replace the initial value expression. The initial value of the class scope attribute is initialized once at the beginning. UML did not explain the relative order of different types of scope attribute initialization. MultiPlicity can simultaneously present the possible quantity of attribute values. The most common value "There is only one" indicates a scalar attribute. The value "zero or one" indicates an attribute with optional value. There is a difference in values ​​in the scope of attribute values ​​to other values. That is, the lack of value is different, it is an empty collection. Other multiple sex indicates potential multi-value properties. If multiplex is not a single integer, the number of values ​​owned by the property can be changed. Multiple "Many" indicates a collection of unlimited values. The name of the name (Name) property, a string, must be unique in the class and its ancestors. It must be unique in the associated role names that can be reached. The owner scope (OWNER Scope) may be different or shared by all objects of the class by the value described by the property. The former is an instance scope attribute, the latter is a class scope attribute. Most attributes are an instance scope; they hold status information for a particular object. Class scope attribute holds a complete class information; there is a separate location corresponding to the entire class. However, an instance scope attribute is a description of a value, this value until the object is instantiated. A class scope attribute represents a declaration of a separate abstract value that exists in the entire life cycle. The value held by the target scope by the property may be an instance or the class itself. The former is an instance scope, which is default. The latter is a class scope, which is not common and usually involves some element modeling. Type (Type) specifies a class or data type, the value in the location is their instance. Value may be an instance of future generations for a given class or data type. Visibility (Visibility) determines whether the attribute can be seen by other classes, enumeration values ​​have public, private, and protected. The added value can be joined when modeling a particular programming language. The indication method can represent a string that can be analyzed from grammar into different characteristics. The default syntax is: "stereotype" Opt VisibilityOpt Name MultiplicityOpt: typeopt = initial_-valueopt {property-string} OPT Visibility (Visibility). The visibility is expressed as a punctuation. The visibility in the characteristic string can be expressed as a keyword. The latter form must be used for user definitions or based on language-based selection. The defined option is: (public) publicly visible to any class that can see the class can see attributes. # (Protected) Protected class itself or any descendants you can see attributes. - (Private) The private only class itself can see the property. Name. The name is indicated as an identifier string. Type (TYPE). The type is represented as an expression string indicating the category.

The name of the class or data type is a legitimate expression string, which indicates that the value of the attribute must be a given type. Additional type syntax depends on the language of the expression. Each language has a syntax that constructs a new data type from a simple data type. For example, C has the syntax of pointers, arrays, and functions. ADA also has a somewhere. Expression language is part of an internal model, but it is usually not shown in the figure. Suppose it is known for the entire map or from its syntax. Type strings can be hidden, but it still exists in the model. MultiPlicity. Multipleness is represented as a multiplex expression contained in a square cordial arc, which is located after the attribute name. If multiplex is "only one", the expression, including square brackets, can be omitted. This means that there is only one position that holds a given type value. Otherwise, multiple sex must be expressed. See multiple times to understand the detailed representation of its grammar. For example: colors [3]: Saturation An Array of 3 SaturationSpoints [2 .. *]: Point An Array of 2 Or More Points Please pay attention to the possibility of null value - lack of value, relative A particular value in the range. The null value is not a value in most data type domains; it expands this domain with a special value outside the domain. However, for pointers, null values ​​are generally part of the implementation. The following statement allows the difference between null and empty strings, the difference supported by C and other languages. Name [0..1]: String If the name is default, it is an empty value initial value. The initial value is represented as a string. The language assigned is usually not explicitly explicit, but it exists in the model. If there is no initial value, the string and the same flag are omitted. If the attribute multiplege includes a value of 0 (optional) and there is no given initial value, the attribute begins with an null value (zero copy). Changeability. Modem modified is a keyword, if no choice is given, then the default is Changeable. Tagged Value. Zero or multiple tag values ​​can be attached to an attribute. Each tag value is represented in the form of tag = value, and the tag is the name of the label, and the value is a text value. The tag value contains the characteristic keyword, which is a characteristic table separated by a comma included by parentheses. Scope. The class scope attribute is indicated to have an underline under the name and type expression string; otherwise this attribute is an instance scope. The reason why the reason is that the class scope attribute is a value in the execution system, just like an object is an instance value, so it must be indicated by the line. Class-Scope-Attribute Figure 13-32 shows a statement of some attributes. Figure 13-32 Attribute Representation Options. The grammatical syntax of the programming language syntax is a programming language, such as C or SmallTalk. A specific tag properties can be included in a string. Style guidance attribute name is represented by a normal type interface. Discuss similar syntax for explaining restrictions, template parameters, operational parameters, and more. Note: Attributes are in semantically equivalent to a constitutive association. However, intentions and uses are usually different. Use properties for data types, ie, to use attributes without identity. Association is associated with the class, ie, the value of the identity is associated. The reason is that the relationship between the two directions, seeing the two directions; for data types, data types are often attached to objects and do not understand it.

