void CMyPropertyPage2 :: OnClickListtablegrid (NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult) {// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here NM_LISTVIEW * pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW *) pNMHDR; CString msg; NMITEMACTIVATE * m_plv = (NMITEMACTIVATE *) pNMHDR; long Mouse_x, mouse_y; //msg.format("%d[%D]" ,pnmlistview, m_plv-> ptaction.x); // long i = pnmlistview-> isubitem; // take the list
Mouse_x = m_plv-> pTAction.x; mouse_y = m_plv-> pTAction.y; // Judgment is the first few line Rect M_Rect; Long ItemRow, Itemcol, I; For (i = m_listtablegrid.gettopIndex (); i