Some unprecedented Windows 2000 core function calls (Central Network Center TBSOFT)

zhaozj2021-02-08  246

These unprecedable Windows 2000 core function calls (Windows NT 4.0 can also be called)

Intel 80386 (i386) The above CPU, no transplantability, may be the reason why Microsoft does not disclose these calls.

These calls typically begin with KE386 or KEI386, partial calls are quite useful, and the author only analyzes a part of the call.

Function prototype, then analyze the remaining calls later.

1, Ke386SetioAccessmap

Function prototype: Void Ke386SetioAccessMap (int, IOPM *);

Export symbol: _Ke386setioAccessmap @ 8

2, Ke386QueryioAccessMap

Function prototype: Void Ke386QueryioAccessMap (int, IOPM *);

Export symbol: _Ke386QueryioAccessmap @ 8

3, Ke386ioseetAccessProcess

Function prototype: Void Ke386ioseetAccessProcess (peprocess, int);

Export symbol: _Ke386ioseetaccessProcess @ 8

The above three calls allow NT / 2000 like Windows 95/98 in Ring 3 freely through the In / OUT instruction.

Hardware I / O, the specific use method The author will be described in subsequent articles.

4, ke386callbios

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: _Ke386callbios @ 8

Call function: May be BIOS function call


Function prototype: NTSTATUS Ke386SETGDTSELECTOR (in Ulong Sels, In PVOID DESC);

Export symbol: _KEi386seTGDTSELECTOR @ 8

Call function: Set a global descriptor

6, kei386releaselid

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: _Kei386Releaselid @ 8

Calling function: unknown

7, Kei386ReleaseGdtselectors

Function prototype: NTSTATUS Kei386ReleaseGDTSELECTORS (Out Pushort SelaRay,

INT Numofselectors;

Export symbol: _Kei386ReleaseGDTSELECTORS @ 8

Calling function: release a global descriptor

8, Kei386MachineType

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: _KEi386machineType

Calling function: May be the type of computer (CPU)

9, Kei386Getlid

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: _KEi386Getlid @ 20

Calling function: unknown

10, kei386flattogdtselector

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: _KEI386FLATTOGDTSELECTOR @ 12

Calling function: may be related to memory address transformation

11, Kei386Call16bitFunction

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: _KEi386call16bitfunction @ 4

Calling function: May be related to calling 16-bit code

12, Kei386Call16bitcStylefunction

Function prototype: unknown

引 出 符: _KEI386Call16bitcStylefunction @ 16 call function: May be related to the 16-bit code

13, Kei386allocategdtselectors

Function prototype: ntstatus kei386allocategdtselectors (Out Pushort Selarray,

INT Numofselectors;

Export symbol: _Kei386allocategdtselectors @ 8

Calling function: Assign a global descriptor

This feature is functioning with the Kei386SETGDTSELECTOR function, and the Kei386ReleaseGdtSelectors function can be used.

Modify GDT, which can define your own call doors, enter the real NT Ring 0 layer, so you can directly modify GDT,

IDT, LDT, directly accessing all memory and all hardware, and is extremely powerful.

14, Kei386abioscall

Function prototype: unknown

Terminal symbol: _KEi386abioscall @ 16

Call function: May be related to the BIOS function call

15, Kii386Spinonlock

Function prototype: unknown

Export symbol: kii386spinonspinlock @ 8

Calling function: unknown

16, kei386eoihelper

Function prototype: unknown

Terminal symbol: kei386eoihelper @ 0

Call function: may be related to interrupt processing


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