Standard element persistence (persistence). 39. Background Information In the same figure, the appearance of class symbols in different figures may have its own representation. For example, a class symbol can represent attributes and operations and another symbol of the same class can hide them. Tools can provide a style form that is attached to each symbol or entire map. Style forms can illustrate selection, and they can apply to most symbols, not just classes. Not all modeling information can be represented by graphic symbols. Some information is preferably represented by text or table. For example, the detailed programming information is preferably represented by a text table. UML does not assume that all information in the model can be shown, and some information is only available for the table. This article does not attempt to specify the format of this table or to access them. This is because potential information has been fully described in the UML meta model, and the table information is also a task of the tool. However, assume that hidden connections can exist in graphics and tables. 40. Become becomes a stream dependency for interaction, in which the target object represents a new form of the source object, and then replaces the source object. See State Class (CLASS-IN-State), Copy, Location. Semantic becoming a dependency is a stream dependency that represents an object in interaction from another object. It represents an action of a converted object. After a stream is executed, a new object in the calculation replaces the original object. If you only use it to indicate a change in an object value, you don't have to use this relationship. Conversely, this relationship is used to represent the quality of the object, such as changes in the state, change or change of the class. In this case, the model includes two versions of the object, but the relationship indicates that they are indeed two versions of the same object at different times, ie they have the same identity. The change in interaction has a sequence number to indicate when it occurs relative to other action. The representation is expressed as a virtual arrow, and its tail is located in the early version of the object and the head is located later, the arrow holds the structure keyword "become". The arrow can have a serial number in interaction, used to indicate when to happen relative to other actions. The conversion can appear in the cooperation diagram, in the sequence diagram, the active diagram. In the active diagram, it becomes a conversion to represent a virtual arrow to or from the object stream symbol. "Become" keyword can be omitted. Explancil 13-33 shows a command to open an off directory icon on the desktop, which is a command, which is used to organize the option in the directory currently open. The directory is used as a state class object twice, which is converted between two versions. Figure 13-132 shows an object migration between two nodes in a deployment diagram. Figure 13-33 Become a stream 41. Behavior an operation or an event visible impact, including its results. 42. Behavioral Feature Indicates model elements of dynamic behavior, such as operations or methods, which can be part of the class. A category declaration of a signal is also a behavior feature. Standard Elements Creating (Destroy), Leaf (LEAF). 43. BehaviORAL View behavior view is a model of a model, which emphasizes the behavior of instances in the system, including their methods, cooperation, and state history. 44. Binary Association two types of associations. See Association, N-ary Association. Semantic binary relationships have two associated endpoints, which is the most common association. Since one endpoint of the binary has a unique other end, the binary association is particularly useful for the navigation path from the object to the object.

