VC sculptor small technology set (7)

zhaozj2021-02-16  64

VC sculptor small technology set (7)

He Zhidan

1, picture control

Right click Properties TYPE: Bitmap

You choose image directly

IDB_bitmap1 bitmap ID

M_ctrl is a control variable associated with the picture control

Void cdlg2dlg :: onbutton1 ()


CBITMAP Bitmap1;

Bitmap1.loadBitmap (IDB_bitmap1);

m_ctrl.setBitmap (Bitmap1);


Void cdlg2dlg :: onbutton2 ()


CBITMAP Bitmap2;

Bitmap2.LoadBitmap (IDB_bitmap2);

m_ctrl.setBitmap (Bitmap2);


2, what I can't see the CORTROL ID when I give the control?

1, radio button, hook the group.

2, static control changes the ID to non-IDC_STATIC.

3, size keyboard ASCLL code

0-9 Different, but , - the same.

4, display the characters entered by the keyboard, try to avoid flashing

Void csdiView :: onchar (uint nchar, uint nrepcnt, uint nflags)


CDC * PDC = Getdc ();

StringData = nchar;

CRECT R (0,0,0,0);

PDC-> DrawText (StringData, & R, DT_LEFT | DT_CALCRECT);

InvalidateERECT (R);

CView :: OnChar (nchar, nrepcnt, nflags);


Void CsdiView :: OnDraw (CDC * PDC)


PDC-> DrawText (StringData, CRECT (0, 0, 1000, 1000), DT_LEFT);


5. Dialog box A Domodal () Out of a dialog B. After clicking B, you can request a function in the class of A.

Processing in the response function of B:

((A *) getParent ()) -> fun ();

Files in INLCUDE A in B

6, delete folders and contain files


Void deletedirfile (CString Spath)



Handle Hfind = :: FindfirstFile (Spath "*. *", & Fd);



While (: FindNextFile (HFIND, & FD))


// Judgment is a directory

IF (fd.dwfileAttributes & file_attribute_directory)


CString name;

Name = fd.cfilename;

// Judgment is whether it is. And ..

IF ((Name! = ") && (name! =". "))))


// If it is a real directory, recursive

DELETEDIRFILE (Spath fd.cfilename "//");




Deletefile (Spath fd.cfilename);


:: FindClose (Hfind);


RemoveDirectory (SPATH);


7, change the size of the control font

Logfont logfont;

CFont * pfont = m_ctrshowMessage.getFont ();

PFONT-> GetLogFont; & logfont;

Logfont.lfheight = logfont.lfheight * 1.5;

Logfont.lfwidth = logfont.lfwidth * 1.5; cfont font;

Font.createFontIndirect (& logfont);


8, want to create a category with ClassWizard, but found that there is no base class I want in the baseclass column (Coblist class)

Class Type: Generic


9, ctypedptrlist


Why VC error:

C: / Program / Scribble/ScribbleDoc.h (50): Error C2143: Syntax Error: missing ';' Before '<'

# include "afxtempl.h"

Is character L, not a number 1

10, do not prompt member functions, what should I do?

CString S1 = "DFDSF";


Try the following three methods:

1, build-> clean, build-> refuildall.

2, manual delete * .ncb

3, install auxiliary tool VC_Assist6

11, I have 6 Radio Box how to divide 3 groups

Put the three Radio Box's Group

It is divided into three groups.

Related to the order of focus


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