Do you know their difference?

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

Do you know their difference?

I don't know, these answers are netizens, it is not my business.

Method, Function, ProCedureMethod is generally used in OOP representing the Member function in the class. Function is a general function, which is not a return value in Pascal and procedure is not. In addition, WndProc in Windows SDK is the abbreviation of Windows Procedure. Generally, these three meanings are similar.

BUILD, RELEASE, VERSION program is once per compiled, the Build number rose once. Release is the released trumpet, and the reflection is used when the change is relatively small. Version is version, and each version is generally changed.

Commit, SubmitCommit is the data in the cache has been successfully modified, no error, then formally modify the database or file, this process is commit. Submit is the submission of a general form data.

Control, ComponentComponent usually translates into components, this word has "consisting", "makeup" meaning control usually only refers to the visual (at least drag) control in RAD in Delphi component refers to that drag. thing. Control in Win32's SDK is the button of CreateWindows, etc., which is waiting for Windows Programming. This is basically no difference in Component, which is commonly used in the context of Software Engineering, usually uses Component because of Control is "control" "The meaning of" to control the behavior of the window through it

Save, PersistSave is the saving of the general file content. Persist is generally stored in the file. If you haven't remember, there is a latin word called Persistere. PER- is "extreme", Perfect is here. Sistere is "no change". This way, PERSIST is full

Class, TypeClass is defined with Class keywords, Type includes Class and built-in type Type also includes Struct, Enum, and Union

Handle / Pointer / ReferenceHandle is the ID number used in Windows to compare the internal objects of the system, which is said to point to the pointer to the pointer, nor is it true or false. Pointer is a variable that holds the variable address. Reference is an alias that is replaced by a symbol when compiling.

What PROGRAM refers to the final executable or source code? According to the mainland, the program should refer to the executable. According to Taiwan translation, the program should refer to the source code. More often look at the context of the context, both use very frequently.


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