Why choose GNUTELLA?

zhaozj2021-02-16  72

GNUTELLA is an open agreement.

Unlike other files, such as NAPSTER, GNUTELLA Open Agreement guarantees that there is no need to have strong associations, allowing immediate improvement. Moreover, anyone can develop GNUTELLA compatible software, in fact developers have competed with each other and lead to an emergence of constantly improving Gnutella networks. The result is a file sharing environment that often changes and perfects their own.

Anyone can add the information you want to share to the GNUTELLA network

Anyone who wants to share information can also use the Gnutella network to make the easing for the purpose of achieving the purpose. One person only needs to put the file he wants to share in a directory of the hard disk, and then share it with the Gnutella network. Because the Gnutella network flexibility and popularity, users can freely share and discover a large number of resources. Do you choose one? ? Many GNUTELLA software can also allow users to interested in other people interested in sharing to form an online community.

Gnutella is no center.

GNUTELLA allows users to contact other Gnutella nodes directly, without intermediate nodes, or center, or certification body. No one has a Gnutella network, and no one can turn off or monitor what files are looking for. Any isolated Gnutella node fails to be quickly and automatically recovered on the network.

GNUTELLA allows you to share any kind of file, not only MP3

Most file sharing systems focus on media files. GNUTELLA network supports sharing of all types of files. Not only users can share and look for MP3 and Video files, but they can share any kind of computer files, including word processing materials, games, and text files. Remember, you should only share files that do not violate someone else's copyright or other intellectual property rights.

The author's personal thinking: The model currently in the P2P application, only Gnutella is the most mature and most development support in the secret of the second-generation P2P mode. Napster has tended to the end of the copyright issue, and JXTA is a great idea, it is amazing, but because the model is complicated, it is still not mature, and there is no practical version of the run. Only GNUTELL is already running on the upper size, and the main unit has reached tens of thousands, the number of shared files has reached hundreds of thousands, and all of the popular foreign MP3 files can be retrieved on GNUTELLA. So improve the Chinese version of Gnutella (because GNUTELL is not supported to Chinese retrieval files), making China's shared file resources and foreign resource docking, achieving big sharing. In addition, through the in-depth understanding of the Gnutella model, develop new, more efficient P2P systems, can complete many of the traditional systems, including the development of instant messaging systems that do not require central server, and combined with Web Service Complete personal business platforms. system.


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