MIME type in IIS

zhaozj2021-02-16  57

Description Mime (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, multi-purpose Internet mail extensions) is a specification that creates file formats for email exchange, network document, and other applications on the Internet and Internet. Each MIME format contains a MIME content type ("MIME TYPE") and a subtype indicating data stored in this file. MIME types and subtypes are typically listed in the form of type / subtype. For example, an MPEG video file will be listed in "VIDEO / MPEG". MIME Type / Sub Type List includes an acceptable file name extension. For example, the table listing MIME information of a MPEG file may contain an MPEG entry as follows:

Type / subtype extension VIDEO / MPEG. MPE, .mpeg, .mpg

The content of MIME format is widely used in network documentation. For example, you can connect a MPEG file to a web page. When a user browses this web page, when this MPEG file is connected, the IIS and Microsoft® Internet Explorer browser perform the following event sequences when this MPEG file is displayed:

Contains with this file, IIS sends the MIME type and subtype (Video / MPEG, VIDEO / MPE, or VIDEO / MPG) to this browser. If support for MPEG MIME format is inherent, this browser displays this file. If this browser does not include inherent support for MIME format, this browser finds this file name extension in its form of assistant applications. Then, it or select the corresponding help application to display this file or return an error message.

IIS contains a form that is the most universal network-based MIME type and subtypes and associated file name extensions. If IIS doesn't have MIME information of this MIME format file you download, IIS will add a default MIME identity to this file. As a result, the customer who receives files may misunderstand its content. You can manually join the MIME type, subtype, and file name extension to IIS for files that are not in the table. See the part of the MIME type for your IIS version. Note that when you plan to use a MIME format, you must configure a browser to handle all MIME types that this browser cannot directly support this browser. Use the MIME form This reference contains two versions of the same MIME table:

The first table lists the MIME format of IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0, and sorted by file name extension. The second table lists the same information in accordance with the MIME type / subtype.

If you have a MIME extension and want to find this MIME type / subtype used by IIS 4.0 or IIS 5.0, please in the first standard, "Sort by the MIME format in IIS." You have a MIME type / subtype, and you want to figure out if it is registered in IIS 4.0 or IIS 5.0, please check the second table, "Sort by the MIME format in IIS". This form can also be used for a file extension for a given MIME type / subtype. Join IIS 4.0 Add to MIME Type MIME Type You can use the Internet Service Manager console in IIS 4.0. For example, in order to use the Internet Service Manager to join the XML MIME type:

Select Default Web Site to pop up the Properties dialog. Select the HTTP Headers tab. Under MIME MAP, click the File Types tab and select New Type. Type .xml in an Extension field and type text / xml in the Content Type field, and then click OK.

Any other extension, such as .xsible style sheets, you can take the same process. Join IIS 5.0 The MIME type MIME type can be registered using IIS Snap-in IIS 5.0. For example, in order to use IIS Snap-in to the default website to add an XML MIME type: Select Default Web Site to pop up the Properties dialog. Select the HTTP Headers tab. Under MIME MAP, click the File Types tab and select New Type. Type .xml in the Extension field, type text / XML in the Content Type field, and then click OK.

In order to add an XML MIME type to all sites running on a given machine:

Select Internet Information Services and pop up the Properties dialog. Under Computer Mime, click the Edit button and select New Type. Type .xml in an Extension field and type text / xml in the Content Type field, and then click OK.

Any other extension, such as .xsible style Sheets, you can use the same process to join. Declaring a MIME type in an ASP page When a web server returns a file to a browser, it sends information that determines the type of the return content. When the ASP application is to generate content that is not just HTML, it must declare a MIME type / subtype with the contentType property of the Response object. For example, when using an ASP dynamically generated XML, the XML MIME type / subtype must be declared in this ASP itself. With the contentType property of the Response object, the output is XML, the code is as follows: <% response.contentType = "text / xml"%> IIS in the MIME format in IIS, sorted by the extension lists, listed in the file extension MIME content type, these types are registered in IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0.

