Henry Instructions - VB.NET Dynamic Load TreeView Node (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

Henry Instructions - VB.NET Dynamic Load TreeView Node (2)

Han Rui (2003.4.13)

2. Add a child node when you click

Click on TreeView, for the TreeView control itself, does not write a click (selection) event handler for the TreeView control, but write all the click events of all nodes into an AfTerselect event. Therefore, before writing a program that click Add to join the child node, we must also write a method of finding which level node that looks a click node.

Public Function NodeEvel (Byval n as treenode) as Byte

'* Find the number of current nodes in the tree

DIM I as byte = 1

DIM M as string

Do untric n.parent is nothing

n = n.parent

i = 1


Return I


With this function, you can easily get the level of the node. Now we can safely write nodes to select event handles to achieve dynamically load sub-nodes of each level.

Private sub treeview1_afterselect (Byval e as system.Windows.Forms.treeViewEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.AfTerselectElectlectElectr

Select Case Nodeevel (E.NODE) ​​.tostring

Case "1"

IF E.Node.GetnodeCount (false) = 0 THEN

MyCommand.commandtext = "SELECT first level child node number, first level child node name from first level child node WHERE root node number = '" & e.node.tag & "'"

Fill_treeeleaf ()


Case "2"

IF E.Node.GetnodeCount (false) = 0 THEN

MyCommand.commandtext = "SELECT Second Level Sub Node Number, Second Level Sub Name" The second level child Node WHERE first child node number = '"& e.node.tag &"' "

Fill_treeeleaf ()



End Sub

Public Sub Fill_TreeEleaf ()

mycommand.connection = myconnection


MyConnection.Open ()

DIM mysqlreader as oledb.oledbdatareader = mycommand.executeReader

While MySqlreader.Read ()

DIM Tree_leaf as new Treenode ()

Tree_leaf.tag = mysqlreader.getstring (0)

Tree_leaf.text = mysqlreader.getstring (1)

TreeView1.selectedNode.Nodes.Add (Tree_leaf)

End while

Catch exception

MSGBOX (ex.Message)


MyConnection.Close ()


End Sub

Ok, now take a look at the results of the click, as shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Note: Please be familiar with the role of Text and Tag, which will reach a good effect. ----

Disclaimer: The right to copyright and interpretation of this article belongs to Han Rui, if you need to reprint, please keep your full content and this statement.

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