ODAC introduction

zhaozj2021-02-16  65

ODAC introduction


ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components) 4.05 Description Core Lab keeps all copyright 1997-2002. ------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) libraries provide some non-visual components for Borland Delphi, C Builder, and Kylix. They are used to access the Oracle relational database system. Similar to BDE, ODAC is also one of the ways to process data for selection. ODAC uses Oracle Call Interfaces (OCI). OCI is a process or function that allows application developers to use third-party development languages ​​to access Oracle data servers and to control all SQL statements execution status applications (APIs). OCI provides a standard data inventory library and functions through a dynamic running library (ORA * .dll) to establish a connection in the application. You can also use ODAC's NET option without having to install Oracle clients on the client to connect to Oracle. In this case, ODAC only requires support for TCP / IP protocols, so that you can create true, minimal database applications. Unlike the use of BDE Development Oracle C / S (Customer / Server) applications, BDE cannot access some of Oracle's special features, you cannot use more resources, you cannot high speed to process data, and you do not regularly have trouble-free applications distribution. And manage. How to access Oracle using BDE is: [Oracle RDBMS] <> [SQL * Net] <> [OCI] <> [SQL LINKS] <> [BDE] <> [Application] ODAC directly uses OCI.

It allows not to use BDE and SQL Links: [Oracle Rdbms] <> [SQL * Net] <> [OCI] <> [Application] ODAC NET provides a better method: [Oracle Rdbms] <> [TCP / IP] <> [Application] ODAC contains the following components: Torasession - Control Service Connection; ToraQuery - Execute Query, Operation Record Set, Flexible Updates Database Table; TSMARTQuery - Similar to ToraQuery features, you can automatically create Insert, Delete, Update query, automatic Lock and update records; TORASQL - Execute SQL statements, PL / SQL blocks, stored procedures Execute stored procedures and functions, allow editing cursors and can be returned as parameters; ToranestedTable - Toraprovider - Provides data and application updates from customer data sets; ToraScript - Execute SQL and PL / SQL statements; Toraalerter - Allow Transfer a message in two sessions; TORALOADER - Quickly load an Oracle database; TORASQLMonitor - Allows monitoring to perform dynamic SQL statements based on ODAC applications; Toraerrorhandler - Transfer Error information; TBDESession - Allows ODAC to BDE-based applications; TCONNECTDIALOG - Used to enter username, password, service name; TCRDBGRID - enhanced TDBGRID, providing visual data filtration and incremental query; tvirtualTable - Data is stored in memory. Using ODAC can provide you with the following advantages: - Select NET options to make you no longer need to install Oracle clients on the client; - Do not need to distribute, install, and configure BDE and ODBC; - You can use any Delphi / C Builder Professional to develop customers / Server application; - Allows you to use many Oracle special features; - Special features of Oracle 8: BLOB, Clob, and BFile data types, objects, arrays, reference, nested tables; - Simplified data updates; - Provide two Method of updating data: More flexible ToraQuery and easier TSMARTQUERY; - High-speed database record access; S- provides automatic locking and refresh recording mechanism; - Allow long-time stored procedures by using multithreading; - Advanced Design Editing The interface (method, attribute) and standard BDE data access components (TDATABASE, TQUERY, ..) are very similar; - support all Data set components; - ORATools plug-ins for ORATools plug-in Establishment and check ORADESIGNER Query, use ORADebugger design and debug PL / SQL blocks, and browse the database using Oraexplorer. Compatibility ------------- ODAC supports Oracle 7.3, 8.0, 8i, and 9i, including personal version and simple version.


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