This tool can be found in the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Resource Toolkit, and if you have a Windows 2003 installation disk, there is a toolkit installer installed in the installation of Support Tools in the Support Tools directory of the installation disk. There are also nltest.exe tools.
NLtest.exe is a very powerful command line tool that can be used to test trust relationships and domain controller replication in the Windows NT domain. One domain consists of a standalone primary domain controller (PDC) and zero or more backup domain controller (BDC).
When trust in the Windows NT contextual relationship, it describes the relationship between the two Windows NT domains. Each containing domain or waiting for a trust domain role, or a trusted domain role. For any given trust relationship, there is only one consecutive communication channel between each domain controller waiting for the trust domain and each domain controller of the trusted domain. For example, if domain A trust domain B, B is a trusted domain, and A is waiting for the trust domain. Another example, assumes that domain C trust domain D, and the domain D is also trusted to domain C. In this case, there are two distinct trust relationships between domain controllers, usually we call it complete trust mode, or Dual route mode. However, in order to diagnose the safety channel, it is best to believe that there are two separate security channels between each domain controller waiting for the trust domain and the domain controller of the trusted domain.
Trust relationship is not deliverable, for example, assume that domain E trust domain f, domain F trust domain G, does not represent domain E to trust domain G. This is because administrators in each domain must be explicitly authorized between two domains of trust relationships.
Another form of trust relationship is that it is sometimes referenced into an implicit trust. In an independent domain mode, or in an environment where there is no clear trust relationship between any two domains, implicit trust relationship is active and functional. This implicit trust relationship exists between domain controllers in a domain and all member computers in the domain. Clear trust relationship is established in domain user management. Implicit trust relationship is established when becoming a domain member.
NLTest.exe can be used to test the domain controller in a domain and the trust relationship between the domain members running Windows NT. NLtest.exe can also be used to trust between the main domain controller (PDC) and the backup domain controller (BDC). In a domain that clearly specifies the trust relationship, NLTest.exe can be used to test the trust relationship between all domain controllers and a domain controller in the trusted domain.
These communications meetings are called a secure channel and to verify the Windows NT computer account. Also used to verify that a remote user is connected to a network resource and this user account exists in a user account in a trusted domain, which is called pass authentication and allows the access to the domain to run Windows NT. Data of user accounts in or trusted domains.
NLTest.exe can use the browser service to enumerate the domain controller. Therefore, if the browser service does not work correctly, NLTest.exe will return an uncoordinated result. Run NLTest.exe and the computer that provides a browser service will share the same protocol for domain controller to carry domain activity records. In particular, the enumeration of the specified computer and domain name relies on the status of naming decisions, such as Win server replication, IPX routing configuration, or NetBeui bridging.
All trust relationships and domain synchronization can be monitored, tested, and inspected under nltest.exe.
Sample output after entering the nltest.exe of the input belt /? Parameter in the command line:
/ Server:
Specify ServerName / Query - Query
Query ServerName Netlogon Services / Repl - Force Partial Sync on
Forced UAS from
Domains on
Get the domain controller of
Calling DsGetDcName / DNSGETDC:
Call dsgetsitename / dsgetsitecov - Call Dsgetdcsitecoverage
Call dsgetdcsitecoverage / parentdomain - get the name of the parent domain of this machine Get this machine's parent domain name / Whowill:
View domain Whether you want to log in to users / Finduser:
Which domain is willing to log in? Users / Transport_Notify - Notify Netlogon of New Transport
Note new transmission NetLogon events / dbflag:
New Tags / User:
Convert NT GMT time is ASCII code / logon_query - Query Number of Cumulative Logon Attempts
Query Trial Digital / Domain_TrUns - Query Domain Trus on
Query the domain trust / DSREGDNS - Force Registration of All DC-Specific DNS Records / DSREGDNS - FORCE Registration
Forced Registration All DC Specified DNS Record / DSDEREGDNS:
Cancel DC-specified DNS record / dsquerydns - Query the status of the last update for all DC-Specific DNS RE CORDS Query all DC specified DNS record last updated status / bdc_query:
Query Backup Domain Controller BDCS Copy Status / Sim_Sync:
Simulation fully synchronized copy / list_deltas:
Display content / cdigest:
Get a client's summary information / sdigest:
Summary of the server / Summary / Shutdown:
Interrupt system is closed
Here are some extra parameters description