Oracle9i Database Management Practice Lecture (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  73

Oracle 9i Database Management Practice Lecture (1) How to Install Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition for Linux

Original Source: November 2001 Linuxer magazine Author: He caused one hundred million Download PDF file

Preface Oracle 9i Database Systems can be an Oracle company in recent years, and the function and application facilities are wide. It has been studying Oracle for many years, I can't help but shocked when I first exposed to the product specifications! Suddenly a big pile of technical documents were in the white paper, and I didn't know where to do it. So I spent a few months, the environmental testing and new functional research on various platforms, and putting the information on hand, I hope to introduce the loyal readers of Linuxer magazine in the future.

At this point here, I have to apologize to the reader: I have written several articles about Oracle 8i database management, because my job is too busy (this may just be my excuse!), Plus Oracle 9i already released. So I decided to temporarily stop this part of the column, concentrate on the relevant information of Oracle 9i. Thank you very much, this period is encouraged and giving suggested readers, in the range of capacity allows, I will do our best to organize the latest Oracle technical information. Of course, in addition to the database management technology, I will also ask for the reader, join the article using Java Design Oracle 9i Database Application, please continue to give criticism!

Oracle trial software acquisition method

Because Oracle 9i officially passed the authenticated SUSE Linux (7.1) on the Linux platform, I will use the SUSE Linux 7.1 Professional version as a platform. Oracle Database is to use Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition for Linux Intel Release 1 (9.0.1).

Everyone must feel very strange, why didn't RedHat Linux not certified by Oracle 9i? To be honest, I am not clear! According to Redhat's statement, it seems to be sent to Oracle for authentication and testing, so .... However, Redhat has officially proposed a press release that in the future, new Oracle versions will be strongly supported (may be can't stand it!?), Please wait and see. I believe that there are many people have been covered for Oracle 9i. I will give you how to prepare for pre-installation. In addition to the Linux work system, what should everyone "get" Oracle 9i software? About this point I have explained in February, you can go to Oracle Technology Network (OTN) website to be an OTN member, one you become a formal member of OTN, you can download any Oracle's latest technical files and software. However, it is important to note that all downloaded software has its own authorization (developer license), although the full version of the function, but you can only use the development test or evaluation, you can't make commercial purposes! OTN URL is: Figure 1: Oracle Technology Network If you have not registered, you will click on the first upper right corner of the [MEMBERSHIP] to register a new account! After successful registration, go back to the OTN Home, click [Downloads] under the left [Software], you can click on the Oracle trial software you want to download.

Figure 2: Oracle Software Download Area

Please download Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition for Linux after signing the "Oracle Technology" (Oracle Technology "(Oracle Technology" (Oracle Technology "(Oracle Technology". There are three files in Oracle 9i installation, which are Linux9i_Disk1.cpio.gz, Linux9i_Disk2.cpio.gz, Linux9i_Disk3.cpio.gz. Because these three files are compressed, you can refer to the following steps: 1. Execute Gunzip, for example:> gunzip Linux9i_disk1.cpio.gz> gunzip Linux9i_disk2.cpio.gz> Gunzip Linux9i_disk3.cpio.gz

2. Unlock .CPIO file: Note: If you feel that this kind of download is not convenient, the OTN website also provides software subscription services, but this service is probably on December because of the relationship between system maintenance. Please pay attention to the message on the website!

System Demand Work System Demand SUSE 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.4.) Make-3.79, Binutils-2.10cpupii 233 MHz The above hardware demand memory recommended that at least 512MBSWAP space is recommended to be twice the entity memory, at least 512MB or more Disk Space Database System: 2 ~ 2.5 GB Preset Database: About 1GB Information Specification Directory: At least 400MB

Note: Oracle 9i Installation Oracle Universal Installer uses / TMP as the data temporary directory when performing the installation action. If the remaining space remaining in the / tmp directory, it is recommended that you set the TMP or TMPDIR and other environment variables, point to the directory with enough space. But the directory must openly write-to-write permissions.