If an association can cross the specified direction, this association is navigating in the specified direction. Some properties are defined for N-element, such as multiplex, but they are more intuitive and useful for binary relationships. A binary relationship is expressed as a solid line path connected to two class symbols. The modifier symbol can be in the end point, the associated name can be placed adjacent the solid line, which is a certain distance from each endpoint, which does not misunderstand the role name. In addition to hiding the center diamond symbol, the binary associated representation symbol is the same as the N-element. However, binary associations are not suitable for modified symbols associated with N metabits, such as navigation. See the association (Association). 45. Binding (bind) Keywords that bind dependencies in the symbol. See Binding. 46. ​​Binding Binding is assigned to parameter to create a separate element by a parameterized element. Binding relationship is a dependency. It is used to bind templates to create new model elements. See boundary elements, templates. Semantic a parameterized definition, such as operation, signal, or template defines the form of an element. However, a parameterized element cannot be used directly because its parameter is not exact value. Bind is a dependency that is assigned to the parameter to create a new, available element. The binding manifests generates calls on operation, which is manifested on the signal to generate a new model element on the template. Two heads are binded to generate a run time entity. In addition to examples or simulation results, they are usually not set in the model. The parameter value is defined within the system. However, the template is binded to create new model elements in the model. For example, class, except for data values, such as strings and integers, parameter values ​​can be other model elements, such as classes. The binding relationship is bound to the template to generate a actual model element that can be used directly within the model. The binding relationship has a provider element (template), a customer element (newly generated binding element), and a numerical table bound to the template parameter. The binding element is defined by replacing each parameter value to a corresponding parameter by copying the template. The class of each parameter must be the same as the declared class or proceill of its parameters. Binding does not affect the template itself. Each template can be bind multiple times and generate a new binding element each time. The representation is binding to the keyword "bind" that is connected to a virtual arrow, this virtual arrow will generate an element (tail of the arrow) and template (on the head of the arrow). The actual parameter value is represented as a "Bind" keyword after the parential arc is included by a comma-bracket. Another more concise binding representation is used to avoid the use of arrows with name. In order to indicate the binding element, the name of the template is a body express expression table () that is separated by a splicing curved comma. In each case, each parameter is expressed as a text string that is static when the model is established. It does not dynamically assign values ​​like operation or signal parameters. In Figure 13-34, a new class addressList is declared with an arrow, and its name can be used in the model or expression. Including the form of Varray declares an anonymous class without his name. It can be used in expressions with implicit syntax. Additional attributes or operations can be declared in both cases. If you need to expand, you can also declare subclasses. Standard Element Binding (BIND). Figure 13-34 Template Declaration and Binding 47. Boolean Boolean is a value of TRUE and FALSE. 48. Boolean expression (Boolean Expression) assigns a value of the Boolean value and is useful in the conditioning conditions. 49. Bind Element The model element generated by binding the parameter value to the template parameter.

See Binding, Template. Semantic template is a parameterized description of a group of possible elements. In order to get the actual element, the template parameter must be bound to the actual value. The actual value of each parameter is the expression provided by the scope of the binding. Most parameters are class or integers. If the scope itself is a template, the parameters of outer templates can be used as a parameter when binding the original template to get re-quantitative effects. But a template's parameter name is meaningless outside its main body. The parameter names in the two templates cannot be used only because they have the same name, but they can be equivalent, but the sub-process parameters can only be corresponding to their names. The binding element is completely illustrated by its template. Therefore, its content cannot be expanded. For example, new attributes and operations of the declaration class are not allowed, but a binding class can be subcatenated and subcategories are generally extended. Examples Examples 13-35 represent a replication binding of a template. PointArray is a template with an attribute - size n. We want to get it from the presence template, Farray, by two parameters - element Type T, size K. In order to get it, the parameter k of the FARRAY template is bound to the parameter n of the PointArray template. The Farray Template's parameter t is bound to class Point. This can generate the effect of removing a parameter from the original template. In order to generate a Triangle class with the PointArray template, bind the size attribute n to the value of 3. To generate a quadrilateral class, bind the size attribute N to the value of 4. Figure 13-35 also means a child of the template Polygon as a class shape. This means that any SHAPE subclass with the template Polygon, Triangle and Quadrilateral are subclass of Shape. Figure 13-35 Template Rebond Indication Binding element can be represented by a virtual arrow from the template to the bound element, the arrow has a keyword "bind". It can also use a textual syntax templatename representation, match the determined template with the name. The text form avoids the arrow indicating the template or draws it. This form is particularly useful when the binding element is used as a attribute or an operation parameter. See Binding for details. Figure 13-36 shows an example. Figure 13-36 Using the Binding Template Template in the association usually compresses the attributes and operational partitions in a binding class because they cannot be changed in a binding element. Binding element name (implied anonymous form using angle brackets) can be used where the element name of any of the parameterized templates can be used in any of the element names of any of the parameterized templates. For example, binding names can be used in class symbols in class diagrams or some of the operational features. Figure 13-36 shows an example. The discussion class is a significant candidate for parameterization. The type, operation, or associated class of their attributes is general parameters in the template. The cooperation of parametricization is the pattern. In a sense, the operation is essentially parameterized. The parameterization usage of other elements is not so obvious, but it is likely to find further use. 50. Branch (BRANCH) branch is an element in the state machine, which can cause multiple possible results in it, each result has its own care. See Fork, Join, Junction State, Merge. Semantic If the same event can have different influences in accordance with different monitoring conditions, they can be molded into separation conversions triggered by the same event. However, it is convenient to allow a separate trigger driving multiple conversions in the actual situation. Under normal circumstances, it is often a monitoring condition to cover each possible, such an event is guaranteed to trigger a conversion. The branch is part of the conversion, which divides the conversion path into multiple parts, each with separate care conditions. The event trigches the public part of the conversion. The output portion of the branch can be connected to the input part of the other branch to form a tree. Each path of the tree represents a different conversion. The combination of all conditions on one path in the conversion is the same as a separate condition that is assigned before the conversion excitation. Conversion in a stand-alone step, regardless of it appears as a branch. The tree is just for the convenience of modeling.

