Display a applicable method of the DataGrid serial number

zhaozj2021-02-16  59

I checked several examples online. If there is no problem with the amount of data, once the amount of data is large, it is very slow, and there is a shortcoming to drag the high time when dragging the line is changed, and there are several The serial number is displayed in a cell. I have summarized their algorithms and write a DataGrid that is more good. Principle: Only the serial number of the line displayed in the table is displayed and dragged the line, and the line number moves together.

Override protected void onpaint (Painteventargs E)


Base.onpaint (e);



IF (this.DataSource! = NULL)


Int Ydelta;

System.drawing .Rectangle Cell = this.getcellbounds (0, 0);

INT Y = Cell.top 2;

E.Graphics.drawstring ("Number", This.Font, New Solidbrush (Color.Black), 8, Y-18); //

IF (this.visibleRowCount> 0) // Only display the serial number in the table when there is a recordset


Currencymanager cm;

Cm = (currencessManager) this.bindingContext [this.datasource, this.datamember];

IF (cm.count> 0)


INT nrow = -1;

Y = 41; / / for the first line default height

While (NROW <0)


nrow = this.hittest (8, y) .ROW;

y ;


INT ncount = 0;

While (Y


String text = string.format ("{0}", NROW NCOUNT 1);

E.Graphics.drawstring (Text, this.font, new solidbrush (color.black), 10, y)

YDELTA = this.getcellbounds (nrow ncount, 0) .height 1; // **** Indicates a high degree of parameters

Y = ydelta;

/ / If the following is distinguished from the son line display sequence number

IF (this.isexpanded (NROW NCOUNT) && nrow ncount 1

Y = this.getcellbounds (NROW NCOUNT 1, 0). HEIGHT 3;











Heavy loaded Paint in DataGrid, which is particularly convenient for the district, and hopes to share with you.

My email: gangleader@126.com


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