VBScript error message list

zhaozj2021-02-16  72

Convert the hexadecimal error code of the program to a decimal when actually used, and then perform a comparison. For example: Microsoft VBScript compiler error (0x800A03FC) converts 3FC to decimal 1020, and the cause of the error is "missing 'next'"

error code

Information 5 Invalid Process Call or Parameter 6 Overflow 7 In enough 9 Sub-border 10 array length fixed or temporary lock 11 None Match 14 String Space overflow 28 Stack space overflow 35Sub or Function Undefined 48 Loading DLL Error 51 internal error 53 files not found 57 Device I / O error 58 file already existing 61 disk full 67 file too many 70 No Permissions 75 path / file access error 76 Path No 91 Nothing to set the object variable or with the WITH block variable 92 Initializing for FOR Cycle 94 Invalid NULL Using 322 Unable to create the necessary temporary file 424 Requirements You cannot create an object 430 class does not support Automation432Automation operations During automation432automation operation, this property or method 440AUTOMATION is not supported 445 Object does not support this operation 446 Object does not support naming parameters 447 Object Not Supporting Current Area Settings 448 Did not find Named Parameters 449 This parameter must be 450 parameter number error or invalid attribute assignment 451 object is not a collection 453 Did not find the specified DLL Function 455 Code Resource Lockup Error 457 This button has been associated with the set of elements in the collection 458Vbscript Does not support using the Automation type Variable 500 variable Uneascent 501 illegal assignment 502 to use this object to perform script programming Error 503 Objects Can not be safe to initialize 1001 memory is not enough 1002 Syntax error 1003 lack ":" 1004 lack ";" 1005 missing "(" 1006 missing ")" 1007 lack "]" 1008 lack "{" 1009 lack "}" 1010 lack identifier 1011 lack "=" 1012 lack "IF "1013 lack" to "1014 lack" end "1015 lack" Function "1016 lack" Sub "1017 lack" THEN "1018 lack" Wend "1019 lack" LOOP "1020 lack" next "1021 lack of" Case "1022 lack of" SELECT " "1023 Missing Expression 1024 Missing Statement 1025 Unbelled 1026 Missing Integrity 1027 Lack" While "or" Until "1028 Lack" While "," Until "or statement end 1029 local variable or parameter excessive 1030 identifier 1031 Invalid Number 1032 Invalid Character 1033 Unbidden String Constant 1034 Undely Net Notes 1035 Nested Notes 1037 "ME" Keyword Using Invalid 1038 "Loop" Miss "Do" 1039 Invalid "EXIT" statement 1040 invalid "" FOR "loop control variable 1041 name is redefined 1042 must be the first line One statement 1043 cannot assign a non-BYVAL parameter 1044 When calling SUB, it is not possible to use brackets 1045 missing letters 1046 missing "in" 32766True32767false32811 Did not find an element


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