As a discipline, calculation science (below)

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Six, software methodology and engineering

Software field research meets technical requirements, safe, reliable, and trusted procedures and large software systems. Basic problems include: What is the principle behind the development of procedures and programming systems? How to demonstrate procedures or systems to meet its technical requirements? How to give it a given technical requirements, make it an important situation, and you can analyze it Safety? How to make the software system continue to improve through different stages? How to make software design can be easily understood and modified?

1. theory

The main part of software methodology and tools are:

(1) Program verification and proof.

(2) Time logic.

(3) Reliability theory.

(4) The predicate calculation, the axiological semantics, and the cognitive psychology.

2. abstract

The main part of software methodology and tool abstraction is:

(1) Define the method of technical requirements. Such as predicate converters, programming calculations, abstract data types and Floyd-Hoare axioms.

(2) Methodology, such as step-by-step, modular design, module, separation, information hiding, data stream, and abstract level.

(3) Procedures for development automation. For example, a text editing program, a grammar-oriented editing program, and a screen editing program.

(4) Methodology for trusted calculation; for example, fault tolerance, security, reliability, recovery, n version program design, multi-way redundancy, and checkpoint insertion.

(5) Software tools and program design environments.

(6) The measurement and evaluation of procedures and systems.

(7) Software system to match the problem domain of a specific machine structure.

(8) The life cycle model developed by the software.

3. Design

Software Methodology and Tools Area The main contents of the experiments are:

(1) Technical requirements describe the language (such as PSL2, IMA JO), constructing a management system (such as an ADA APSE) and modify the control system (such as RCS, SCCS).

(2) To point to the editor, line editor, screen editor, and word processing system.

(3) Specific methods, such as HDM, and Dijkstra, Jackson, Mills or YourDon, etc. advocated in software development practices.

(4) The process and practice of the test (for example, traversal, hand simulation, intergeneration inspection, test set program channel listings and event tracking), quality assurance and plan management.

(5) Program development and check error. Section analysis. Text-formatting and database operation of the database operation.

(6) Technical requirements for the standard-level and verification process of safety computing systems like the Ministry of Defense.

(7) Design of user interface.

(8) The method of designing very reliable, fault tolerance and trusted system.

Seven, database and information retrieval system

In the art, the organization of a large number of continuous sharing data sets, enabling it to effectively query and refresh. Basic problems include: What kind of modelization concepts indicate the relationship between data elements and them? How to combine basic operations such as storage, positioning, matching, and retrieval into effective transaction processing? How to effectively interact with users Role? How to translate advanced queries into high-performance programs? What kind of machine structure can lead to effective search and refresh? How to protect data to resist illegal access, leak or destruction? How to protect large databases will not be refreshed Case incompatibility? How to make both protection and performance between the data is taken care of? How to index and classify the body to achieve effective retrieval?

1. theory

The main part of the database and information retrieval system domain theory is:

(1) Relationship algebra and relationship calculation.

(2) Periodical theory.

(3) Connected theory, especially the serial transaction, deadlock, and synchronous update of multiple plies.

(4) Statistical Inference.

(5) Sort and search.

(6) Performance analysis.

(7) As a password for support theory.

2. Abstract

The main part of the database and information retrieval system is:

(1) Model representing the relationship between logical structures and data elements, including relational models and entity relationship models.

(2) For the expiration of the fast retrieval, such as indexing, trees, inversion, and associated storage.

(3) To ensure that the database integrity (compatibility) method is updated, including the concurrency update of multiple copies. (4) Prevent illegal disclosure or changes and methods for extracting pixels.

(5) Language for querying different types of databases (for example, super body, body, space, graphics, image, rule set). Similar to the information retrieval system.

(6) Model, such as hypercomes, which allows files to contain multi-level text. And include display, graphics, and sound.

(7) People's factors and interfaces.

3. Design

The main content of the design of the database and information retrieval system is:

(1) Techniques for designing relationships, grading, networking, and distributed databases.

(2) Design database systems such as Ingres, System R, DBASE III, and DB-2.

(3) Design information retrieval system, such as Lexis, Osiris, and Medline technology.

(4) Design of safety database system.

(5) Sophisticated system, such as NIS, NOTECARD, Intermediate, and Xanadu.

(6) Retrieve the technology of large databases into disk memory.

(7) Put the large-scale read-only data inventory into light storage medium, such as CD / ROM, and WORMS.

Eight, artificial intelligence and robotics

Animal and human (intelligent) behavior model is studied in the art. Basic questions include: What is the behavior of the transcripts and how do we build a machine to simulate them? What is the intelligence described by the rule assignment, reasoning, interpretation, and mode calculations? Performance? How should perceived data be encoded, make similar patterns with similar codewords? How to do this and awareness code? How to learn the system, and how these systems represent their knowledge of the external world?

