After using the MFC to write the DLL file, we cannot find and reference it in the REFERENCES of the VB Engine (Project), you cannot use the DIM S AS NEW CLASS or DIM S AS CLASS, SET S = New Class mode.
The following explains how to create a DLL method that VB can be cited using MFC, which steps:
(1) Select the MFC AppWizard (DLL) to create a new project; (such as: dlgtest.dll)
(2) Select Regular DLL with MFC STATILARLARLINKED and select Automation;
(3) Creating an MFC Class It Class is ccmdtarget and selects Automation; (assuming that the name is DLG)
(4) Modify the DLGTEST.DEF file: library "dlgtest.dll" (Modify) DllunregisterServer Private;
(5) Add a DLL file to the DLGTest.odl file to browse the displayed content in the VB reference (optional)
[uuid (........), Version (1.0), Helpstring ("My Test Contents ..."]]
(6) Add the following code to the construction and destructive function:
CDLG :: DLG () CDLG :: ~ DLG ()
AfxoLockApp (); AfxoleunlockApp ();
(7) Note CCMDTARGET: ONFinalRelease () in the onfinalrelease function (), add DELETE THIS;
(8) Add the following code (underline, purple code) in a dlg.cpp file
Implement_olecreate (CDLG, "Dlgtest.dlg", ClassGuid Value)
ClassGuid value is the UUID value at CoClass in the .odl file.
(9) In the dlg.h file, add the following underscores, purple code
Declare_message_map ()
Declare_olecreate (CDLG)