30 days to change your life

zhaozj2021-02-16  63

30 days to change your life Anthiny Robbins' Personal Power II Success Diary Strong driving force leads you to the success of success to successfully open your personal potential, dear readers, welcome to read excitation personal potential, and congratulations, I finally improve you. Personal and professional life quality! You are about to join nearly one million people, and they have invested and experienced the surprised effects of this 30-day audio textbook. I am honored and excitedly welcome to read this special and temporary work, stimulate the second series of personal potential: driving force, and to share this diary with you to your success. Your personal success diary is designed for people who have heard the daily course, and a garden that allows you to continue to capture the daily courses and "action items". This simple system will help you put the effect you experience in the maximum. Your diary is to emphasize the clear story, instance and truth, so if you first browse this book, you may have a little concept. But when you follow the daily tape course, review the summary and complete the job, you will find that this diary has a considerable value for accelerating the progress of changing life and expanding personal improvements. I believe in a motto: if your life is worth going, you are worth a record, so there are more time to spend some time in writing exercises, and you have Feel the pleasure and excitement record. And confirm what the front changes you do are. I wrote a diary for 20 years, I believe that you will find how valuable things record your thoughts, opinions and feelings on paper. No other way is more than the written diary, you can let you see your life. This is a simple and beneficial process. Its value will not be able to fill it on you. Just like looking at your own children: as a parent, we sometimes I don't know how fast they have, but when you leave for a while, you will find that they grow up! A diary makes you record your progress, and when you look back, you will find out how fast your progress is found because of the distance. Here are some simple steps to teach you how to use diary: 1, every day, Monday to Friday. Listen to the allocated tape. 2. After the course is over, open your diary and start the "job" on the day. 3, before the end, spend a few minutes to write down your mind or feelings on the day, and write down how you will use the progress of the day to strengthen your learning effect. So let's get started! I know that you can't wait to start like me. What kind of novel things will be waiting for us in the next 30 days? This kind of idea is so wonderful! Before we met the moment, during this time, please remember ... Keep your enthusiasm! The warmest blessing chairman - Anthony Robbins, the first day: The first episode 1 tape is reading the key to the individual potential to make decisions and use personal potential - that is, the ability to perseverance is to change your life. Elements. Basic success law 1, know the degree of change 2, start action by decision 3, pay attention to what you have obtained from action 4, if you don't have the effect, try to save time and energy, To establish a model to increase your success; 1, find someone who has got out the results, find out what it is doing now, learn to do the same thing, you will get the same result If you work Middle school, it is impossible to fail! Your job 1, write the two you have given up, but you can change your life now 2, since you have made a real decision, you will act immediately. The method is to write a few steps below.

Which three things are you can immediately - now - do it, and help your new decision? (For example, if you plan to quit smoking, what measures can you take for the cigarette at home?) Who can you call? What is your commitment? What kind of letter can you write? What can you do with the old hapty? Lease you immediately as a table and immediately implement them. Go now. Do you never give up the set goals or decides before expanding towards action. This is your motivation, and it is also the key to launching powerful power in your body. 1, the following is the decision I have already given up, but if I decide to change my life now; 2, the following is the simple things I can do immediately, and the decision to do for me "The road to the sky, if you adhere to the promise" - Anthony Robbins The first episode of the first episode of the first episode of the second day, guided your life's control power, we have done in life, It is based on the original demand we want to avoid pain and the desire to pursue happiness: Both are generic orientation, and constitute the main force controlling our lives. We want to avoid painful desires, far greater than wanting to get happiness needs. In a short period of time, pain is a relatively large excitation force. At any time, things that are most attracted to you are the most authentic thing for you. So, if you want a coup, you must put your attention: 1. In order to change behavior, I have to stick to how myself is painful. 2. "Change" how to bring valuable and enjoyable enjoyment. In order to change your behavior, you must change your ultimate goal of your pain and happiness. Use pain and happiness, don't let them dominate you! Your homework is to dominate your life, you must control the power of the decision. Change the power of anything in life, just generate a decision - this decision is that you actually do some actions. Follow these steps: 1. List four you must do now. 2. Write down what you think is very painful, so it is still not possible until the reasons for this. 3. List in four actions, you have a happiness that you didn't do without doing these things. 4. Detailed description of sections If you don't do this, what price do you pay? What mistakes do you make? What will you lose? 5. Now I am happy when you ask yourself the following questions: If you put into action now, what benefits do you get? How will it enrich your life? How will it bring to you more laughter, happiness, success, freedom or pride? Write your answer down. 1, the following is the four I have to take now: 2, the following is the reason why I have learned to do these things before: 3. Here are the happiness that I don't think of these events in the past: 4. If I don't act now, I will pay now: 5. If I now act now in these scope, I will get what benefits: "As long as it goes through actual efforts, there will be multiple returns." - Jim Ram, the third day, the second episode 1, No. 1 tape, first step Clearly, our lives are protected by sensory nerves, which is the pain and happiness of our nervous system and Lenovo will determine our behavior. If you want to change our life, you must change the concept of neurological system. 1. In this course, you have to learn is "changing nervous system conditions" (NAC). This system teaches you to connect the biggest happiness to you have given up, but you must do what you do today, and connect the pain to you now, but you must stop things - these two The practices can help you enter the natural law of the nervous system and change it.

