Recently, the project uses a color of the colors or columns similar to the Web Control DataGrid, but the application is in the WIN form, it is unable to use the functionality of the script registration similar to JavaScript to dynamically complete, very anxious, look Some of the 9CBS about the data about DataGrid under WinForm. Seeing such an introduction to the DG structure, the topic is "Henry Instruction: Winform DataGrid Structure Analysis", the author is a Latitude, which introduces Win DG. The definition of the color is mainly for each Cell.
What we need is the data marked a row, highlighting the color, so I have made some changes, and now some code is posted out for the reference:
1. The basic class is from Han Rui:
Public Class DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn
Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn
Public RowCollection As New Collection ()
Public Backcolor () As Color
Public Forecolor () AS Color
Private function gettext (byval value as object) AS String
If Typeof (Value) is system.dbnull the
Return NullText
Elseif value is nothing thein
Return ""
Return Value.toString
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Paint (Byval g as, byval bounds as system.drawing.Rectangle, _
Byval source as, _
Byval rownum as integer, _
BYVAL backbrush as system.drawing.brush, _
Byval forebrush as system.drawing.brush, _
Byval aligntoright as boolean)
Dim text as string
TEXT = GetText (getColumnValueatrow (Source, Rownum))
Backbrush = new solidbrush (TextBox.backcolor)
Forebrush = new solidbrush (TextBox.ForeColor)
Redim Preserve Backcolor (RowCollection.count)
Redim preserve forecolor (rowcollection.count)
DIM i as integer = 1
Do While (i <= rowcolction.count)
If rownum = val (RowCollection.Item (i)) THEN
IF not Backcolor (i - 1) .Isempty Then
Backbrush = New Solidbrush (Backcolor (i - 1))
IF not Forecolor (i - 1) .Isempty Then
Forebrush = New Solidbrush (Forecolor (i - 1)) Endiff
i = 1
MyBase.PaintText (G, Bounds, Text, Backbrush, Forebrush, Aligntoright)
End Sub
2. About the colors defined by the line:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace TRUCK_WEB
Public Class DrawDGCLASS
Public Class RedrawDataDridControls: Inherits DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn
Public Sub Drawcorol (Byref DG As DataGrid, Optional Byval CurrentrowIndex as INTEGER = 0)
'Set the color of the selected row, the default is the first line.
DIM TS AS New DataGridtableStyle ()
Ts.Allowsorting = FALSE
DIM AcolumnTextColumn as DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn
Dt = ctype (Dg.DataSource, DataTable)
Ts.mappingname = ctype (DG.DataSource, DataTable) .tablename
Dg.TablesTyles.clear ()
DIM Numcols as INTEGER
Numcols = dt.columns.count
DIM I, J AS Integer
i = 0
J = 0
Do While (i acolumnTextColumn = New DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn () Dim RowIndex as INTEGER = 0 For rowindex = 0 to dt.rows.count - 1 Dim Strsel As String Dim MyForecorol, MybackCorol As Color AcolumnTextColumn.RowCollection.Add (Rowindex) If RowIndex = Currentrowindex Then MyForecorol = color.White Mybackcorol = color.darkslateBlue Else MyForecorol = color.darkslateBlue Mybackcorol = color.White END IF Redim Preserve AcolumnTextColumn.ForeColor (acolumntextColumn.RowCollection.count) Redim preserve acolumntextColumn.backcolor (acolumntextcolumn.rowcollection.count) AcolumnTextColumn.ForeColor (RowIndex) = MyForecorol AcolumnTextColumn.backcolor (RowIndex) = MybackCorol NEXT 'To change the list name, please refer the Headertext value of the sentence AcolumnTextColumn.Headertext = DT.COLUMNS (i) .Columnname AcolumnTextColumn.mappingname = dt.columns (i) .ColumnNamets.GridColumnStyles.Add (acolumnTextColumn) i = (i 1) Loop Dg.TablesTyles.Add (TS) End Sub END CLASS END CLASS End Namespace The above is the color of the selected single line of color is the anti-color, you can also borrow your questions! For example, set color, and so on. Han Rui, the author of "Henry Intention: Winform DataGrid Structure", the author of Han Rui! I will try to improve this DrawDG class in the future, and it is convenient for everyone!