Software development specification (

zhaozj2021-02-16  63

Software development specification V0.1

Wu Zhengen @ December 25, 2002

1 Introduction

In order to make the software development process can follow, ensure the quality of the software, strengthen development management.

2 development management

The project progress weekly form is as follows:

Item Number:

Reported by:

Report Date:

Project progress Detailed description:

other problems:

3 project cycle

The company's project development cycle is divided into the following steps:

Step Description Participating role generation documentation or program (play * is optional)

Feasibility analysis conducts research and preliminary analysis of the technology, functional requirements and markets of the project, and determines whether it is necessary to develop. Department of Divorit Analysis Report * Technical Research Report * Technical Research Report *

Establishing official projects, the designated project manager, the project manager, and the project manager to develop a preliminary plan. Preliminary plans include preliminary estimation of design and development time. Department of Director, Core Technician Project Preliminary Program

Demand analysis is analyzed in detail, writing a demand analysis document. A static presentation page is required for the B / S structure software system. Demand Analysis Documentation and Static Demo Page need to pass the departmental supervisor approval before the next step project manager project core team needs analysis document static presentation page project plan revisions

Detailed design is detailed in detail based on demand analysis. After the detailed design, the project manager talked together with the departmental supervisor to designate the project team development member. Project Manager Project Core Group Detailed Design Document Project Program Determined Version

Developed according to the design development project, beautify the operating interface by the US. Project Manager Project Developer Mechanic Project Plan Revision *

The test project manager submitted the test application and tests the project by the test department. The project team cooperates with the test department to modify the errors in the software. Project Manager Project Developer Test Department Test Application Test Program Test Report

Project Acceptance Project Acceptance Archive Department Supervision Project Manager Project All documents and procedures

4 naming specification

4.1 Project Number Naming Specification

Be perfect

4.2 Document Naming Specification

Be perfect

4.3 JSP / HTML naming specification

JSP and HTML file names are all lowercase and follow the following specification:

u Data / Content Display Page

Nouns, multiple words are separated by undersair, requires information to display content, in order to avoid conflicts, add "_list". E.g:


u operation processing page

Name format: noun _ underscore _ verbs, for example: file_delete.jsp.

u containing Frame page

Name attribute named in Name attribute is 1xxx._ 2xxx_3xxx

1XXX section is used to identify which function module that is affiliated to the entire system.

Such as: Ebwebmail is represented as EBWEBMAIL, and other situations are in order.

The 2xxx section identifies the functionality to be completed.

Such as: Completing the function of the user login is identified as login, and other situations are in order.

The 3XXX section is used to indicate the location where the page is located at the browser window.

The top of the browser window is identified as TOP, and other cases are pushed in order.

For example: ebwebmail_inbox_top.jsp.jsp.jsp

SRC attribute The corresponding file name is recommended to use the underlined location in the original nomenclature based on the situation.

u javascript scripting method

The script function is named in the way 1xxx_2xxx.

1XXX corresponds to the module subordinates.

2XXX indicates the function (PV structure) to be implemented, and multiple words are connected with underlined.

For example: ebwebmail_send_mail ()

The module universal script function must be set in a JS file and import it on the page via