With this course, you will be able to learn how to control all your behaviors and emotions, and this method only needs to be simple and unsolicited rather than 2. In this part of the course, you have learned self-friendly: "What negative Lenovo I did in the past, blocked me to reach my basic desire?" 3. Your neural system is associated with the main control of your action. The single action you have made has a certain impact on your fate. If we study fate, it will find that all things in life can be divided into four partial '1. Everything we think is due to emotion. 2. Each of our ideas will affect life or become a result. 3. These results will accumulate and guide our lives to a special direction. 4, each direction will guide you to achieve the final purpose or fate. There are two important issues, you have to answer: What is your fate ultimate goal? What kind of life do you want to have? Although it is possible to determine how little people in your life is, we can first decide what we want to become, and our lives. If we have a large blueprint for the future, we can spend a short difficulty and maintain hope and forward-looking, and you can keep happiness, satisfaction, reach our dreams. 1. Write down three you have done in the past, positive impact on your destiny. 2. Write three neurological associations that caused you to do so far. I will decide to change them today. Simple awakening can become a good medicine. It prevents us from being controlled by the situation unknowing. 1. The following is the three neurological system associations that I did in the past, positive influence of the fate of the nervous system: 2. The following is the three neurological associations that have led to the unconscious of me: "The past is not equal to the future." Change your life, you must change your neurological association. To change and persist, you must do three things. They are the three basic principles of NAC. 1. Supervise yourself. To do this, there are three responsibilities that must be done. You must decide to follow them: A: Some things must change B: I must change it C: I must change it 2. Change your existing thinking mode. You must change the original thinking and feeling. If you use a special way, such as making a thorough change in your words and deeds, you can achieve the best effect. 3. Create a new and powerful associative way. Do a new choice and enhance the power to implement it. Under continuous emphasis, any idea, emotion and behavior will become a habit (a model sufficient to become successful). Connect your choice with happiness. Even small advances can also be used to reward yourself, and you can find that you are quickly developing a new thinking mode. Your homework is about the four action targets listed yesterday, and there are some things that must be observed: 1. Look for strength: Write down you must now change the ten reasons for behavior, then write to all you think that you can do. 2. Change the old thinking mode: I want to have four or five ways to change (to interference) prototypes and actually do it! 3. By repeating the new Lenovo that has changed, you can determine your own conditions. Every time you completely give yourself a sense of accomplishment and excitement, pride or happiness. So far and persistence until you can automatically generate happiness every time you implement. The following is a strange, strong and effective way to help you get strength and break the past thinking mode: find a friend who weighs a successful life, make a commitment to him (she) and a group of friends, telling them that you will start strict Health movement, but also to help them, if you violate your commitment, you should eat a whole canned dog.

Tell my friend of this story, put the dog's food can be seen in front of you (not a joke!) To remind yourself to comply with the promise. If they have begun to feel hungry, or if they want to be lazy, they will take the cans and look at its label. Among them, "delicious ingredients" is a meat, helping them all achieve their goals without obstacles! (Excerpt from the extraordinary footprint - Anthony Robbins in 1994) 1. The following is the reason I have to change, and what I can do is: 2. Find four or five methods used to interfere with prototype thinking (old thinking): 3. Create the new Lenovo you want: "The best sentence of life is not knowledge but action" - Tom Mas Henry Trade Sepi 5 - Seven Days Third Episode No. 1 Tape people want, how do you? In this course, you have learned that people really want is one of the two things to change their lives: one is the feeling of certain things (for example, stay away from frustration, from Sadness is happy, stay away from depression and gets emotional support), and the other is to change some kind of behavior (for example: quit smoking or alcohol, or start a more prominent action, such as starting fitness exercise, or abide by Some commitments). If we can lose weight, change the habits of lazy delay, or start actions, we will hope that they feel very happy, this is the only reason we want to change behavior. Everything that humans do just want to change their feelings and want to change the "mood". Most of the time, what we do is very much affected by the mood of the time. If we are suffering, and feel confident, excitement, the move made is very different. One thing we want to create our strength, joy, enthusiasm, and the most important thing is to learn to manage our emotions. You can move immediately by the following two main media, the first is a physiological function: 1. Use your facial expressions by changing your actions and breathing, or strengthen your physical fitness with new instructions, you can quickly change your feelings. 2. Your mood determines your behavior and external performance. If you want to change your performance in any field - career, sports, interpersonal relationships, etc., the first thing to do is to change your mood. In any case, if you let yourself feel in the peak of emotions, you can play more real strength. 3. Remember, you will always be responsible for your own emotions. After a few days of courses, you will not only manage emotions, you will know how to simply change your feelings for anything, and you can make your best performance. The following is a method of managing emotions using a physiological function status:. 1. Sports your body with different methods, and develop some "powerful movements": these calm, powerful, agile action makes you soaketable. You can use your voice to make you feel strong. Speak with strong sounds, fast speed, send sound from the deeper depth of the chest. 2. Changing your breathing can change your emotions. Compared to the shallow breathing emitted from the upper layer of the chest, the deep breath from the transverse membrane can produce a complete different emotion. 3. Thoroughly change the face expression, you can change your feelings right away. 4. Changing the dietary content you can enhance health and physical fitness. 5. As long as you have the above steps, you can gradually change the emotional changes you experience. How can your homework can develop the ability to quickly make themselves in high emotions? The following is a few steps. 1. Invite a friend or colleague to share this "experience" with you. Sit down together, ask your friends to help you pay attention to your body expression from the head - face, sound, limbs, gestures and postures, etc.

