Open source PKI project IDX-PKI

zhaozj2021-02-16  70

[Four Open Source Projects]

IdealX Follow the Open Source PKI Project of RFC

In front, I introduced the famous and huge achievement of open source security items OpenSSL, open source firewall SINUS, and open source IDS (intrusion detection system) Snort, I thought that the sky was not a common thing, but recently wandered online I found some open source and very excellent stuff. Think about it for so long, there is no good thing to bring online friends, all the contents will be sorted out today. First, I will introduce an open source PKI (public key infrastructure) project: IDX-PKIIDX-PKI is successfully running on Redhat Linux 7.1, and its operation requires software support:  OpenSSL (0.9.6)  OpenSSSL-Devel 0.9.6-3)  apache (1.3.19)  PHP (4.0.4pl1)  MOD_SSL (2.8.1)  Perl (5.6.0)  MOD_PERL (1.24_01)  Perl-libnet (1.0703)  Postfix 20000531)  OpenLDAP (2.0.7)  OpenLDAP-Servers (2.0.7)  OpenLDAP-Clients (2.0.7)  OpenLDAP-Devel (2.0.7) The module below the Redhat Developer Module Archive (DMA) CD For the sake of convenience, Idealx provides Mirror to download  Perl-libwww-perl (5.48)  Perl-convert-assers (0.01)  Perl-mime-compare (0.01) )  Perl-tie-ixhash (1.21)  Perl-design  Perl-uri (1.09)  Perl-html-parser (3.03)  Perl-html-tagSet (3.03) The module below is identicallyx Published, you can go to its website to download:  Perl-IO-socket-ssl (0.79)  Perl-config-ini (1.07)  Perl-net-ssleay (1.07)  Perl-error (0.14)  Perl-perl -lDAP (0.23), Idealx is required to run something, but this majority module is necessary for you to run a Linux server, even part of Linux comes with (of course, you may need to upgrade) Your Linux core and related software). Depending on IDX-PKI official description, it can be easily applied to any Linux and BSD UNIX system, although you need to modify some installation scripts. If you need to get an IDX-PKI help on a release or in the operating system, you can contact it official website: or email:

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