In a activity map, the branch that leaves an activity is usually completed - ie they lack obvious event triggers, which are implicitted when the activity is completed during the state. If there is a guard condition and branch, they may be important for all of them, because this ensures that some conversion is excited. Otherwise, the activity map is frozen because the output conversion is no longer re-excited. The representation of the branch may indicate that an event trigger is repeated on a plurality of conversion arcs with different monitoring conditions. This can also be represented by completion of the conversion, just like in one activity map. However, it is convenient, and the head of the conversion arrow can be connected to a diamond symbol, which represents a branch. The conversion arrow mark is triggered on the event, but it can't be moved on. Any actions go to the last part of the conversion. A rhombus symbol can have one or more arrows that leave it. Each arrow is marked with a guardian condition. Reserved Word ELSE can be used as a guard condition. If other (clear) guardians are false, then its value is true. The head of each arrow can be connected to another branch or status. The arrow connected to the status can have a related action tag. The role of the branch tree is the same as the separation conversion arc of each branch of the tree corresponding to the tree, and they share the same trigger event but each with their own monitoring conditions, the action, and target status. Figures 13-37 are two methods representing a branch. Note that the diamond symbols can also be merged, opposite the branches, at this time, two different paths are combined together, as shown in Figure 13-38. In the merge, there are two or more input arrows and a separate output arrow without monitoring conditions. Figure 13-37 Indicates two methods of the branch Figure 13-38 Branch and merge 51. Call (CALL) is used to activate one operation. See Activation, Call Event, Send (Send). Semantic calls arouse an operation on the execution point of a process. It temporarily converts a control thread to the calling process to the called process. The execution of the calling process is blocked when the call is called. The invoker discarded control in the operation execution and the control is re-received when the operation is returned. The calling process gets a parameter table from the caller and an implicit return point for the calling process, which is the next command of the call point. When the calling process is returned, a return value table is provided. Typically, call execution in the caller's address space, but the semantics of the call are not limited to this. In fact, this is impossible in a distributed system, because the recipient called is physically separate from the caller. More important is the establishment of the connection to the connection process location and environment, which allows control to re-return to the caller. The calling process location describes the body in the actuator, and is described in the state machine. The calling environment can be built into activation. Calling the use of dependencies Modeling, in this case, a customer class's operation (or the operation itself) calls the provider class (or the operation itself). It is represented by "Call" constructor. The representation is in a sequential diagram or cooperation map, the call indicates a text message to point to the target object or class. The call-dependent representation represents a dotted arrow with the constructed "Call" from the caller to the call or action. In the programming language, most calls can represent part of the text process. 52. Call event calling event is a call to receive an operation, which is implemented on the state machine conversion. See the transfer (Call), signal (Signal). Semantic calling event is a method of implementing the operation, which is another way of execution. If a class describes an action instructions as a calling event, the operation call will be seen as an event in the trigger class state machine. This allows for a more distracting operation than a single method. If a class uses a calling event to implement one, its state machine must have a conversion triggered by the calling event. The features of the calling event are the same as the operation: their names and parameters are the same.


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