2. Starting to describe a thing you usually feel very interested, but you have to use very cold attitude, just like you don't believe it at all, you don't want to touch it. Find a topic that usually motivate you, but uses very low tone to describe it, please pay attention to your face expression, sound, limb and gestures. 3. Clevely change your emotions. If you need it, stand up and walk. 4. Now use all the enthusiasm, joy, and vitality, you can show your friends to describe the same topic for your friends. 5. Ask your friends to tell you, what is the action, breathing, facial expression, and sound you show, and record it in your diary. This is your "physiological marker", which will make you improve your emotions at any time. 6. Today's trial: When you feel heavy and negative, take advantage of the method you have learned in the fifth step to let you quickly convert emotions to high. The following is the difference between my friend not noted when I was emotional and hot: "If you don't become a top desire, you can't create superior achievements, that desire may be - an artist, athlete, scientist, one Ordinary parents or ambition of a businessman. "- Anthony Robbins Eighth Day No. 2 The power of the number 2 tape is listened to the use of your physiological functions, the second management emotion method is to control And concentrate your attention. 1. What kind of feelings and experiences do you have, depending on where you put your attention in that time. 2. At any time, you have to "delete" some of the things around you. In other words, when you need to capture bad feelings, you must "delete" (don't pay attention, don't think about) your life is happy; that is, you must Delete anything that will let you deprecate. This "delete" process is a very important part of a person in balancing self-heart. However, it can also indirectly let you vent your anger in your heart. To manage your emotions, there are two you can control awareness focus. If you change one of them, you can change your feelings immediately. 1. The picture 2 depicted at the time in your heart. How do you think about this picture. (Dimensions, Brightness, etc. of this picture) At this time, you measures the way things can determine your attention direction. 1. The so-called measure is your question about yourself. 2. Your emotions - basically, your life - is the question of question you asked. To change your emotions from your attention, you have to control your questions. 1. Don't get self-limits. To create a "endless" problem. 2. Duplicate questions can motivate your own problems. Your job 1. Find five questions you can ask your own problems every morning in the rest - you can make you more active and are in a vibrant emotion. 2. Write them down and put on the side of the bed or in the bathroom. 3. Every morning, ask yourself these five issues, and each question should come to at least two answers. * Ask your question every morning: "All things are constant, the only people change.

"- Henry David Thoreau Anthony Robbins morning energy problem 1. What is the thing in life? Why do you feel happy? What is the special feeling? 2, what is the thing in life makes me feel excited? Why feel excited? What is the special feeling? 3, what do you think in life? Why do I feel I am grateful? What is the special feeling? 4, what makes me feel proud of life? Why do you feel proud? What is the special feeling? 5, Who is loved? Who loves me? Why is there a feeling of love? What is the special feeling? The ninth episode No. 1 recording tape value and belief / success or failure source value is based on life experience One emotional mentality, we believe that you must experience "pursuit" or try to avoid "escape". The values ​​of the pursuit, or "Happy", is an emotion, such as love, happiness, success, security and adventure Heart, but also a target value. Please pay attention to the difference between its functional values, the functional value is just a "method" or "tool"; the target value is the driving force of the promotion of human behavior. 1. Some people think all of them The car is the most valuable thing in life. Although it feels that the car is worth it (for example, it is important to yourself), it is actually worth having value, feels that it can meet your needs. Think that the car is valuable, The pursuit of the goal may be for convenience, freedom of controlling, even for specific car brands, pursuit of power or interest. Similarly, many people want to be rich, but money is just a functional goal. They are not some printed " "The papers of the famous celebrity", but the things that the money can be changed. Some people pay attention to the sense of security, or the ability to control life, the ability to choose. The secret of life is to clearly understand what is the pursuit of life, target values What is. 2. All choices are only showing values. If you know what you value your most attention, what is the goal pursued in your life, you can make more independent, quickly make decisions. Belief is a meaning The feeling of practicality. The belief decides whether it is in line with your own values ​​- can limit or liberate your own heart. Two basic beliefs: 1. Overall belief, for universal concept: "Life is ...", "everyone ... "," I think ... ". 2. Habitual concept:" Because of this. So that ... "The example of the value of the value of the value is happy and healthy. Free intimate security Adventure power is warm and comfortable. Your job: Values ​​This topic is very important, because it is often dominated all decisions. Many people may think, in 30 It is indeed a difficult task in the day course. It is more impossible to think about it in a day. (Plus I often arrange for four days, teaching and guiding everyone listing their values, the course is called Destiny is about). I believe that you have already arrived in the ninth class, and still very serious diligent notes, I believe you must be an outstanding person! So please refer to the six steps listed below, you have to spend a lot of energy and Time is completed, but it is guaranteed that you will get a big harvest. Maybe you should first finish the first two steps. Others have been completed next week. I do understand that these questions are really hard, but Certain things must have a percentage of one percent. So you can do it in batches in batches, happy! 1. Self-friendly: What is the most important thing in my life? Please remember to write down your finish value, you The most important mentality, like love, enthusiasm or happiness, maybe the opposite functional value is like money or career achievements.

If you pay attention to money or career achievements, please ask yourself, if I have extra money, if my career is successful, what is the benefit of me? What kind of feelings do I have? These feelings are the power of truly promoting life, your "pursuit value". 2. Resend your pursuit value and arrange it in accordance with important order. 3. List all your never want to have a negative awareness or feeling. For some people, they may list rejection, frustration, and alone. Find your feelings that you escape, you can help you more understand your needs. We don't help you find your own needs, and assisted you to avoid painful feelings, "escape values". 4. Rewrieving the escaping values, arrange the feelings of the most hoped to escape, according to the order of order. 5. What kind of impact does you have when there is these feelings? For example, if you pay attention to a sense of accomplishment, what kind of impact on you when you have something? (Some people think that there must be a deposit in the bank to have a sense of accomplishment. Some people get up in the morning, seeing their own standing on the ground, feel that they have a sense of accomplishment, because they think as long as they live well, Every day is a wonderful day!) Again, your evasion value, what effect on you? (Some people don't have a way to achieve their goals, I feel that I have failed, others don't think so. Their idea is that "only to give up, it is called failure, as long as you continue to work hard,") You must understand your own Depressed definition, because we often do not easily satisfy, but it is too easy to feel frustrated. 6. Do you find some regulations that restrict the development of life? If so, what is the old values ​​you want to correct, so that life will move forward forever? 1. What is important in life is what is important (pursuit of value) Examples of pursuit of values, happy successful health intelligence power growth contributions affect humor 2. My pursuit of values, you are arranged in order: the examples of pursuing values ​​1, healthy 2, accomplishment 3, happy 4, growth 5, love 6, contribute 7, humor 8, wisdom 9, power 10, influence 3. What is the thing I don't want to face (escapeable)? Examples of escaping values ​​are depressed and bored. They are bored and angry. Worry. Escape the value, in the first order: Escape from the order of the values ​​1, anger 2, frustrated 3, boring 4, resentment 5, jealous 6, setback 7, 然 8, self-pity 9, sad 10, worry 5. These feelings have any effect on me (pursuing values ​​and escape values?) An example of the old pursuit of values ​​and evasion values ​​* 15 minutes a day, there is a healthy feeling. * After a massage, etc., after the fitness beauty, I feel healthy. * Eating fruit, I feel very healthy. * If the problems under the sky have been resolved, I will feel an exception. * If you leave all interpersonal relationships, you will make me feel very boring. 6. Which life is old habits I hope to change forever: An example of the values ​​that must be revised must be perfect, and they must be successful. Only IQ 200 or more is a smart person. My child must have 100% obey my order. There is no complaint, is really love my performance. Pure, non-polluting fresh air, can be healthy body. 21 years ago 5 best-selling novels, earning 3 million yuan or breaking a hundred m-race records, it will be achieved. Unless there is a lot of lottery prizes, there is nothing to make me feel happier. Do not make any mistakes, it is successful.

