A new programming idea (on)

zhaozj2021-02-16  72

A new programming idea (on): raasant programming method GBDP (applicable JSP, ASP, etc.)

GBDP Technology Improvement: (General BlackBox Dynamic Programming) is fast, the amount of code is small, universal, database table automatic generation, automatic increase, modification, deletion, system design work, can start in the case of unclear demand, Gradually develop, have frequent requirements of frequent changes, and the code is fundamentally self-adaptive. Special idea is suitable for the national conditions of domestic software

Mainly solved: the system design work is large, the demand changes have a big impact, the project is difficult, the programming style is different, the database backup is difficult

Features have been implemented: Automatic data sheets, automatic records, modification, deletion, automatic file upload

Example of GBDP Functions: No need to build a table, do not care about the table structure, field, value, save update all automation, all table structures uniformly use ID, PID, K, VARCHAR (255), VARCHAR (255 )) Automatic transaction processing Create Table NTTest (ID INT Primary Key, Pid Not Null, K varchar (255) Not null, v varchar (255) Not null) - Oracle and MSSQL Support VARCHAR to 4000-8000 Because Sybase's VARCHAR (255) is the maximum length.

Write the database and read data to JavaScript use ntencodesimple and ntencodedb method, otherwise the special character will result in errors.

Specifies the Submit Name to control the mode of operation, and the data k (key) must avoid keywords such as Edit, Add, Submit, NOUSE.

The name and field name of the web page must be the same. The control is automatically handled by the program, regardless of Text, Radio, TextArea, for example: comments: Unpredictable agreed to disagree with these three radio names must be "opinion, then value "Unpredictable agreed to agree"

The following is an example of the content in the table: (ID, PID, K, V) -8 1 opinion Disposable -7 1 number 1 -6 1 Number Notice - 3 1 Primisonment time 2002-05-10 -2 1 Inspection period One year -1 1 issued date 2002-05-10

Data increased transformation page: <% @ page contenttype = "text / html; charset = GBK"%> <% @ include file = "nthead.jsp"%> <% @ include file = "nTGBDPDEFINE.JSP"%> <% File: // Global Variable Definition in NTGBDPDefine.jsp During globalTableName = "xxx"; // will automatically generate this table, and establish an index increase speed ParentKey = "article release"; ParentValue = ""; dbname = "mydb"; iSupload = true; // If you need to upload, specify true%> <% @ include file = "NTGBDPUPLOAD2-1.JSP"%> <% if (ispost) {Out.println ("