Extended Type / Sub Type IIS 4.0IIS 5.0 * Application / OCTET-stream is 323Text / H323 No Yes ACXAPPLICATION / Internet-Property-Stream No is AIFAUDIO / X-AIFF is AIFCAUDIO / X-AIFF Is AIFFAUDIO / X-AIFF Is ASFVIDEO / X-MS-ASF No Yes ASXVIDEO / X-MS-ASF No AuAudio / Basic is Avivideo / X-MSVideo is AxSApplication / Olescript NOS is BASTEXT / PLAIN Yes BCPIApplication / X-BCPIO is binapplication / OCTET-Stream Yes BMPIMAGE / BMP is ctext / plain is catapplication / vnd.ms-pkisecccat No is CDFApplication / X-CDF No Cerapplication / X -X509-ca-Cert No ClassApplication / OCTET-stream is CLPApplication / X-msclip is CMXIMAGE / X-CMX Yes CODIMAGE / CIS-CPIO is CPIAPPLICATION / X-CPIO is CRDAPPLICATION / X-MSCardFile is CRLAPPLICATION / PKIX-CRL No Yes CA-CERT No Yes CSHAPPLICATION / X-CSH is CSSTEXT / CSS No Yes DCRAPPLICATION / X-Director is DERAPPLICATION / X-X509-CA-CERT No Yes Dirapplication / x-director is a dllapplication / x-msdownload No Yes dmsapplication / octet-stream is a docapplication / msword Yes dotapplication / msword yes yes dviapplication / x-dvi is a dxrapplication / x-director is a epsapplication / postscript Yes etxtext / X-STEXT Yes, evyapplication / envoy is EXEAPPLICATION / OCTET-stream is FiFapplication / Fractals No Yes FLRX-World / X-VRML is GiFimage / GIF is gtarapplication / x-gta is gzapplication / x-gzip No HTEXT / PLAIN Yes hdfapplication / x-hdf Yes hlpapplication / winhlp Yes hqxapplication / mac-binhex40 Yes htaapplication / hta No Yes htctext / x-component No Yes htmtext / html yes htmltext / html yes htttext / webviewhtml No Yes icoimage / x-icon No Yes iefimage / ief yes yes iiiapplication / x-iphone No Yes insapplication / x-internet-signup No Yes ispapplication / x-internet-signup No Yes jfifimage / pipeg No Yes jpeimage / jpeg Yes jpegimage / jpeg Yes JPGIMAGE / JPEG is JSApplication / X-JavaScript is LATEXAPPLICATION / X-LATEX Yes LhaApplication / OCTET-STREAM is LSFVIDEO / X-LA-ASF No LsxVideo / X-la-asf No Lzhapplication / OcTet-Stream is Is M13Application / X-msmediaview is M14Application / X-MSMEDiaView is M3uaudio / X-MPEGURL

No Yes manapplication / x-troff-man is a mdbapplication / x-msaccess Yes meapplication / x-troff-me yes mhtmessage / rfc822 No Yes mhtmlmessage / rfc822 No Yes midaudio / mid No Yes mnyapplication / x-msmoney yes movvideo / quicktime Yes movievideo / x-sgi-movie is a mp2video / mpeg is a mp3audio / mpeg No Yes mpavideo / mpeg is a mpevideo / mpeg is a mpegvideo / mpeg is a mpgvideo / mpeg is a mppapplication / vnd.ms-project Yes mpv2video / mpeg is a msapplication / x-troff-ms Yes Yes mvbapplication / x-msmediaview Yes nwsmessage / rfc822 No Yes odaapplication / oda Yes p10application / pkcs10 No Yes p12application / x-pkcs12 No Yes p7bapplication / x-pkcs7 -certificates No Yes p7capplication / x-pkcs7-mime No Yes p7mapplication / x-pkcs7-mime No Yes p7rapplication / x-pkcs7-certreqresp No Yes p7sapplication / x-pkcs7-signature No Yes pbmimage / x-portable-bitmap is a pdfapplication / PDF is PFXApplication / X-PKCS12 No Yes pgmimage / x-portable-graymap is pkoApplication / YND.ms-pkipko No Yes PMApplication / X-Perfmon is PMCApplication / X-Perfmon Yes Pmlapplication / X-Perfmon Yes? PMRAPPLICATION / X-Perfmon is PMWApplication / X-Perfmon Yes PNMIMAGE / X-portable-anymap is Pot, Application / Vnd.ms-PowerPoint is PPMIMAGE / X-Portable-Pi xmap Yes ppsapplication / vnd.ms-powerpoint Yes pptapplication / vnd.ms-powerpoint Yes prfapplication / pics-rules No Yes psapplication / postscript yes yes pubapplication / x-mspublisher Yes qtvideo / quicktime yes yes raaudio / x-pn -realaudio is RAMAUDIO / X-PN-REALAUDIO whether it is RGBIMAGE / X-CMU-RASTER YES RGBIMAGE / X-RGB Is RMIAUDIO / MID No Yes RoffApplication / X-Troff is RTFApplication / RTF is RTXText / Richtext is is scdapplication / x-msschedule Yes scttext / scriptlet No Yes setpayapplication / set-payment-initiation No Yes setregapplication / set-registration-initiation No Yes shapplication / x-sh is a sharapplication / x-shar Yes sitapplication / x-stuffit No Yes sndaudio / basic yes yes spcapplication / x-pkcs7-certificates No Yes splapplication / futuresplash No Yes srcapplication / x-wais-source is a sstapplication / vnd.ms-pkicertstore No Yes stlapplication / vnd.ms-pkistl No Yes stmtext / HTML is SV4CPIOAPP