Before installing Oracle 9i

1. Before installing Oracle 9i, please download the following two files:

Download Dial Name Down-load Landout Orarun9i.rpmftp: // / iver/oracle/rarun9i.rpmjava development Kit (jdk) 1.3.1Http: // J2SE / 1.3 / Download-Linux.html

2. Set the Oracle User Account Password (Optional) Before you have an reader installed Oracle 8i for Linux, you should remember that you must add a user account called Oracle under the Linux job system before installation, and an Oracle DBA is dedicated. Group of groups. But SUSE Linux 7.1 has an Oracle account when the operation system is installed, and even groups (name Oinstall) have set it! (I only don't know what the password of the Oracle account! If you know the reader, please send a mail to tell me), so I suggest you change the password of the Oracle user using the root identity, so as not to use the Oracle account to log in. Don't know when you need to log in with an Oracle account. password. Change the password as follows:> passwd oracle3. Exercise ORARUN9i.rpm This step is probably a more strange part, here is also a description: When installing Oracle 9i, you must set the relevant environmental variables and Shared Memory groups. state. To be honest, these work is really quite cumbersome! So SUSE provides this RPM file, which will automatically set most of the configuration settings after execution (this is the place I have the most susta, I hope that R company can learn more!). Of course, you can also make the necessary adjustments according to actual needs. Please use the root identity to perform the following instructions:> rpm -uvh orarun9i.rpm

After execution, the following two files will be added, named /etc/profile.d/ Set Oracle_Home, ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_SID ... and other environment variables. /etc/rc.config.d/oracle.rc.config Sets the parameters of Shared Memory.

You can modify this file in accordance with the actual environment, but if you are the first installed reader suggest you try to use the preset settings better.

Figure 3: /etc/profile.d/ file content

Figure 4: /etc/rc.config.d/oracle.rc.config file content. Note 1: The Oracle_sid name set in /etc/profile.d/ is ORCL. If you do not want to use this name, you can modify it after changing the files. For example, I change Oracle_sID to ORA901. Note 2: The most important Shared Memory parameter is SHMMAX, the recommended set value is (half of the physical memory). For example, I installed the servo memory of 512MB, then Shmmax can be set to 256MB, the conversion method is as follows: 256 MB = (1MB = 1048576 bytes) * 256 = 268435456 BYtes

4. Install the JDK to provide downloaded JDK for Linux on the Sun website has two formats, one is .bin file, the other is. Rpm file. The installation method is as follows:

J2SDK-1_3_1-Linux-i386.bin installation method

1) Copy J2SDK-1_3_1-Linux-i386.bin to the directory to be installed, for example: / usr / local. 2) Change the file attribute to "executable":> chmod a x j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i386.bin3) Perform JDK installation program> ./j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i386.bin

J2SDK-1_3_1-Linux-i386-rpm.bin installation method 1) Perform J2SDK-1_3_1-Linux-i386-rpm.bin:

> CHMOD A X J2SDK-1_3_1-Linux-i386-rpm.bin> ./j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i386-rpm.bin will generate a JDK-1.3.1.i386.rpm file in the current working directory . 2) Use the RPM instruction to install the JDK program kit:> rpm -iv jdk-1.3.1.i386.rpm

When you have completed the above preparations. Next, you can officially start installing Oracle 9i. Install using Oracle Universal Installer

Once you have completed all pre-prepared action, use the Oracle account to reply to the system. It is recommended that you perform the ENV instruction to confirm whether all environment variables are set. No error: # ENV Next, switch to the Oracle 9i's first directory to perform the installation program, I use the disc installation, perform the installation program: # ./cDrom / RunInstaller (/ cdrom is the directory name of the disc mount) Note: If you also use the disc installation, do not switch to the / cdrom directory to execute RunInstaller, and the reason will be described later. After the Oracle Universal Installer installation is started, you can see the picture below the figure below:

Figure 5: Start Oracle Universal Installer 2.0.1

Skip, you can start formal installation after you skip the welcome screen!

