Introduction to TRICHVIEW

zhaozj2021-02-16  61

Rich View 1.7 Introduction


Display, editing and printing hypertext document components (for Delphi 2-7 and C Builder 1, 3-6) (www: | e-mail:

TrichView - TrichViewIT used to display a table and image TrichViewedit - TrvStyle - RichViews text and paragraphs and settings set TRVPrint - Used to print RichView TrvprintPreview - Data for printing and previewing RichView TDBRICHVIEW - RICHVIEW Perceived version TDBRICHVIEWIT - RICHVIEWIT's Data Perception TrvofficeConverter - Allows text importation with micro-software Office, exported.

TrichView components include: text can use variable fonts and colors, and have special effects. (See Demo) Hypertext (hypertext method can use custom cursors and highlights) images (bitmap, icon, media file, third-party picture format) list list (you can set them as hyperlink) Any Delphi Components (any components that can be used in Delphi). Background diagram (can be hitting and whether it is scrolling).

HTML-Fiki table can be used in each cell using Rich text

Cell mergers (including longitudinal and lateral) add, delete rows, and columns can change rows and columns Multi-border type definition layer properties can undo / repeat all table operations (used for cell reset size, change color, merge Input)


(Left, right, center and uniform alignment, left, right and first lines; custom borders and backgrounds)

Other features:

Save and load files, streams, database fields, complex, and simple types

(You can save all pictures and the inserted controls)

Export to text files, simple HTML files and HTML files with CSS style, and RTF files

RTF import

Hypertext jump (when the user presses the CTRL button, hypertext in the editor can be activated); hypertext behavior can be defined

Support Click to select a word


Addict Spell Check and TheSAURUS and


Get any item (text, picture, etc.)

Can pass the code to complete the document content

Add new row without reforming the entire document

(RichView can be used to create chat applications)

Implement scalable print preview

You can hide or display the scroll bar, you can fully control the scroll bar.

Forced page breakpoint

Do not limit the number of revoke / recovery, protect the text


1.7 version of the main new features:

Paragraph item symbol and number symbol

Top and footer



RichViewActions, you can create a friendly, consistent user interface for the RichView editor without writing code.


Approximately 50 demo projects include from a very simple guide to advanced applications. All demonstrations offer Delphi and C Builder versions.

All documents of components are in the HELP file (including the method, attributes, events, and its main features of the components.)

Registered users can get:

All source code

Free upgrade (even free upgrade after changing the price)

About RichView components and other information, you can get:




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