Getting-starting knowledge of MFC programming

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

Entrance knowledge

Ducument Template, manages three objects of Document / View / Frame,

Of course, cdoCtemplate has two derived CMULTIDOCTEMENT and CSINGLEDOCTEMPLATE

If you have to handle multiple documents, you have to use AddDDOCTemplate to add them to the system, actually documentation

The basic process of reading and writing is file / Open or File / New, then make CWINAPPXUAN select appropriate by message loop

CDOCMANAGER, which contains Pointer to point to the list, produces Document Template.

And, the variable cptrlist m_doclist is pointing to DOCMENT, cDocmentTemplate *

m_pdoctempate is a back finger, at the same time. Cptrlist M_PViewList can maintain a lot of views.

CFrameWnd member variable CView * m-pviewactive, pointing to the current VEW, CView has one

Member variable cdocment * m_pdocment points to the current DOCMENT.


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