Internet TV header file

zhaozj2021-02-16  59

Recently, some friends want to network TV project header files, I don't know why, the full-compiled program, except for the URL of TV and broadcast, it is all given, as for official version, I want it to be released now. I will release it when I arrive.

Header file of full compiler:

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#ifndef chtvh # define chtvh // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- # include #include #include < STDCTRLS.HPP> #include #includ. "realudiobjects_ocx.h" #include "wmplib_ocx.h" #include #include #include // - -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- class TfrmCHTV: public TForm {__ published: // IDE-managed Components TWindowsMediaPlayer * wmpCHTV; TRealAudio * radCHTV; TPageControl * pclCHTV; TTabSheet * tstTV; TTabSheet * tstRadio; TTabSheet * tstAbout; TRadioGroup * rgpTV; TRadioGroup * rgpRadio; TMemo * mmAbout; TLabel * lblName; TLabel * lblDate; TLabel * lblAccredit; void __fastcall frmCHTVCreate (TObject * Sender); void __fastcall rgpTVClick (TObject * Sender); void __fastcall rgpradioclick (TOBJECT * Sender); private: // user declarationspublic: // user Declarations __fastcall tfrmchtv (tComponent * Owner);}; // ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- extern package tfrmchtv *fhtv; // ---- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- # Endif

Trial version of the header file:

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#ifndef chtvh # define chtvh // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- # include #include #include < StdCtrls.hpp> #include #include "RealAudioObjects_OCX.h" #include "WMPLib_OCX.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -class TfrmCHTV: public TForm {__ published: // IDE-managed Components TWindowsMediaPlayer * wmpCHTV; TRealAudio * radCHTV; TPageControl * pclCHTV; TTabSheet * tstCHTV; TTabSheet * tstCHRADIO; TRadioGroup * rgpCHTV; TQuery * qryCHTV; TQuery * qryCHRADIO; TRadioGroup * rgpCHRADIO TTABSHEET * TSTFUNCTION; TPANEL * PNLCHTV; TLABEL * LBLAUTHOR; TLABEL * LBLDITION; TLABEL * LBLDATE; TMEMO * mmabout; void __fastcall RGPCHTVCLICK (TObject * Sender); void __fastcall CHTVCreate (TObject * Sender); void __fastcall rgpCHRADIOClick (TObject * Sender); private: // User declarationspublic: // User declarations __fastcall TfrmCHTV (TComponent * Owner);}; // --- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Extern package tfrmchtv * fmchtv; // -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- # Endif In fact, if you have a better way, you may also stick it, let us learn together, use BCB.


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