Step1: Setting Oracle Inventory First You must specify the directory where Oracle Inventory is located. Oracle Inventory is used to record all installed Oracle product lists, please follow the preset directory / OPT / Oracle / ORAINVENTORY if there is no special requirements.

Figure 6: Set the directory where Oracle Inventory is located.

Step2: Setting Update Oracle Software Work System Group The group set here is used to update the Oracle software, if you decide that only the root user has the right to update the Oracle software, do not specify any group name. Because SUSE Linux is installed, the Oracle account will be automatically added to the OinsTall group, so the UNIX Group name will now display OinsTall, press [Next] to continue!

Figure 7: Set the Oracle Software Operation System Group.

Step3: Establishing Oracle InventoryOracle Universal Installer Preparing an ORAINSTROOT.SH file used to establish Oracle Inventory (location is in /tmp/, but this archive is required to perform it with root. At this point you can turn on a terminal window to perform this file, as shown in Figure Jiu. After the execution is completed, go back to the window of Figure 8 to press [Continue].

Figure 8: Execute ORAINSTROOT.SH prompt window.

Figure 9: Perform ORAINSTROOT.SH to establish an Oracle Inventory directory. Step4: Specify the Oracle installation program and the directory where the destination is located Oracle Home is the main directory where the Oracle database system is located. Because Oracle_home is set in /tc/profile.d/, Oracle_home has set a value of Oracle_home. There is no need to make more here.

Figure 10: Specify the directory where the Oracle installation program is located and the destination

Step5: Select the Oracle 9i product species to install here, please check [Oracle 9i Database], press [Next].

Figure 11: Select the type of Oracle 9i product to install.

STEP6: Select Oracle 9i Database Version If you are the first time you have the first time you install the Oracle database system, you recommend that you choose [Enterprise Edition] or [STANDARD Edition]. And readers who have installed experience can choose [Custom] to determine the kit to be installed. Figure 12: Select Oracle 9i Database Version.

Step7: Decision Database Basic Configuration Assume that your last step is to select Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition, the Database Configuration window will appear. You can choose the best configuration in accordance with the actual use of the Oracle Database. For example, if you are analyzing the online analysis environment for the online storage, you can choose to use the [Data Warehouse] option. Here we first choose General Use [General Purpose].

Figure 13: Determines the basic configuration of the database.

Step8: Setting the Oracle Database Identification Oracle Database The version after 8i is the only identification of each Oracle repository using Global Database Name. It is recommended that you set the name of the database to the Oracle SID name. We domain name. For example, I set the Oracle SID to ORA901, and the database name can be set to

Figure 14: Setting the Name of Oracle SID and Database.

Step9: Specifies the character set used by the database. The character set is the most important setting when establishing an Oracle Database. If you set an error, you are likely to access Chinese information normally! The preset character set is WE8ISO8859P1, you can select the "Traditional Chinese.zht16big5" character set of the Chinese word from the drop-down menu point of the third option below.

Figure 15: Set the word set used by the database.

Step10: Setting the JDK directory location The last setting action is to specify the JDK installation directory. Please set it to you to install the JDK directory location.

Figure 6: Setting the directory location of the JDK. After [Next], Oracle Universal Installer will display the Oracle 9i product summary to be installed, and press [INSTALL] after confirmation. [Install] will start file copying and installation.

Figure 17: Abstract Oracle Product Abstract to be installed. Different in accordance with the hardware environment you are using, the installation time may take dozens of minutes, or even one or two hours. Trouble is the midway still need to replace the CD, so you can only watch the magazine next to it! After a while, a window will jump out of the screen, remind you to put it in Oracle 9i's second installation CD. If you are installed from the unzipped data source from the hard drive, you can switch to the second-piece installation program. However, if it is the readers installed from the disc may find that the disc can not be refunded at this time! At this time, please refer to the following steps to replace the CD:

1. Open another terminal window.

2. Execute the Umount instruction to uninstall the disc. > Unmount / CDROM3. Replacement is a second piece of installation. 4. Re-Mount the disc machine. > Mount / CDROM can then continue the installation action!

