Henry Instruction: Winform DataGrid Structure Analysis (2) Program

zhaozj2021-02-16  71

3. Code implementation

WINFORM DATAGRID structure (2) Sarrely in the article, and finally there is still to fall in practice. What is the solution? In short, it is to create a new class that can complete the DataGridTextBoxColumn class, but expands the new class of Cell color control functions, how to create, of course, inheritance:

The main role of this class In addition to the overloaded Paint mentioned above, the most important goal is how to save the user's requirements (Cell's position, Cell's background color, foreground color), passing the temples when drawing TextBox Go in the function. The implementation method is to use three collection: a reason for the recording line number (not recorded, because the drawing is saved by the column of ColumnStyle, automatically saves the list), one for recording background color, one for Record the foreground color. Please read the code yourself here. If you have any questions, you can write it in the following comments, or send it to me.

File name: cdatagridcolor.vb

Category: DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn

----------- From here to x ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn

Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn 'inherited interface

Public RowCollection As New Collection () 'For the collection of line numbers

Public backcolor () as color 'is used to store sets of background colors, indexes are consistent with the line number set (set index) 1)

Public Forecolor () AS Color 'is used to store the set, index and line number column number

Private function gettext (byval value as object) AS String

'In order to redraw the contents of the textbox, this function is increasing, and it is independent of the implementation mechanism.

If Typeof (Value) is system.dbnull the

Return NullText

Elseif value is nothing thein

Return ""


Return Value.toString



Protected overloads overrides sub posket

ByVal g as system.drawing.graphics, _

Byval Bounds as system.drawing.Rectangle, _

Byval source as system.windows.Forms.currencymanager, _

Byval rownum as integer, _

BYVAL backbrush as system.drawing.brush, _

Byval forebrush as system.drawing.brush, _

Byval aligntoright as boolean)

Dim text as string

'Redraw on by default mode

Text = getText (Source, Rownum)) 'This sentence is to take the data mentioned above.

Backbrush = new solidbrush (TextBox.backcolor) 'background color

Forebrush = new solidbrush (TextBox.forecolor) 'Prospective "Prevent users from do not define a set size

Redim Preserve Backcolor (RowCollection.count)

Redim preserve forecolor (rowcollection.count)

DIM I as integer = 1 'Collection index starts from 1

Do While (i <= rowcolction.count)

If rownum = val (RowCollection.Item (i)) The number of rows in the collection is

IF not Backcolor (i - 1) .Isempty Then 'is not defined by default color

Backbrush = New Solidbrush (Backcolor (i - 1))


IF not Forecolor (i - 1) .Isempty Then 'is not defined by default color

Forebrush = New Solidbrush (Forecolor (i - 1))



i = 1


MyBase.PaintText (G, Bounds, Text, Backbrush, Forebrush, Aligntoright)

End Sub


------------------- X-class end x ------------------------ ---------

Below is the code of the "Callo" button (ID: button2) in my example. There are two types of discoloration: the specified position discoloration, dynamically discolored according to the data source condition determination results:

------------------ X code X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------

Private sub button2_click (byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) _

Handles Button2.click


DIM TS AS New DataGridtableStyle ()

DIM AcolumnTextColumn As DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn 'The above custom class

DT = DataSet11.Tables ("Table") 'DataSet11 Please define it, or look at my previous article

DataGrid1.dataSource = DT 'Data Source Binding

Ts.mappingname = dt.tablename

DIM Numcols as INTEGER

Numcols = dataset11.tables ("Table"). Columns.count 'Statistics Columns

DIM I, J AS Integer

i = 0

J = 0

Do While (i

acolumnTextColumn = New DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn ()

IF i = 0 THEN

AcolumnTextColumn.rowCollection.add (0) 'Specify the number of lines

AcolumnTextColumn.RowCollection.Add (2)

Redim acolumntextColumn.ForeColor (acolumnTextColumn.RowCollection.count)

Redim acolumntextColumn.backcolor (acolumntextColumn.RowCollection.count) 'does not assign the default color, the background is white, the foreground is black

AcolumnTextColumn.ForeColor (0) = color.red

AcolumnTextColumn.ForeColor (1) = color.blue

AcolumnTextColumn.backcolor (0) = color.pink

AcolumnTextColumn.backcolor (1) = color.aqua


IF i = 1 THEN

For j = 0 to dataset11.tables ("Table"). Rows.count - 1

If DataSet11.Tables ("Table"). Rows (j)> 2 Then 'Which Cell will be greater than 2 in the judge

AcolumnTextColumn.RowCollection.Add (j)

Redim columnTextColumn.ForeColor (acolumnTextColumn.RowCollection.count)

Redim acolumntextColumn.backcolor (acolumntextColumn.rowcollection.count)

AcolumnTextColumn.ForeColor (0) = color.white

AcolumnTextColumn.backcolor (0) = color.black




'To change the list name, please refer the Headertext value of the sentence

AcolumnTextColumn.Headertext = DataSet11.Tables ("Table"). ColumnS (i) .columnname

AcolumnTextColumn.mappingName = DataSet11.tables ("Table"). Column (i) .COLUMNNAME

Ts.GridColumnStyles.Add (AcolumnTextColumn)

i = (i 1)


DataGrid1.tables.Add (TS)

End Sub

Here, it will be understood here, and it is necessary to pay attention to the same type, in this example, the type of second column is a digital type, so it is directly compared with the digital 2.

Bless you, see you next time!


Disclaimer: The right to copyright and interpretation of this article belongs to Han Rui, if you need to reprint, please keep your full content and this statement.

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