"Unless the idea is recognized, if you have any will not shake your own will." Your own beliefs have changed the old restrictions in the past, removing mutual contradictory beliefs. Change beliefs must do the following: 1. Determine the belief that needs to be changed. 2. Lenovo's current stage is easy to automatically eliminate due to the pain brought about by error faith. 3. Determine new effective beliefs. 4. Full of hope for new beliefs. 5. Continue to adapt to new beliefs through "practice" mode (fantasy, feeling its effect), how to become better after the new belief, if there is a good faith, if still maintaining old beliefs, what will bring about life? influences. Two simple, but must adapt to important beliefs 1. "The past is not equal to the future." 2. "The people who have a lot of things are actually become a branch of two beliefs that restrict their lives, and use the" Dickens model "to correct. 1. Find two faithful beliefs that need to be changed. 2. Close your eyes, imagine and feel the result - the past and now - these beliefs have caused you to think about whether these beliefs have caused emotional unstable. Whether you affect your interpersonal relationship, economic status, health status, happiness and your achievements? Does these beliefs have any adverse effects? 3. Imagine five years later, if these old beliefs still hurt you. What harm will be caused? 4. Decade, what harm does it cause? 5. By 20 years, what harm will cause? 6. Going back to the current situation, I don't have time to make everything, now you have come and make a correction, but now there is a change in time, it may be very uncomfortable! 7. The whole body is thoroughly changed - let your entire person are full of vitality, motivation and enthusiasm (for example: speeding breathing and speaking speed). 8. A new belief and write it down in a positive tone. Close your eyes, imagine these new beliefs will completely change your quality of life. What benefits will you get? Does financial or interpersonal relationships also change? When these creeds begin to affect your daily life, is there a health situation? Then do more comparisons, whether life is better, more successful, emotional, health and economical is more rich? 9. Imagine five years of continuous new beliefs, what is the current living conditions compared to now? 10. Imagine the situation after ten years, what is the current living situation? 1! . Imagine the situation after twenty years, what is the current living situation compared? 12. Compare two different future conditions, choose a good lifestyle, and then return to now. Your homework writes the old faith, past influencing consequences, future influencing consequences, help reminders themselves and summarizes new beliefs. Write two new beliefs that can enhance the quality of life. What is my new belief? How will they improve my quality: "The mind decides that things are good or bad, it is a lot of music, is rich is poverty." - Edmund Spenser 11th day, the fifth episode No. 1 tape "Why" first Determine yourself for all rules. Manage daily regular work, decide to make life constantly full of joy and happiness. There is a goal in your heart, we will dominate your future fate! There must be enough "reasons" to continue - there must be enough driving force to motivate us to move towards the goal and win success. "The target is more important", and try to reach the goal process, arrange what role to play itself is true.

Why do you need a goal? 1. "I want to think", if it is determined, active life focus, it will be realized. 2. Understand the idea of ​​consciousness and subconscious, set a personal goal to understand the true direction of the heart. With the goal, you can drive your own active action, move forward - you must learn how to withstand the pressure of advancement. A full "reason" that enters into a goal implementation: 1. Write down the benefits of reaching the goals - why you must implement this goal (happy success). 2. Write down if it is not reached, what happens to yourself [failure pain) your homework: Promote the driving force of life is our desire and demand. Understanding and admitting the existing situation is not ideal, it can prompted us to do our best for life to achieve the goals. Please practice the following practice. 1. List it in a place in life. 2. The principle of writing to improve living conditions must be convinced. 3. List the belief that the ideal goal must be achieved. What kind of beliefs can not only help their own goals, but also make the goal truly realize? What belief can make you really have a really meaningful life? 4. Write down the reason why you must change the status, why you have a possible change. I believe you must have experienced a more difficult dilemma. If not, you can experience it. 1. I am not satisfied with some of the lives: 2. Principles must be convinced of improving living conditions: 3. What kind of beliefs can not only help them with their goals, but also make the target realize: 4. Write down the reason why you must change the status quo, and why there is a capacity to change: "People are often not lazy, their hearts also have a major goal - unable to motivate their own goals" - Anthony Robbins 12th - fourteenth day Five episodes 2 tape creates your future: Set the target study will be 1. List the goals of personal development: a. Next to each target, the period of the commitment is completed, for example: within 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 years. B. Select the primary 3 personal development goals. Under each item, write the narrative why you need to reach next year. 2. List the goals needed for individuals: a. Next to each target, the period of the commitment is completed, for example: within 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 years. B. Select the primary 3 personal development goals. Under each item, write the narrative why you need to reach next year. 3. List the goals of personal economy or finance: a. Next to each target, the period of the commitment is completed, for example: within 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 years. B. Select the primary 3 personal development goals. Under each item, write the narrative why you need to reach next year. Your job 1. List the primary nine targets and write down the immediate action that can be taken for each target. 2. Today began to start actions for each goal. 3. The rocking chair test is performed, and the commitment must reach each target. Imagine that you have satirized on a rocking chair, recalling the life of the past. First, imagine that you have not reached a goal, then imagine yourself has become a target. "At the same time, experience the painful taste of failure, and the joy of success." This weekend must listen to additional completion, title is part of six human needs! " The content is in the 12th volume trip 1.