Figure 18: The installation program is in progress. Note: Maybe some readers will discover a problem: after executing the Umount directive, receive the message "Device Is Busy", unloading the disc and replacing the disc! I still remember that when I execute Runinstaller, I have reminded that I don't want to execute under / cdrom? If you switch to / cdrom, execute RunInstaller, then the disc will be locked by the system and cannot be umount. Unless you can find out which Process locks the disc machine, use the root status to drop its kill! Otherwise ......... I have to come back!! Step11: The configuration setting after the system is installed. After the installation process copies all files to the system, the installation program will re-execute the program with root status (located in Oracle_home " In the directory, such as /opt/oracle/product/9.0.1).

Figure 19: Tips for the system environment setting.

Figure 20: Execute the program with root. At this point you can perform on another terminal window (note that the status needs to switch to root). This process will ask you the location of your bin directory. If you are the same as the preset value, press the [ENTER] button directly, otherwise you need to enter the correct bin directory location. After executing, return to the 19th window to press [OK] to continue subsequent settings. Step12: Execute the last phase of the Oracle Database Configuration Tool System Installation Automatically Perform the Database Configuration Tool program, which contains two special auxiliary wizards: Oracle Network Setting Assistant and Oracle Database Building an auxiliary elves (Oracle Database Configuration Assistant).

Figure 21: Executing the Oracle Database Configuration Tool.

The first automatic execution is the Oracle Network Setting Assisted Elf, you can configure the Oracle Instance, Network Service Name (Net Service Name) listening to the Oracle Database Server Server, and Manage Oracle 9i The related setting of the library. Because we are the first time you have installed Oracle 9i, you can press [Cancel] to cancel the implementation of this elves, and then you can start the NETCA instruction again.

Figure 22: Oracle Network Setting Auxiliary Elf Welcome Screen.

The second step will install Oracle Web Server in Port 7777. Once, the most important Oracle Database Building Configuration Elf (Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, referred to as DBCA) is started. This step is necessary, because the current Oracle Universal Installer is only installed in your system, there is no Oracle database yet! (It feels a bit like a library is built, but there is no book inside! Can this library use?) So you must assist us by DBCA to build the first Oracle 9i database. Of course, DBCA is not the only way to establish an Oracle database. I will introduce the principle of internal operation within the Oracle 9i repository, and will introduce other methods of establishing Oracle Database and related precautions.

Establish Oracle 9i Database with Oracle Database Configuration Assistant

After the DBCA wizard starts, the welcome screen below will appear, please press [Next] to continue.

Figure 23: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Welcome screen. 1. Select DBCA's Work Oracle Database Building Configuration Elf mainly provides management work in three databases, which are the database establishment and deletion, and change the database configuration settings. Oracle 9i's DBCA also joins a new feature: Database Model Management Function (Manage Templates). Please select the first [Create Database] here. Figure 24: Select the work to be executed by DBCA. 2. Select the model of the required library.

DBCA offers three preset models: (1). Data Warehouse: Building a storage warehousing, online analysis system Database. (2). (3). General Purpose: Establish a general functional database.

Figure 25: Select the model of the establishment of the database.

It is recommended that the first installation reader selects the [General Purpose] option. Table 1, two, three, four, five sorted out the system preset value of each parameter in the [General Purpose] option, for the reader reference. Table 1: Preset value of general parameters

Option Name SEAMPLE Schemas True Oracle Intermediate True Oracle JVM True Oracle Label Security False Oracle OLAP Services True Oracle Spatial True Oracle Ultra Search True