1. theory

The main part of artificial intelligence and robotic field theory is:

(1) Logic: monotonous, non-monotonous and blurred.

(2) Conceptual dependence.

(3) Identify.

(4) The model of the grammar and axioms of natural language understanding.

(5) Kinemology and mechanics in the external world model of robot sports and robots.

(6) Structural mechanics, chart, form grammar, linguistics, philosophical and psychology, etc.

2. abstract

Abstract main parts of artificial intelligence and robotics are:

(1) Knowledge representation (eg, rules, framework, logic) and methods of processing them (for example, interpretation, reasoning).

(2) Natural language understanding and model of natural language representation, including phoneme representation, machine translation.

(3) Speech recognition and synthesis, text to voice translation.

(4) Reasoning and learning models, such as non-essential, non-monotonic logic, Bayessers inferred, belief.

(5) Heuristic search method, branching limit, control search.

(6) Imitation of the machine structure of the biological system, for example, neural network, connection mechanism, sparse distributed memory.

(7) Human storage model, automatic learning and other robotic system components.

3. Design

Main parts of artificial intelligence and robotics areas include:

(1) Design technology for software systems for logic programming, theorem prove and rule assignment.

(2) Small range expert system (such as Mycin, XCON) and expert system shell technology for programming within a new range. '

(3) Implementation of logical programming (such as proLog).

(4) Natural language understanding system (such as Margie, SHRDLU, and selection of semantics).

(5) Realization of neural network and sparse distributed memory.

(6) Programs play checkers, chess and other strategic games.

(7) Working speech synthesis, identification.

(8) Working robots, static and moving.

Nine, human-machine communication

In this area, humans and machines are exchanged through a variety of effective information exchanges similar to human sensors and motors, and study the conceptualization of humanity. Basic problems include: What is the effective way to indicate objects and automatically create views? What is the effective way to receive input or give an output? How to make the wrong understanding and the failure of the mistakes to minimize? Using graphics and other tools to understand the phenomenon by using information stored in the data set?


The main part of human-machine communication theory is: (1) two-dimensional and high-weehe, including analysis of geometries, projection geometry, affine geometry and geometry.

(2) Coloring theory.

(3) Cognitive psychology.

(4) Fourier analysis, linear algebra, chart, automaton, physical and analytical support areas.

2. Abstract

The main part of the abstraction in the field of human machine communication is;

(1) Screen display algorithm, including the following problems: smooth, hidden, hidden line, sound cable, hidden face, transparent face, shadow, bright and dark distribution, edge, coloring map, spline , Perspective, texture, anti-wrong, unity, cartoons, screen as a classification of objects.

(2) Computer Aided Design (CAD) model.

(3) Computer representation of the entity object.

(4) Image processing and enhancement methods.

(5) Human-machine communication, including psychology research introduced to reduce human error and increasing productivity.

3. Design

The main part of the design and implementation of human-machine communication field is:

(1) Implementation of the graphics algorithm on various graphics devices, including vector and grating display and a number of hard copy devices.

(2) Design and experiment of experimental graphical algorithm of increasing models and phenomena.

(3) Appropriate use of color chart in the display; precise reproduction of color on the display and hard to copy.

(4) Graphics standards (such as GKS, PIHGS, VDI), graphical languages ​​(such as Postscript), and special graphics bags (such as chemical mogli).

(5) Implementation of various user interface technologies, including direct processing and shielding techniques of character devices on a bitmap image device.

(6) Realization of various standard file exchange formats transmitted between different systems and machines.

(7) Work CAD system.

(8) Work image enhancement system (such as on the screen JPL from the space detected).

12 to thank you

Many people have generously proposed written opinions in this report, although all of these comments cannot be adopted, but we really consider every opinion when modifying the original. I would like to express my gratitude to the following opinions.

13 References

[1] Abelson, Ii..nd Sussman, G. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Program, Mit Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1985

[2] See What Can Be Automated? Report of The NFS Computer Science and Engineering Research Study (Cosers) .Mit Press. Cambridge, Mass., 1980

[3] Denning, P.What IS Computer Science? Am..sci.73 (Jan.Feb.1985) 16-19

[4] Flores.f., And Craves, M.EDucation (Working Paper Available from Logonet, LNC., 2200 Powell Street, 11th .flloor, Emeryville, Calif.94608)

[5] NEWELL, A., Perlis, A., And Simon, H.What IS Computer Science? SCI.157 (1967) 1373-1374) Reprinted in ABACUS 4,4 (Summer 1987), 32)


This article only uses only personal learning, and the original text is translated by the Calculation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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