The method of use in the ASP.NET (VB) storage process (the same is basically the same as the SQL statement directly, the difference is the red font part)
'Connecting Database (Link Database Using UDL)
Dim dbpath as string = server.mappath ("conn) DIM CONN AS OLEDBCONNECTION = New OLEDBCONNECTION (" File Name = "& dbpath) Conn.Open ()
'Stored procedure name: yw_hrhsxx_1
Dim prostr as string = "yw_hrhsxx_1 ('2003', '01', 1, 1, 1, 1, '2003-02-08', 'HDDD', '1', '2', '3', '4 ',' 1 ',' 2 ',' 3 ',' 4 ',' 1 ',' 2 ') "
'Define execution objects
CMD = New OLEDBCOMMAND (Prostr, Conn)
'Set the execution statement type as the stored procedure
Cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedProcedure
'Perform a stored procedure
Cmd.executenonquery ()
Cmd.connection.close ()