IE NC universal hidden mole

zhaozj2021-02-16  64

First, for the hidden mouse button of Internet Explorer, you can say that as long as you get the web page, you may know to use document.οcοntextMenu = Function ("Return False;"); but for Netscape, this approach does not completely . Through practice, I found that some elements have some elements in both browsers in Internet Explorer and Netscape, and the right-click on the upper side is no response. Now I use this to hide the mouse button. We can know that the scroll bar on the

in both browsers in Internet Explorer and Netscape is not the right-click menu, then we move our custom
element Just_Hide_iT to the mouse in the right-click event. The location is coming, so it is impossible to pop up the right mash.

The source code is as follows:

Universal hidden mouse right </ title> </ head> <body style = "z-index: -1; "> <script language =" javascript "> TMP = navigator.appversion.tostring (); ie = parsefloat (tmp.substring (tmp.indexof (" msie ") 4, tmp.length); function nc_rightclick (e) {if (e.Button == 2 || (E.Button == 0 && e.Type == "ContextMenu")) {document.getlementByid ('Just_Hide_it'). style.left = E.Clientx- 14; Document.GtelementByid ('Just_Hide_it'). = E.Clienty-14; Return False;}}}} (ie) document.οncοntextMenu = function ("returnaf false;"); Else {document.write (' <div id = "," style = "z-index: -1; position: absolute; left: 100; Top: 0; overflow: scroll; width: 28; height: 28;"> </ div>); Document.οncοntextMenu = nc_rightclick; document.οnmοusedοwn = nc_rightclick;} </ script> </ body> </ html></p> <p>Explain: Not only can be used in this <div> method not only in Netscape, but it is also effective in Internet Explorer, but since there is already a more effective way in Internet Explorer, I don't have to use this way. In Netscape, Just_Hide_it requires Z-index to -1 and body Z-index is the same as that transparenize just_hide_it, making people feel that there is such an element. Again, we hide the right mouse button is not to hide the source code, but for some other web features. By the way, we will promote prawns, have good code, share multiple points. 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