JBoss integrated ColdFusion and JetSpeed
First, JBoss integrates ColdFusion
1. Install JBoss, I am 3.0.8 at the version here. Other versions are different.
2, in {jboss_home} / server / default / deploy, create a new folder cfusion.ear. Enter the folder and create a new folder Meta-INF and CFusion.war. Enter the folder Meta-INF and create a new file Application.xml. The document content is as follows:
3. Do the following WAR Files for the ColdFust MX installation process for the two WAR Files that exists as follows: cfusion.war files all decompressed into the new file cfusion.war in the previous step. In {JBoss_Home} / Server / Default / Deploy, create a new folder cfide.ear. Enter the folder and create a new folder Meta-INF and CFIDE.WAR. Enter the folder Meta-INF and create a new file Application.xml. The document content is as follows:
Unzip file RDS.WAR into the folder CFIDE.WAR. 4. Modify the JBoss start script run.bat file, add some environment variables and Java running parameters, see the following script:
Rem set a few variables.
SET CF_HOME = D: /Jboss-3.0.8/server/default/deploy/cfusion.ear/cfusion.war
Rem Concatenate Binary File Director Into a SINGLE VARIABLE.
Rem The Following Variable Must Be on a Single Line.
Set cf_shared_libs =% cf_shared_lib%;% cf_shared_lib% / _ nti40 / bin
% Cf_web_inf% / cfusion / jintegra / bin;
% CF_WEB_INF% / Web-inf / cfusion / jintegra / bin / International
Rem add libraries for binary files to the windows system path.
SET PATH =% PATH%;% cf_shared_libs%
Rem Set JVM Options To Enable Sandbox Security (All On Line).
SET CF_SECURITY_JVM_OPTIONS = -djava.security.Manager
-Djava.security.policy = "% cf_web_inf% / cfusion / lib / coldfusion.policy"
-Djava.security.auth.policy = "% CF_WEB_INF% / CFusion / lib / neo_jaas.policy"
Rem Set JVM Options for Corba. Use if vbjorb.jar is not in
Rem your JRE's lib / ext directory.
Rem set cf_corba_jvm_options = -xbootclasspath / A: "% CF_WEB_INF% / lib / vbjorb.jar"
Rem * Use this line if you've configured Corba
Rem set cf_jvm_options =% cf_security_jvm_options%% CF_CORBA_JVM_OPTIONS%
Rem * Use this line if you have't Configured Corba
Rem Populate Java_opts, Which Will Be buy by catalina.bat
Rem when starting the jvm.
Set JAVA_OPTS =% CF_JVM_OPTIONS% -Djava.security.policy = "% CF_WEB_INF% / cfusion / lib / coldfusion.policy" -Djava.security.auth.policy = "% CF_WEB_INF% / cfusion / lib / neo_jaas.policy"
After four steps, ColdFusion is integrated into JBOSS. Start JBoss can be accessed by accessing the following address http: // localhost: 8080 / cfusion / cfide / administrator /
The processing of integrating jetspeed to jboss is as follows:
1. Create A Directory Called JetSpeed.ear in The $ jboss_home / server / default / deploy directory
2. Add A Directory Called Meta-Inf to the Jetspeed.ear Folder, in The Meta-Inf Folder Put The Following Application.xml
3. in the jetspeed.ear directory: unzip the Jetspeed.war file Into a Directory Called Jetspeed.war (Explode The War File)
4. Remove The Following Files from $ jboss_home / server / default / lib /: castor.jar, hsqldb.jar, hsqldb-plugin.jar
5. Remove The Following File from $ JBOSS_HOME / Server / Default / Deploy /: HSQLDB-Service.xml