Principle and implementation of a small language of the lexical analysis program (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  65

(Connecting) Constructing the program based on this table, the core of the program is the following function,

/ ************************************************** *******************

The following is the main analysis function

Read from the input file, write the analysis results into the output file

Parameters: fpin: Enter file pointer fpout: Output file pointer

*********************************************************** ****************** /

Void Parse (File * fpout)


Char arr [maxbuf]; // read the longest string does not exceed Maxbuf, Maxbuf is defined as 255, enough for long, I think

INT i = 0; // Analysis of string with letters

INT j = 0; // Analyze the string of pure numbers

While (1)


Fscanf (fpin, "% c", & ch); // read a character from the input file

IF (CH == '|| CH ==' / t ') // Filter spaces and TAB


ELSE IF (CH == '/ n') // Enter the newline character, for the following error judgment


ELSE IF (Isdigit (CH)) // Read is a number


While (Isdigit (CH))


Arr [J] = CH;

J ;

FSCANF (FPIN, "% C", & ch);


FSeek (fpin, -1l, seek_cur); // File pointer back a byte

Char * Temp1 = (char *) Malloc (j 1); /

Memcpy (TEMP1, ARR, J);

Temp1 [j] = '/ 0'; // copy the contents of the array to the other array because I define

// Arr is 255 bytes, and it doesn't actually write so much, so only copy actually has data.

j = 0; // Restore the initial state, for the next use

FPRINTF (fpout, "% S / T% D / N", TEMP1, 2); // constant

Free (temp1); // Release memory


Else IF (isalpha (ch)) // is the beginning of the letter


While (isalpha (ch) || isdigit (CH))


Arr [I] = CH;

i ;

FSCANF (FPIN, "% C", & ch);


FSeek (fpin, -1l, seek_cur);

Char * TEMP = (char *) Malloc (i 1);

Memcpy (TEMP, ARR, I);

Temp [I] = '/ 0';

i = 0;

/ * Basic idea is the same as the digital * /

The IF (Findok) // Findok function looks for the same thing in the keyword table, and find the column number.






FPRINTF (fpout, "% s / t / t% d / n", temp, 1); / / mark symbol


Free (TEMP);


/ / The following is 2 bytes of arithmetic symbols

ELSE IF (CH == ') // Symbol ": ="


FSCANF (FPIN, "% C", & ch);

IF (CH == '=')

FPRINTF (fpout, "% S / T% D / N", ": =", 20); ELSE

FPRINTF (FPOUT, "ERROR IN Compileing% D lines unknown character% C / N", LINENO, CH); // error


ELSE IF (CH == '>) // Symbol ">" and "> ="


FSCANF (FPIN, "% C", & ch);

IF (CH == '=')

FPRINTF (fpout, "% s / t / t% d / n", "> =", 16);


FPRINTF (fpout, "> / t / t15 / n");


ELSE IF (CH == '<') // Symbol "<" and "<="


FSCANF (FPIN, "% C", & ch);

IF (CH == '=')

{fPrintf (fpout, "<= / t / t18 / n");

Else IF (CH == '>')

{FPRINTF (fpout, "<> / t / t19);


{FPRINTF (fpout, "


Else {

/ / The following is an arithmetic symbol of one byte

IF (CH == '-') {fprintf (fpout, "% s / t / t% d / n", '-', 10); Continue;} // Output to "- 10" in the file

IF (CH == ';') {fprintf (fpout, "; / t / t21 / n"); continued;}

IF (CH == ' ') {fPrintf (fpout, " / t / t9 / n"); continued;}

IF (CH == '*') {fprintf (fpout, "* / t / t11 / n"); Continue;

IF (CH == '/') {fprintf (fpout, "/ / t / t12 / n"); continued;}

IF (CH == '(') {fprintf (fpout, "(/ t / t13 / n"); Continue;}

IF (CH == ')') {fPrintf (fpout, ") / t / t14 / n"); continued;}

IF (CH == ') {fprintf (fpout, "./ T / T22 / N"); continued;}

IF (CH == ',') {fPrintf (fpout, ", / t / t23 / n"); continued;}

IF (ch == '#') Break; // End

Else Fprintf (fpout, "Error In Compiable% D LINES Unknown Character% C / N", LINENO, CH); // Error, Output Error Information




The above code is compiled by Visual C 6.0 Win2000.

Below we use this program to lexic analysis of the following code, the code is saved as Test.txt, assuming that the compiled application is Lex.exe,

Program test


3J: = 200;

IF (j> 100) THEN

J: = 300 &&&&&


J: = 107870

GYT768% ^

End. #

Enter the source file name, Test.txt., And output file names under the command line: Output.txt can see the following results.


Test 1

Begin 7

3 2

J 1

= 20

200 2

; twenty one

IF 3


J 1

> 15

100 2

) 14


J 1

= 20

300 2

Error In Compiableing 4 Lines Unknown Character &

Error In Compiableing 4 Lines Unknown Character &

Error In Compiableing 4 Lines Unknown Character &

Error In Compiableing 4 Lines Unknown Character &


J 1

= 20

107870 2

Gyt768 1

ERROR IN Compiling 7 Lines unknown character%

Error In Compiableing 7 Lines Unknown Character ^


. twenty two

This function is the core of the lexical analysis program, which identifies writing errors in the exporter, and finds keywords, variables, etc. Specific, please see the source code, the comments are very detailed, but there is definitive place, please enlighten me . If you have any questions, you can send me an email. . My email:,


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