Table II: starting parameters (Initialization parameter) of preset values ​​Name Value background_dump_dest {ORACLE_BASE} / admin / {DB_NAME} / bdump compatible 9.0.0 control_files ( "{ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /control01.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {dB_NAME} /control02.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {dB_NAME} /control03.ctl") core_dump_dest {ORACLE_BASE} / admin / {dB_NAME} / cdump db_block_size 8192 db_cache_size 67108864 db_name dispatchers (PROTOCOL = TCP) (SER = MODOSE), (PROTOCOL = TCP) (PRE = oracle.aurora.server.GiopServer), (PROTOCOL = TCP) (PRE = oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer) fast_start_mttr_target 300 java_pool_size 117440512 Large_pool_size 1048576 open_cursors 300 processes 150 remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE resource_manager_plan SYSTEM_PLAN shared_pool_size 117440512 sort_area_size 524288 Timed_statistics TRUE undo_management AUTO Undo_tablespace UNDOTBS user_dump_dest {ORACLE_BASE} / admin / {DB_NAME} / udump

Table 3: Database file related parameter preset value

Name Tablespace Size (M) {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /cwmlite01.dbf CWMLITE 20 {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /drsys01.dbf DRSYS 20 {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /example01.dbf EXAMPLE 160 {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /indx01.dbf INDX 25 {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /system01.dbf SYSTEM 325 {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /tools01.dbf TOOLS 10 {ORACLE_BASE} / ORADATA / {DB_NAME} /undotbs01.dbf undotbs 260 {oracle_base} / oraData / {db_name} /users01.dbf users 25 {oracle_base} / oradata / {db_name} /temp01.dbf Temp 40 Table 4: Control file parameters preset value

Control file {oracle_base} / oradata / {db_name} /control01.ctta {oracle_base} / oradata / {db_name} /control02.ctl {oracle_base} / oradata / {db_name} /control03.ctl

Table 5: Reset the parameter preset value of the transaction record group

GROUP SIZE (K) 1 102400 2 102400 3 102400

If you are familiar with how to set various database parameters, you don't want to use the above three templates to build a database. You can use the fourth option [New Database] to set all Oracle database parameters. But if you are not very experienced in this area, it is recommended that you try not to use this option to build a database! Table 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and Eleven, the system preset value of each parameter in the [New Database] option, for the reader as a set of reference:

Table VI: general parameters of the preset value of Option Name Selected Example Schemas true Oracle Intermedia true Oracle JVM true Oracle Label Security false Oracle Spatial true Oracle Ultra Search true Table VII: Start parameters (Initialization parameter) of the preset values ​​Name Value background_dump_dest {ORACLE_BASE} / admin / {DB_NAME} / bdump compatible 9.0.0 control_files ( "{ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /control01.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /control02.ctl", " {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /control03.ctl ") core_dump_dest {ORACLE_BASE} / admin / {DB_NAME} / cdump db_block_size 8KB db_cache_size 50MB dispatchers" (PROTOCOL = TCP) (SER = MODOSE) "," (PROTOCOL = TCP ) (PRE = oracle.aurora.server.GiopServer) "," (PROTOCOL = TCP) (PRE = oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer) "fast_start_mttr_target 300 java_pool_size 50MB large_pool_size 1MB open_cursors 300 processes 150 remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE resource_manager_plan SYSTEM_PLAN shared_pool_size 50MB sort_area_size 524288 TIMED_STATISTICS TRUE undo_management auto undo_tablespace undotbs user_dump_dest {oracle _Base} / admin / {db_name} / udump table 8: Parameter preset value of control files Control file {oracle_base} / oraData / {db_name} /control01.ctta {oracle_base} / oradata / {db_name} /control02.ctl {oracle_base } / oradata / {db_name} /control03.ctl


Table X: database file of parameters related to the preset value Status Name Tablespace Size (M) ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /drsys01.dbf DRSYS 20480 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /example01.dbf EXAMPLE 10240 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /indx01.dbf INDX 25 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /system01.dbf SYSTEM 325 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /temp01.dbf TEMP 40 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /tools01.dbf TOOLS 10 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /undotbs01.dbf UNDOTBS 200 ONLINE {ORACLE_BASE} / oradata / {DB_NAME} /users01.dbf USERS 253. new input The identification of the database may feel very strange, why should I specify the identification information of a repository, is STEP8 when installation? Because a Oracle Database Server allows you to build multiple Oracle libraries, you will ask your new repository to identify your new repository each time you execute DBCA instructions. Here, please confirm that the input data is consistent with the information entered by STEP8.