1. (In the following blank sections, thinking about personal development targets) lists the top three personal development goals and write down the immediate action that each target can take: 2. (The following blank part carefully thinks about the target of personal needs) lists the primary three individuals need the goals and write down the immediate motion of each target: 3. (In the following blank part His life. "- Christopher Morley's 15th Sixth Episode 1 Successful Conditions: Habits' Power Our emotions give us our personality and fate. The positive or negative emotions generated in daily life are a kind of inner common behavior. The so-called usual behavior also includes a general worldview, self-speaking behavior and limb movement. l. List five negative emotions in daily life [, for example, depression, discouragement, sadness]. 2. Write down the habitual behavior when these emotions, for example, where this type of feeling is generated - "Tips" that generates these emotional states. 3. List five universal positive emotions. 4. Write out the usual behavior when these emotions. Everything is also a habit, the following is a method of overcoming. 1. Find this reason why this habit is found. 2. If it is not completed, what is the biggest loss? 3. If you have already completed, do you feel more accomplishment? Do you feel more joy? 4. Let yourself say, "I want to do ...", not "I have to do ..." 5. Cultivate positive habits, let yourself be delayed. Your job 1. Check the 5 negative emotions, why have these feelings. Mode interrupts for each item. 2. Check the positive emotions, think about how to have such positive emotions, how to make themselves move forward forward. 3. In this record, write down the cause of delay habits (hesitant), and how to correct it. 1. It can be interrupted for five negative emotions: 2. The method of promoting positive emotions is: 3. The reason for delay habits (hesitant), as well as how to correct: "The reason why most people fail, because they care - the trivia in life." - Anthony Robbins Scent 16th Conditions for successful 2 Queen: The habitual power will pay attention to all relevant things around whenever emotionally arrive at the spikes, which is called "'Lenovo". For example, whenever you hear a particular song, you will think of the friends who have related to yourself, this is because the emotions arrive in spikes, this song is just in the background. Your psychology and body are interrelated, so every time you hear this song, you will immediately remember the emotions in the heart. We are always in the Lenovo state, often learn how to obtain association between things around things, and are under the case of the next consciousness. Understand the way of maintaining Lenovo, consciously controlling the procedure, let yourself experience your own direction and needs in the situation. Let yourself decide your goals or in addition to the negative impact in the present phase, believe it is extremely advantageous. All the skills can truly change their lives, and below is the focus of this section. Establish a positive linoscope 1. Let yourself have a secret of Lenovo, let your emotions keep an exciting state, such as Lenovo excited emotions, when you are happy, you will breathe, your hands dance, smile, you can talk or make any sound, let yourself The emotions naturally reach the peak.

2. When reaching the spike state, repeatedly do some special actions until it is fully adapted and causes normal "reaction". It may be a finger, or when it is extremely excited, it is great, constantly repeating several times, and makes the emotions become more intense. 3. Then change another emotion. The whole body is relaxed, and the attention is moved. 4. Using the reaction, such as a finger, and say "Yes! Or great!" You will find that your emotions will gradually recover the spikes. How to "disintegrate" negative Lenovo 1. Establish a positive association. 2. In addition to the front and self-contaguan, it is also removed. The two points of effective positive Lenovo are as follows: 1. Determine your emotional state stability, for example, determine your own breathing method, the face expression is normal, give yourself appropriate incentives. Prepare the emotional state. 2. Reaction cooperates with emotional state, special contact, facial expression, action, twisted finger, a sentence, any suitable method for future use to dominate. Method 1 for "conversion mode" is performed. Determine the behavior that needs to be changed, imagine this behavior in your heart. 2. The appearance after re-imaging changes. 5. Two imagination pictures, the idea that wants to change is gradually replaced by the way. In the heart, the idea to change will be placed as a clear image, put the ideal changes in the heart, put in the fuzzy small image of its lower right corner. Then put the attention on the small image, and quickly enlarge it, it is getting cleared, and then the image that does not want some behavior is completely covered. Do this, do Woosh in your mouth! Woosh ... sound! 4. The secret of completing this mode is speed and repetition. With the fastest speed, continue to do five or six times - happy completion! I should think about "you see, woosh ...! If you do this, you will do this, Woosh! Do this ..." until the old image is automatically replaced, becomes new images, new attitude and new behavior. Your job 1. Establish a positive association. A. Select a "universal habit" emotional state. B. Recall the true situation in the past in the past. C. Emotion attached actions (eg, waving fists say "pair"), continue to repeat until Lenovo fully controls emotions. 2. Repeat the above conversion mode for at least fifteen. "Using existing capabilities, existing environments, do what you want to do." - Roosevelt's seventeenth day, the sixth episode 2 tape, how to make you rich money, just use to measure exchange value between humans Tool of. The following is why most human beings cannot properly have seven reasons for property 1. Think to make money and rich things. 2. Never feel that it is necessary to have a big money. 3. Never actively plan effective financial management. 4. Unable to fulfill your personal financial plan. 5, too much "financial experts". 6. It is full of family property. 7. Running the loss of property in the economic crisis. You can learn how to cure these seven "wealth fatal injuries" in this course. Let yourself have the conditions of our financial management, you must perform the following strategies 1. Let your life full of business opportunities 2. Proper property 3. Share property, bringing a great joy to yourself to master these strategies, you can find a model worth learning. 1. Find an example of success in the past and explore its procedural process. 2. Continue to use the same way, achieve the same effect. Your homework reviews its own property, find your own "Fortune Brair", and quickly "healing".

