Method and properties of ADO objects

zhaozj2021-02-16  58

[Method and Properties of ADO Parts] Connection

Method Description Open turns on a new Connection object. Close Close a Connection object. Execute executes a query, SQL instruction or program. BeGintrans starts a new transaction. CommitTrans stores changes during the transaction process and ends trading. You can also start a new transaction at this time. RollbackTrans cancels the changes in the transaction process, you can also start another new transaction at this time. OpenSchema This is the Script of the server-side, allowing you to view the data recorded Schema, for example: information table, field ..., etc. Attribute Description Attributes can be used to control another new transaction when you want to end the previous transaction. CommandTimeOut executes an instruction, or the instruction is sent back before the error message is required? (Unit: Minute). Connectionstring records the information required to establish a Connection object. ConnectionTIMEOUT is connected to the library or return a wait time required for an error message. CURSORLOCATION The location of the indicator is at the user end, or in the servo terminal. DefaultDatabase Preset Database. IsolationLevel setting or return to the independent level in the transaction. MODE setting or return the access rights of "Provider". Provider setting or return the name of "Provider". The State Return value represents that Connection is turned on or off. For an open Connection, the backup value is adstateOpen; if the connection is a closed state, return adstateclosed. Version returns the version number of the ADO.

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Command object

Method Description CreateParameter creates a new Parameter object in the Parameters item collection. Execute executes the SQL instruction or program specified in the CommandText property. Property Description ActiveConnection Command The Connection object is in use. CommandText represents the text representing the instruction to be executed. CommandTimeOut executes an instruction, or the instruction is sent back before the error message, the waiting time (unit: minutes). The command type specified in the CommandType CommandText property. The Name Command object also allows us to specify a name. Does Prepared have to establish a narrative before execution. State is used to confirm that the current Command object is on or off. For example: If it is open, the backup value is adstateOpen; and it is adstateclosed.

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Parameters Participation

Method Description Append adds a parameter to a collection. Delete Deletes a parameter object in the collection. Refresh updates the change in the Parameters item collection. Attribute Description of the number of Parameter in the COUNT return collection. Item can be used to get the contents of Parameter objects in a collection.

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Attribute Description Attributes Sets the data accepted by Parameter objects. Direction whether the parameter can output, input or both. And whether it is a procedure of the program. Name Parameter object name. NumericScale Parameter's decumbile number of items. The number of Arabic numbers in Precision Parameter (of course, the parameter's data type must be a numerical state). Size parameter size (unit: byte). Type Parameter's data type. Value is specified to the value of Parameter.

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Method Description AddNew builds a new record. Cancelbatch cancels the batch update. Cancelupdate cancels the update. Clone creates a copy of a Recordset object. Close Close a Recordset and related objects. Delete deletes a credit in an ongoing Recordset. GetRows acquires multiple credits and puts them in an array. Move moves the current recorded location. MovefisRT, MoveSt, Movenext, MovePrevious in Recordset, move the current recorded position to the first, the last, the next, the next position. NextRecordset comes back to a Recordset. Open opens an indicator in the Recordset. Requuery updates the original query update. RESYNC updates the information from the underlying database. Supports determines if Recordset can support certain features. Update stores any changes made on the current record. UpdateBatch Batch update. Property Description AbsolutePage Currently, "Page" (absolute), or specifying the current number of pages to move to. AbsolutePosition The absolute position of the current record directory. ActiveConnection is currently using the Connection object to which the Recordset belongs. Bof This is a cloth value. Suppose the current recorded position is before the first data record, then the return value is true; vice versa, if the current data is recorded, the return value is False. Bookmark can be used to define the current recorded location. Cachesize stores the number of data records in the native memory temporary storage area. The value of CURSORLOCATION indicators is in the user terminal, or at the serverver (ADUSSERVER). The indicator type used in the CURSORTYPE RECORDSET object. EditMode's editing state of the current record. EOF assumes that the current record indicator is after the last data record, the return value of EOF is TRUE. Filter means whether you want to use Filter. LockType information is in the lock pattern when editing. Marshaloptions When using the user-end metrics, which information is set or returned to organize and return to the servers. MaxRecords a maximum number of data recordings that queries can return. PageCount Recital RECORDSET is equal to the amount of information that contains several "pages". PageSize Sets the number of records on a page. RecordCount Retrieve the total number of credits in the Recordset. Source Source Source in the Source Recordset object may be from the Command object, SQL instruction, data sheet name, or program. State Back to a state that the RecordSet article is turned on or off. Status currently recorded status. Usually we can determine whether or other way of operation is derived according to this backup value. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

FIELDS Parts Collection

Method Description Refresh updates the change in the field to the Fields item collection. Attribute Description Count's number of fields in the COUNT feed collection. Item can be used to get content in a certain field in the fields collection.

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Field object

Property Description The actual length of the current value of the actualsize field. Attributes is used to confirm the data type that can be handled. DefinedSize is in the field length, or size defined in the source. Name column name. The number of decimal numbers in the NumericScale field (this field must be a digital state). The ORIGINALVALUE field is not yet stored. The precision field is in the number of Arabic numbers. Type field data. UnderlyingValue This field is currently in the value of the database. Value is currently specified to this field value, even if it is not stored. Method Description Appendchuck Additional Information to a large text file or binary field. Getchunk comes back from a large text file or binary field. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Properties Parts Collection

Method Description Refresh Update the Properties Parts Collection. Property Description Count Return the number of items in the Properties collection. Item can be used to get the contents of each individual Property object in the Properties collection.

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Property object

Property Description Attributes is used to confirm when / how to set the value of the Property object. Name Property object name. Type Property material data type. The value of the Value Property object.

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Errors Parts Collection

Method Description Clear Removes All Error Parts Properties in Erroors Collection Description The number of Error objects in the COUNT backchair. Item can be used to obtain the contents of individual Error objects in the ERRORS item collection.

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Error object

Property Description Description text about the error. HelpContext This is a long integer that is used to match the instructions theme. HelpFile This topic is described. The error code specified by NativeError "Provider". The error code generated by Number ADO. Source generates erroneous application time, or the name of the object. SQLSTATE This error is generated by SQL execution.


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