INDY problem set
table of Contents
First part introduction
1 Welcome to the INDY problem
2 sets of questions
3 feedback
Second part INDY FAQ
1 Can I apply indey to my shared / commercial software?
2 What do these "teams" mean, and how can I get help?
What is 1WINSHOES?
2 Can I use Indy and WinShoes at the same time?
3 How difficult is to transplant my app from WinShoes 7 to IND?
The fourth part is installed in Delphi
1 How can I install IND into Borland Delphi?
2 Why can I install Indy9.0 more than once?
3 In Delphi 6 Professional, how should I install INDY 8.0?
4 In In Indy 9.0, the following error prompt appears: "Errors when loading the Winsock2 library (WS2_32.dll)" and it is only available on Windows 95?
5 In Indy 9.0, an error appears: "Incorrect prompts or extension declaration" in the IDcompressionIntercept.Pas file. How do I handle it?
6 When I tried to compile the use of INDY, it prompts you can't find Indy.dcu files or some other files?
7 When I tried to install indey on Delphi 4.0, it prompts compilation failure?
8 When I tried to compile, Delphi prompts can't find Syncobjs?
9 After INDY installed, an error message appeared: "Generate an empty pointer. In the dynamic link library inde60.bpl, you can't find @ idglobal @ fetch $ @ ipr175system @ AnsistringXOXO?
10 After loading IND, the following prompt appears when loading other packages: "Found the device that is not supported by the system.". What should I do? "
11 Why do you need to modify the inde API between INDYD?
12 How difficult is it to upgrade my code to IND?
The fifth part is installed in C Builder
1 How can I install IND into Borland C Builder?