l. What are your most negative views with large wealth? (Or you can also ask yourself: What do you think about the overcapacity of money? Have a big wealth is really excessive state, the money is over - far beyond your own needs. Most people have negatively viewed it. Why can't you keep the "excess" state.) 2. Now I think there is any so-called big fortune. Do you think this money is extremely necessary for yourself? Or now you have necessary things in front of you, can you have the ability to pay your hand? Please set a specific number and confirm this amount. 3. Remember this motto: Do ​​not give up the set goals, or conclusions under the grass rate of the previously have not tried. Now start a financial plan, please contact our financial advisory planner and read our financial plan. 4. Actually adopt a self-study - part of the simple feature - experience the progress of our own financial capacity. Perhaps the course is only helping you to make up your mind to modify some projects, or begin to invest in some aspects, or it may help you handle overdue of money. Please remember that only a small change is required, you can make your behavior pattern of easily wealth management in the future. 5. List the financial nouns or financial ideas you still don't understand, and find out the successful model for reference, lack of financial knowledge is not an abnormal phenomenon; not active action is a great lack. 6. Keep in mind the driving force of "why" three words, write the reason why you must work hard to move forward and no longer be limited to a complacent. What is the exudation of the past? This part of life, you have full power control, and think about the reason why you advance it, you will now list them. 7. Finally, firmly fearless beliefs can make you free from financial affairs. Write a one or more in the past, you can't think of difficulties or can't do it, but you will still hold the experience of the difficulties. With these experiences, remind yourself that itself has the ability to turn the crisis as the transfer. 1. For a lot of wealth, my most unpleasant view is: 2. Which specific amounts think is the big wealth in my heart? 3. My financial plan, today must start the project to be implemented as: 4. Today's learning can help strengthen our financial management capabilities: 5. At present, you still don't understand financial nouns or financial ideas: 6. Why do you have to put it on the ground? 7. Write an experience that is difficult to think of it is difficult to think of it, but it is still worthy of experience. "The so-called luck is, Wanquan preparation plus the arrival of opportunities." - Darrell Royal Eighth Day Eighth Episodes 2 Recording Tape No Suffering Finance If you have no heart to pay attention to financial matters, it is because you think that accumulate money It is a matter of bitter than music. Starting with finances must first be: 1. Cognition ourselves: 2. I believe that wealth management can help others achieve the ideal goals. Eliminate the method of unintentional management: 1. Write the pain experience caused by financial difficulties. 2. List the words related to money. 3. Write a child's money concept. 4. When describing the embarrassment of financial difficulties, life will be happy and beautiful. 5. Let the new ideas, remove or completely eliminate the original unhappiness. Remember this message and repeatedly meditated in your heart. Enroll new ideas, let yourself get the freedom of wealth management: 1. The more you pay, the future continues, stable feedback more. 2. It is necessary to keep gratitude at any time, keeping Sshi is more blessed. Do things that you really want to do, and bring great benefits for others, you have a big fortune.

Please answer the following questions, you can summarize reasonable methods: 1. What is the favorite thing? 2. How can this thing be benefited from others, so that it is willing to join investment? 3. How can I attract more people to join? 4. How to make it savvy, make it a long time? The most important thing is that you must play a role in the person! For the next ten days of your job, please write the top three income plans to increase the income, or make more income profit more. For ten days in a row, training yourself to find business opportunities, the opportunity is actually beside it - but you must inspire your savvy potential - waiting for you to use it. "Our concerns are a traitor, fear the pace of trying, and lives to live in the great opportunity to win." - Shakespeare 19-201te the 8th episode No. 1 tape overdress failure and successful fear and Overcome the refusal fear to reduce the fear of success, you must first change your own habits. First, I envisage how to make yourself have a sense of accomplishment or failure, and then redefine the influence of the inner sense or failure. Remove the fear in your heart, depending on this fear, affected effect, and then use "elimination technology" to change existing patterns. 1. The attitude is resolute, determined, and a positive goal is established. 2. Examples of failure before fantasy, recalling the history of fluorescence screen broadcasting. 3. Keep smile, reverse from the tail to the head. 4. I will recall twice from my head to my tail. 5. In reverse in the fastest speed, in turn, reverse it, convert each memories into singular feelings. 6. Now recall this painful experience, I believe you must not help but smin! Finally, constantly fantastically, the sense of accomplishment, until it is almost the fact, and has an extremely determined feeling. Your job L. To reduce the fear of success, you must completely eliminate your fear. It is now written in some time to write to all possible losses. If you can't overcome this fear, what price will you have to pay? 2. List all the benefits you will get after using your own courage and belief. What benefits will you get after overcoming the sense of fear of success? 3. Eliminate technical steps, always remove fear in your heart. 1. Can you overcome this fear, what price must I pay? 2. What benefits will you get after using your own courage to overcome the fear of success? "We have the ability to change your life, can implement, have your own ideals." Overcome the rejected fear this chapter teaches you how to overcome the feeling of rejected fear. 1. Under the determination, you don't let the fear give your life. 2. Being sufficiently determined to persist: Write down if you can't overcome the fear, the cost of paying, and the benefits will be obtained after overcoming. 3. A new rules that have been established by the rejection. 4. Use clear skill to change the old mode. 5. Establish a resolute confidence, try the reaction of the rejection. Your job 1. Write the experience of the two failures, two experiences, and one of the benefits available. 2. The test of these four experiences is cleared. Experience in two failures: The two rejected experiences: "Inner heart is a separate small world, hell can become heaven, heaven may become hell" - Milton 22nd The No. 1 recording tape is cleared from self-destruction and manufacturing of self-confidence, when we make anything, including "weak retreat", is from the front idea.

