zhaozj2021-02-16  60


Translation: nxyc_twz@163.com


Here is some common problem solutions for JGRAPH SWING components. However, if you are searching for answers about Swing issues, or about graphic theory, you should search elsewhere. This is part of the first resource provided by developers, not part of the API specification.

General problem

What is graphic?

Here is a good document: http://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/eng/ch2en/meth2en/ch2m1en.html In JGRAPH, graphics as an example of displaying any contactless object network. Channel, computer network, Molecular structure, software system, or database plan is an example of a graph that can be displayed and interacting in JGRAPH. Where can I get technical support?

Provides corresponding technical support in SourceForge. You can submit a demand, bug report, feature requirements, etc., and it also provides forums, mailing lists, and CVS libraries.

JGRAPH Technical Support Site: http://www.jgraph.org,

API specification: http://api.jgraph.com

Can it be used in a commercial project?

Read various licensing or search related advice in the license forum. Please take the screen of your application to us!

What effective documents are there?

These documents consist of the use guide, the API specification book (these documents can be obtained from the website mentioned above). A Hello World example is provided in "Getting Started Learning". "Mission Statement" describes the purpose and main tasks of the project. There are more effective examples in the sample section.

How to compile JGRAPH?

JGRAPH has three release packages: CVS release package includes scripts for creating Java 1.3 or Java 1.4 source code release packages. The source code release package is used to create a binary release package using a variety of Java compilers. You can see the readme file, 2.2 describe how to compile the CVS release package, 2.3 explains how to compile the source code release package.


What XML-support has JGRAPH?

JGRAPH supports two different XML types:

_ Continuous type

_ Graphics exchange format

Java SDK 1.4 supports XML-based duration (instructions: JGRAPH only supports short-term serialization). The graphics exchange format is independent of the application. For example, the JGRAPHPAD graphics editor can export the GXL format.

Where can I find examples?

This is a minimum example:

Xmlencoder Enc = New XmlenCoder (New FileoutputStream (Name.ToString ()))))

Enc.writeObject (graph1);


Xmldecoder Dec = New Xmldecoder (New BufferedInputStream (New FileInputStream (Name));

Object graph2 = DEC.ReadObject ();

Dec.close ();

ASSERT (graph1.equals (graph2));

How to use images in XML?

Java's Xmlencoder and Decoder can only read, write bean-attributes. Since ImageICON's file name is not implemented in a bean-property, ImageICons can be serially connected in XML. As a work area, Claudio Rosati regards imageiconbean's file name as an attribute (confidently using the valid file name associated with the system).

What is GXL and SVG?

GXL is a graphic exchange language standard that is designed to be a standard for graphic exchange languages. It is one of several effective XML-based graphical description languages. GXL valid description Reference: http://www.gupro.de/gxl/. SVG is an upgradeable vector graphics standard, which is a language that describes the two-dimensional vector / grating pattern with XML. Effective specification can be referred to: http://www.w3.org/tr/svg/. The difference between SVG is to convert the visual graphic description, and GXL describes its structure. GXL also supports some properties, which can be used to store views or mode properties of location, size, or any other unit. (to be continued……)


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