Pay attention to memory improvement software performance (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  57

Another one is to define a base class. Implement new, delete operator, then all classes are derived from this class, automatically inherit the base class New, DELETE implementation. This method is easy to generate memory fragmentation. My code implementation As shown below. There are still many problems with the code below. Put it first.

Version 3.




Using namespace std;

Class MemoryPool // This class is only allowed once. I used Singleton mode.



Static memorypool * instance ()


IF (_Instance == 0)

_INSTANCE = New MemoryPool;



Void Add (Void * P)


LPMemList-> Push_Back (P);




(const void * p)


List :: item it = find (lpmemlist-> begin (), lpMemlist-> end (), p);

LPMemList-> Erase (item);


void clear ()


List :: itrator it = lpMlist-> begin ();

While (! lpmemlist-> EMPTY ())

Delete (* it );

LPMemlist-> clear ();



MemoryPool ();


Static memorypool * _INSTANCE;

Static List * lpMemlist; // As the data structure of the pool


MemoryPool * MemoryPool :: _ installation = 0;

List * MemoryPool :: lpMemList = 0;

MemoryPool :: MemoryPool ()


LPMEMLIST = New List ;

Cout << "List now Has:" << lpMemlist-> size () << endl;



Class CBase



CBASE () {

MemoryPool :: instance ();


Void * Operator New (size_t size)


Void * p = malloc (size);

MemoryPool :: Instance () -> Add (p);

Return P;


Void Operator Delete (Void * P)

{Delete P;

MemoryPool :: instance () ->




~ CBase () {MemoryPool :: Instance () -> CLEAR (); cout << "base dtor / n";



// static memorypool *

// int NLEFT;


Class Myclass: Public CBase



Myclass () {cout << "myclass ctor / n";



Class myclass2: public CBase



Myclass2 () {cout << "Myclass2 CTOR / N";



Void testfun () {

Myclass * p = new myclass;

Myclass2 * p2 = new myclass2;

MemoryPool :: Instance () -> CLEAR ();


void main ()


Testfun ();


The above idea is just what I want to achieve the so-called GC, I feel the best intelligent pointer effect. Other versions I just want to simulate it, verify my own ideas. The code is definitely wrong place. Don't be accused I have a good place.


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