Our brain hopes to put it into a good self in a certain extent, conscious or unconscious. For example, before you get achievements - but the big brain is never harmful, but just want to try to protect you, do not let you continue or desperately try to work hard, for example, the successful fear is actually protecting you, avoiding the head to be refused . You must understand this ideal, the brain is "standing on the same side" to turn it into a more efficient power. We started to retreat because of the intersteration of negative losses, that is, the results of fantasy pain and happiness. For example, some people may experience very painful experiences, when they have familiarity, kindness, and hope, but because they think of the experience of pain, they have retired. Your job 1. Find out why he retreats. 2. I think that the brain is out of assisting your own kindness, avoiding harm, bringing happiness to yourself, and feel gratified. 3. Under the determination. 4. Use clear skills to change the old ideological model. 5. Imagine a long-awaited achievement, feel the joy of success until new ideological model is established. The 22nd Annual Eighth Equation No. 2 Remove Self-destruction and Careless Confidence Self-confidence here has three basic methods, and you can help you build self-confidence. 1. The fastest way is to thoroughly change physiological functions: breathing, posture, behavioral and face expressions are fierce, thorough changes. 2. Controlling the heart's attention, changing the most prominent way to transform the problem of province. What is the result of failure? "Or" Why do I always make things a mess? ", Change to" why the most important thing at this stage ". Or, further, "how to achieve the best way to handle the object and proper treatment?" 3. Change your inner belief, "I have done before, I really don't know what to do today." Change to "as long as you have the heart, you will be able to reach." The loop process to go to the goal holds more self-confidence, stopping the heart. Battle, concentrate on contribution to others. Your job recalled his most successful five things and made a simple narrative for each thing. These examples can remind themselves at any time, and those who have a lot of people become! My five success cases: "Driving others, although there is authority, but can dominate people, it will win more." - Laozi's second thirteenth day, the ninth episode of No.1, a vibrant secret recipe is full of healthy vitality The primary key, it is to know how to breathe. 1. Respiratory can control the cycle of blood, and control the flow of lymph liquid to promote the function of the body immune system. 2. The most efficient method of the system in the body is A by the nose, an unpredictable number of noses; 8. Screen, the mobility of four: c. From the mouth of the mouth, the mobility is two (for example, the total number of suction is 7; the gas 28 is taken; exhale 14. Please remember to take deep breath with the lower abdomen.) 3. Another main method for maintaining healthy breathing is to make aerobic exercises every day, including swimming and running. Secondary Key: Eat more waterful food - 80% of the body is made of water. 1. At least 70% of the general diet should be an energetic food (for example, fresh fruit, vegetables or exquisite fruit juice). 2. According to the extent of the thirst of it, it decides that the moisture ingestted: When the pressure is large, it can be added to the water. Water and action can change the biochemical function in the body and greatly affect the emotional state. Before the food is comfortable, please drink a glass of water first. 3. Insufficient moisture injective, it is unable to exclude toxins in the body. Write down the food and detailed amount of food you pick up in the past 24 hours.

1. Put out the food circle of rich natural water. 2. Calculate the aqueous ratio of the ingestted food. 3. The water consumption in the diet must account for 70%, and you can eat more salad or take the fruit as a dessert. In the next ten days, practical practice of newly established habits. l. Three times a day, the deep breathing method described above is repeated ten times. 2. Determining 70% of the diet is an energetic food, and pay special attention to what changes in the body energy. I believe you will continue to improve your quality in this way. "The more energetic, the more the body is striking. The more you rush, the spirit is better, and it is better to use the wisdom of itself, create more outstanding achievements." - Anthony, Robbins 24th Nation, Nature No. 2 The power of successful interpersonal relationships in the recording belt has prompted people from the most important reasons for interpersonal relationships, in fact, because it hopes that this relationship can solve the problem, this attitude has destroyed the relationship between the two parties. You must know that in relation to each other is often a matter of affordable. The main reasons for the unable to establish relationships are as follows: 1. Close-to-close rules - warmly decrease, then form the main killer, negative "dependence". A. In order to avoid negatively dependent feelings, remember that when you have a negative mentality, you are facing another person. B. Don't let the quarrel to finally lose control - Try to use the behavior of the interruption method, in the way to make each other! 2. We tend to ignore the care and advantages of our partners. In fact, everyone has the ability to feel these care and advantages: a. Some people must see clearly, in order to feel careless; for example, others are full of caring eyes, directly expressing care, or give some small gifts. B. Some people must have a good time to see some tone. C. Some people must feel the direct contact with direct care. Some people like to touch gently, and some people may think that strong and powerfulness is enthusiastic. Everyone's ideas are different, and you must know your partner first. Please refer to the instructions in the tape that helps you know more about others. If you want to have a long-term relationship between each other, follow these instructions: 1. Find out how the other party expressed their care and responded at any time. 2. Don't be limited to "You will follow up." A. Enhance the relationship between each other with enthusiasm. B. Ask the relevant questions, promote the expression of love. C. Active active - establish a special way. If you are willing to commit to improve, you can absolutely improve the quality of interpersonal relationships. As long as there is an absolute commitment, you will have an eternal, unlimited value. Your job 1. Watch and write down the interpersonal relationship you want to have and undesirable. 2. Determine which relationships still make you feel happy and actively plan to achieve. 3. List the special matters that can be implemented together on continuous improvement of each other. 1. I hope that there is a relationship: I don't want to have interpersonal relationships: 2. Explain individual ideal interpersonal relationships: 3. The two sides can work together to improve the special matter of relationships: "If you want to get people, you must first use him to be your own confidant." - Abraham Lincoln 255th Episode 1 of the 10th Equation No. 1 sound and effective solution Method for effectively solving problems: 1. Control your emotional state - avoiding the mentality of "admission". Try to speculate on the admission mentality of the poor pain; try to eliminate trouble through a pleasant way. 2. Writing difficulty writing on paper, spending 20% ​​of the time as a problem - spending 80% of time, think of a solution.

