Step 1: Installation
1. Open the command prompt window.
2. Under the command prompt, use the CD command to navigate to the folder containing the MSDE 2000 RELEASE A installation utility:
CD c: / msderela
Where c: / msdeela is a path to the folder stored by MSDE 2000 Release A to decompress file.
3. Do one of the following commands:
A. To install as the default instance name, and use "Windows user authentication mode", execute:
Setup sapwd = "astrongsapwd"
Where the AstrongSAPWD is the password that will be specified to the SA login.
B. To install the specified instance name, use "Windows user authentication mode", execute:
Setup instanceName = "instancename" sapwd = "astrongsapwd"
Where the AstrongSAPWD is a password that will be specified to the SA login, and instanceName is the name to be specified to the execution instance.
Note: After you have installed a SQL Server, you have to set the instance name when you continue to install MSDE.
C. To install as the default instance name, and use "mixed mode", execute:
Setup sapwd = "astrongsapwd" SecurityMode = SQL
Where the AstrongSAPWD is the password that will be specified to the SA login.
D. To install the specified instance name, use "Mixing Mode", execute:
Setup instancename = "instancename" securitymode = SQL SAPWD = "astrongsapwd"
Where the AstrongSAPWD is a password that will be specified to the SA login, and instanceName is the name to be specified to the execution instance.
Note: After you have installed a SQL Server, you have to set the instance name when you continue to install MSDE.
Step 2: Test if the installation is successful
Test, command line execution
C: /> OSQL -S Machine Name / Instance Name -U SA Enter the next prompt, enter your password.
Password 1111
Then enter 1> prompt, at this time, you can knock some SQL to test.
Use [master]
Select * from [sysusers]
System user records should be found.
Step 3: OSQL This command line tool to manage MSDE
1. Create a new landing user
Verify with Windows,
SQL Server Verification
EXEC SP_ADDLOGIN 'User Name,' Password '
Only users with the sysadmin / securityadmin role can run the sp_grantlogin / sp_addlogin this stored procedure.
2. The user name above can only log in to the server, and the database cannot be operated.
Only users with sysadmin / db_accessadmin / db_owner role can run sp_grantdbaccess
3. Change your password
Exec sp_password 'old password', 'New Password', 'Username' Users who have sysadmin roles can change the password of other users, and general users can only modify their passwords.
4. Create a database
Create Database Test (Database Name)
Users with the sysadmin / dbcreator role can do this.
5. Backup, restore the database
Backup Database MyDB to Disk = 'c: /msde/backup/mydb.bak'
Backup log mydb to disk = 'c: /msde/backup/mydb_log.bak'
Users who have the sysadmin / db_owner / db_backupopopertor role can do this.
RESTORE DATABASE MYDB from FROM Disk = 'c: /msde/backup/mydb.bak'
Users who have Sysadmin / DBCREATOR / DBO roles can do this.
6. Additional and separation database
Separate the database: You can separate the database from the instance of the current SQL Server server.
Users who have sysadmin roles can do this.
Additional Database: .mdf, .ldf These two files are required, the following statement can be attached to the current system to generate a new database.
EXEC SP_ATTACH_DB @dbname = n'mydb ',
@ filename1 = n'c: /msde/backup/mydb.mdf ',
@ filename2 = n'c: /msde/backup/mydb.ldf '
The upper uppercase letter N is the prefix of the Unicode string constant. The prefix "N" is defined in the SQL-92 standard.