Introduction to ODAC (continued)

zhaozj2021-02-16  70

ToraProvider components ====================== If you use Enterprise Edition Delphi or C Builder, you can install the ToraProvider component separately. What you have to do is compiling and install an ORAPROVXX.BPK package. Oratools plug-in =============== From ODAC 3.50, no longer include the design package ORatoolsxx.bpl. Oratools is now available as a separate plugin. It is installed once in Delphi and C Builder. But now it does not support Kylix. Use ODAC's GUI to write applications ------------------------ Since ODAC 3.80, GUI has become one of its standard components. It means that the following GUI elements are valid: SQL cursors, connecting the Form, connection dialog, etc. You must explicitly declare that head ODACVCL in your application is in your application. This feature is especially useful for writing console applications under Linux. Delphi and C BuilderBy default ODAC does not require unit Forms, Controls and so on. ExceptTOraErrorHandler and TConnectDialog components. They require unit Formsand it's dependants by their nature.Kylix By default, ODAC and production needs QT libraries, but in addition to TOraErrorHandler, TConnectDialog And outside the Toraalerter components. They contain code dependent on QT. In addition, the SmartRefresh feature is forbidden to use in Kylix. But the professional version of users can define macro Smart_Refresh in to implement SmartRefresh features in the Linux environment. By default, Smart_Refresh Macros is defined in a Windows environment. But the smartrefresh function requires qt. Preview limit -------------------------- The following information describes the limitations when using the ODAC preview: Only ODAC-based applications can only be run in the IDE environment - if the NET option is selected, only 6 fields can only be used in the ToraDataSet. Use multiple products in IDE ------------------------------ ODAC, SDAC, and MYDAC components use public packages. They are: Dacxx.bpldacvClxx.bpldCldacxx.bpl Note: These products have only compatibility when they are provided. If you upgrade part of the installed product, it is possible to cause conflicts with other parts. In order to continue using these products simultaneously, you should upgrade them at the same time. Contact: -------------------


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