3. Think of the best solution and execute it as soon as possible. 4. Please pay attention to how to implement the effect. 5. If there is no obvious effect, try replace another method. In a more flexible answer, ask yourself if ... may ... 6. Look for model candidates and ask them to solve them. 7. Change your own views of difficulties - as challenges - is the opportunity to provide your soul growth. It is proposed that five relieved response to find an effective solution with active, constructive attitude. In response to the difficulties faced in the stage, ask five questions and write the answer. Your homework solves the difficult response problem 1. Where is the benefits of this situation? 2, what else is it in perfect? 3. How can I do to achieve the result of my own hope? 4, I am willing to stop doing something, can you make the situation in compliance with my ideal? 5, how to let yourself solve the problem, achieve the results of hope? "If there is no desire to go, it is equal to it." - Martin Luode twenty-sixth day, the 10th episode of the 10th episode, I will give you a personal challenge person in life. Type of roles: 1. Light written 2. Nerve tight 3. Mainly remember the following basic ideas: 1. Understand itself. 2. Staff Program - Looking for Reference Models. 3. Action immediately. 4. To be flexible. Write a diary - life makes sense, it is worth a record. Record your thoughts, ideas and emotions, review your ideas and life experience, and continue to improve missing. Please remember that you can enjoy happiness in your stay. The diary will be a personal notebook that urges you to pursue perfect life. To have excellent life, it is highly recommended that you do the following: 1. Mosing your own psychological and emotional status. 2. To find out exact reasons, let yourself manage your life. 3. Welcome to the challenges in life, lend model objects to help you find out the adversity. 4. Re-assess your life with formal standards. 5. Become a "one member of group action" - very interesting game! A. The close relatives and friends in a group, motivate themselves to pay attention to them, and then getting higher and higher for their own requirements - this is an unlimited wealth! B. The focus of life is placed on things outside. Your job 1. From today's four days, reflect over 25 days, and did not complete the task or work during this period. 2. Find four primary life goals, write down the brief narrative of each item, explain why you must work hard, and what is lost when you are not reached. 3. Programs that have been established into these four targets, including matters that must be achieved in the next four days. 4. At least ten consecutive days in the future, continue to recall the problems of the province every morning. Reasons for realizing the first four objectives of life: Target metering (including the next four days): "" "Incentive you to create outstanding life. Incentive yourself with the mirror, Word, Word, The energists are model. "- Martin Road De Snalescent Awareness Stimizes the Eventh Event Collection Quotes Complete Confidence and Health and Vitality, Full of Efforts. I am wisdom - the ability to achieve success and support other people that I care. 2. I like life is full of challenging and learn from every experience of life. 3. Everyday is passionate, full of vitality! 4. Feeling strong, powerful, happy and strong. 5. Very confident to your own days and capabilities. 6. I know that I can dominate everything. 7. Respect yourself and life around you. 8. Everything must go all out.

9. Forgive yourself and others everywhere. 10. Cherish all people next to life and body. 11. The body and mind are stereotropic, willing to determine. 12. I believe and follow the inner ideas, always keep the peace of mind. Good health, energetic health, full of vibrant 1. I value the physical condition and carefully protect Yongkang every day. 2. Thoughts remain sound. 3. Control the correct breathing habits, the body has an abundant vitality. 4. I am very happy to be energetic for your health. 5. Take healthy food and beverages only. 6. Wake up every morning, I feel healthy and full of vitality. 7. Energently meet every day. 8. I know the importance of healthy and easy music. 9. Pay attention to the healing and vitality of the body. 10. Keep young and healthy hearts. L! . Delicious and exhaustive responsibility. 12. It is grateful to the body before going to bed every night. The subconscious excitation Eventh Eleventh episode No. 2 tape financial unlimited success and moves immediately unlimited financial achievements 1. Rich things in life should be shared with others. 2. Don't pay off, every day is happy to share all things with others. 3. It is the unlimited wealth for me. This is an infinite wealth for me. 4. Work hard every day and happy to pursue striking goals. 5. I am happy, I believe it will be doubled after paying. 6. I am grateful for daily life and rich heart. 7. I am grateful to I am constantly pursuing unlimited financial achievements. 8. Learn, experience the wealth of one drop in life. 9. My life is full of God's richness - his rich wealth brings me for me. 10. My life is rich, my thoughts are also rich. 11. I am willing to share unlimited resources in life. 12. Summally handled, investing all money, will benefit every day. Action! Action! 1. I am happy to pay my self-power and let myself benefit from others. 2. I am happy to actually pay the action and reach the goal. 3. I am used to actual action, which is a natural thing for me. 4. Take advantage of each minute of the day. 5. Constantly put into action, realize ideals, feeling full of joy in life. 6. I am "acting immediately!", I fully dominate my life. 7. Wake up every day, start planning today's calendar. 8. I feel very fulfilled when using my wisdom. 9. When you continue to achieve your goals, you will be strong and energetic. 10. The ability and richness of yourself is full of gratitude. 11. For yourself to work hard, get more success. 12. Feel free and happy when you pay actions every day. ★ →→→→→→→→→ → → → → → → → → ★ → → → → → → → →→→→ ★


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