Lication / X-SV4CPIO is SV4CRCAPPLICATION / X-SV4CRC is TAPPLICATION / X-Troff is TCLAPPLICATION / X-TCL Yes TEXApplication / X-TEX is Texiapplication / X-TexInfo is TexInfoApplication / x-texinfo is TGZAPPLICATION / X-compressed No is TiFiMage / Tiff Is that trapplication / x-troff is TRMApplication / x-msterminal is TSVText / Tab-Separated-Values ​​is txttext / plain is TXTTEXT / PLAIN is Is ULSTEXT / IULS NOSTARAPPLICATION / X-USTAR is vcftext / x-vcard No VRMLX-World / X-VRML is WAVAUDIO / X-WAV is WCMApplication / VND.MS-Works is wdbapplication / vnd.ms -Works is WKSApplication / VND.ms-Works is WMFApplication / X-msmetafile is wpsapplication / vnd.ms-Works is WRIApplication / X-mswrite is WRLX-World / X-VRML is WRZX-World / X -vrml is XAFX-World / X-VRML is XBMIMAGE / X-Xbitmap Yes XLapplication / VND.ms-Excel is XLcApplication / VND.ms-Excel is XLMApplication / VND.ms-Excel is XLSApplication / VND. .ms-excel is xltApplication / vnd.ms-excel is xlwapplication / vnd.ms-excel is XPMIMAGE / X-XPixMap is xwdimage / x-xwindowdUmp is Zapplication / X -compress No Yes ZipApplication / ZIP is the MIME format in IIS, sorted by Type / subtypes The MIME content type sorted by MIME content type / subtype is registered in IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0.

Type / subtype extension IIS 4.0IIS 5.0application / envoyevy is a application / fractalsfif No Yes application / futuresplashspl No Yes application / htahta No Yes application / internet-property-streamacx No Yes application / mac-binhex40hqx is a application / msworddoc is It is application / msworddot Yes application / octet-stream * is is application / octet-streambin Yes application / octet-streamclass Yes application / octet-streamdms Yes application / octet-streamexe Yes application / octet-streamlha yes application / octet-streamlzh Yes application / odaoda Yes application / olescriptaxs No Yes application / pdfpdf Yes application / pics-rulesprf No Yes application / pkcs10p10 No Yes application / pkix-crlcrl No Yes application / postscriptai Yes application / postscripteps yes application / postscriptps Yes application / rtfrtf Yes application / set-payment-initiationsetpay No Yes application / set-registration-initiationsetreg No Yes application / vnd.ms-excelxla Yes application / vnd.ms-excelxlc Yes application / vnd. MS-excelXLM is Application / VND.ms-Excels is Application / VND.ms-ExcelxLT is Application / VND.ms-Excelwlwww W No iplication / vnd.ms-pkis ECCATCAT No is Application / VND.ms-PkistlSTL No Yes Application / VND.MS-PowerPointPot,

Yes, Application / Vnd.ms-PowerPointPPS is Application / VND.ms-PowerPointPpt is Application / VND.ms-ProjectMPP is Application / VND.ms-Workswcm is Application / VND.ms-WorkswDB is Application / VND. .ms-workswks is Application / VND.ms-WorkswPS is Application / WinHLPHLP Yes Application / X-bcpiobcpio is Application / X-COMPFCDF No Yes Application / X-compressz No is Application / X-compressedTGZ No is Application / X-cpiocpio is Application / X-cshcsh is Application / X-DirectorDCR Yes Application / X-DirectorDir is Application / X-DirectorDXR Yes Application / X-DVIDVI is Application / X-gtargtar is Application / X -gzipgz No Yes Application / X-HDFHDF is Application / X-Internet-Signupins No Yes Application / X-Internet-Signupis No is Application / X-iPhoneiii No Yes Application / X-JavaScriptJS is Application / X-LateXlateX is application / x-msaccessmdb is is application / x-mscardfilecrd is is application / x-msclipclp is is application / x-msdownloaddll No is application / x-msmediaviewm13 is is application / x-msmediaviewm14 is is application / x-msmediaviewmvb yes application / x-msmetafileWMF is Application / X-msmoney mNy is Application / X-mspublicLisherpub is Applicati ON / X-MSSCHEDULESCD is Application / X-msterminalTRM Yes Application / X-MSWRITEWRI is Application / X-NetCDFCDF Yes Application / X-NetCDFNC is Application / X-PerfMonPMA is Application / X-PerfMonPMC is Application / x-perfmonpml is is application / x-perfmonpmr is is application / x-perfmonpmw is is application / x-pkcs12p12 No is application / x-pkcs12pfx No is application / x-pkcs7-certificatesp7b No is application / x-pkcs7-certificatesspc No Yes Application / X-PKCS7-CERTREQRESPP7R No Yes Application / X-PKCS7-MimeP7C No is Application / X-PKCS7-MimeP7M No Yes Application / X-PKCS7-SignatureP7s No Yes Application / X-shsh is Application / X-Sharshar Yes Application / X-stuffitsit No Yes Application / X-SV4CPISV4CPIO is Application / X-SV4CRCSV4CRC Yes Application / X-Tartar is Application / X-TEXTCL Yes Application / X-Textex is Application / X-TexInfotexi is Application / X-TEXINFOTE


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