Figure 26: Confirm the identification information of the new database. 4. Determine the operation mode of the Database Oracle 9i Database to two modes: Dedicated Server Mode For each client, the database will configure separate system resources. Suitable for the following two cases: i. The number of client connectors is not a lot. II. The client is executed as a batch job for the routine processing, and the execution time is longer. Shared Server Mode multiple client connects share the same system resources, which is suitable for situations where the number of client connectors. When you select this mode of operation, you will start the Oracle multi-execution server function at the same time.

Because it is a test environment, please select [Dedicated Server Mode] first.

5. Set the Oracle Database Starting Parameters Because the advantages and disadvantages set by the starting parameter will directly affect the performance efficiency of the database unless you understand the meaning and setting of each parameter, don't try to make a set value at will. Please press [Next] to perform the next step.

Figure 28: Set the database start parameters. 6. Confirm that the information file storage location The left half of the Database Storage window will list the storage location of each file under the current database setting. If you want to change the file storage location yourself, press the [File Location Variables] button in the lower right corner to adjust.

Figure 29: Confirm the location of the profile file.

7. Select whether to create a new database model, you can finalize the settings made by DBCA as a new repository template so that you can refer to the future. The way is to check the [Save As A Database Templates] option and enter the new model name in the [Name] field.

Figure 30: Select whether to establish a new database model.

After pressing the [Finish] button in Figure 30, it will appear after the window of Figure 31, reminding that some reset transaction documents in your system will overwrite when the database is established. There is no need to pay attention to this warning, press [Yes].

Figure 31: Warning message for DBCA. 8. Finally, confirm that all database configuration settings DBCA will finalize the configuration set value of all databases, and press [OK], DBCA will start building a new database.

Figure 32: Confirm that all database configuration settings are confirmed. When there is a chair of Figure 33, it will be a great effort! Please write down the password of SYS and System to manage the preset account, which is Change_on_Install and Manager. For the sake of the database security, remember to change the password of these two accounts after logging in to the database. After pressing [Exit], you can end the Oracle Universal Installer installation program. Figure 33: The data library is built in the window.

The Oracle 9i database after the test is installed, it is difficult to complete the Oracle 9i database system, and then check the results! At this point, you can use the client tools of the Oracle Database to log in to the Oracle Database, the way is to execute SQLPLUS instructions under the job system:> SQLPlus

After starting SQL * Plus, you can log in to the Oracle Database using the user account SCOTT (password Tiger) provided by the system. Then try to perform the following instructions Inquiry Inquiry Database: SQL> SELECT EMPNO, ENAME, SAL FROM EMP;

Figure 34: Log in to the Oracle Database using SQL * Plus.


I don't know if everyone can follow the steps I have explained to complete the installation of Oracle 9i? Maybe some readers have felt a bit of a bit! In fact, the Oracle Database System is really quite complicated in the full family database, not only the step of installing the system, but also the management technology of the database is more profound! But because of this, the value of the Learn the Oracle Database is really different! From the next phase, I will introduce from the basic Oracle database usage, officially leading you to the world of Oracle 9i, we will see it next time!

Author brief introduction, Ye Zhiyi, US Mero-Oracle Company Special Adviser experience the technical consultant of Hengyi Information System Development Department. Expertise for Oracle, SQL Server and other large-type repository system management, data warehouse planning, and database application system development. There are more than ten international certifications such as MCSD, MCDBA, Oracle OCP, RHCE, SCJP, Borland Jbuilder Product Certified. At present, it is committed to Oracle9i application system development and is responsible for the Oracle9i series of books Chinese and Oracle Press technical school. He is also the original certification lecturer such as Mijia Oracle, Shengyang Company. You can contact him through, Oracle9i A BEGINNER's Guide (Oracle9i DBA Handbook)


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