Interbase basic information

zhaozj2021-02-16  71

Interbase basic information

Data type definition of fields in the data table

Type Name Size Value Range / Accuracy VARCHAR (N) N characters 1 to 32767CHAR (N) N characters 1 to 32767 bytes Smallint16-bit -32768 (-2 15) to 32767 (-215-1) Integer32 bits - 2147483648 (-231) to 2147483647 (-231-1) FLOAT32 bits 3.4x10-38 to 3.4x1038NUMERIC variable digit accuracy can be variable, Decimal (10, 3) format: ppppppppppp.ssdouble precision64 bit 1.7x10-308 To the 1.7x10308Decimal variable number from the first to level 15, the accuracy can be variable, the format of Decimal (10, 3) is: pppppppppp.ssstimestamp64 bits from January 1 to 3, 2768 Date32 bit 100 January 1st to 3 2768 February 29 Time32 Bits 0:00 AM to 23: 59.9999pmblob <32GB Storage Variable Length Data


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