MIDI 1.0 file format - MIDI CHANNEL VOICE Messages

zhaozj2021-02-16  64

Midi Channel Voice MESSAGES

All MIDI status (bytes) and data are hexadecimal numbers.

Midi Channel Voice MESSAGES

Status byte data byte message Explanation 8n KK VV note Close Send a released (electroacoustic instrument keyboard) button (note 1) numerical range explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 kk 00-7f is released This must correspond to the "note opening" message 3C = C to adjust the speed device of the VV 00-7F release key, send VV = 40 00 = minimum 40 = default 7F = maximum status byte data byte message interpretation 9N KK VV note Open usually sends a corresponding "note shutdown" message, must send a numerical range after the "note open" message, N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 kk 00-7f is pressed (electricity The sounder keyboard) button Each value is higher than or below the neighbor value of a hierarchy 3c = C. VV 00-7F button speed device does not feel speed, send VV = 40 definition: A message: "Not in the note" "VV = 0 ", equivalent to the message:" Music Close "" VV = 40 "(Note 2) 00 = Musical Notes Off (40) 01 = PPP 40 = MF 7F = FFF Status Byte Data byte Message Interpretation An KK WW Double Dressing It is considered to be processed. This message sends a changed pressure value and applies to this key (that is: a basic key). Numerical range explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 kk 00-7f is pressed (electroacoustic instrument keyboard) The key is higher than or below the adjacent value of one, a hierarchy 3c = C adjusts WW 00-7F Press the pressure value of the key to press the button 00 = min, 7f = max status byte data byte message Interpretation BN CC NN Control Change Send An artificial 'pedal' switch, expression pedal, sliding and other control variations N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 CC 00-77 control number see Detailed Descriptions nn 00-7f control value 00 = least , 40 = Central, 7F = Maximum Status Byte Data byte Message Interpretation The CN PP instrument change is used to change the played instrument, and the message is received. This message is applied to the later "note open" message This value is completely dependent on different types of devices. Example: It changed the current accompaniment, using drums numerical range to explain N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 PP 00-7F new musical instrument number 00 = first instrument status byte data byte message Explanation DN WW channel is considered to be processed. This message is sent when a variable pressure value is applied to the (electroacoustic instrument keyboard) keyboard. (That is: Applying to the entire Channel instead of a key). Numerical range explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 WW 00-7F Channel pressure value 00 = Minimum, 7F = Maximum Status byte data byte message Interpretation EN LSB MSB Sports Send a changed Slope control value range Explanation N 0-f Midi Channel 0 = CH 1 LSB 00-7f Least Significant Byte (Note 3) 00 = Minimum, 00 = Center, 7F = Maximum MSB 00-7F Most Significant Byte (Note 3) 00 = Minimum, 40 = Center, 7f = maximum footnote

Note 1

Did not receive the "note shutdown" message does not mean that the note (sound) is automatically ended. Some instruments, such as: organ, speaker. Other such as: piano, guitar. The sound will disappear, even if the "notes open" message will be received immediately. Note 2

Send "note" "VV = 0" has improved

Running status. So this message often replaces the "note shutdown" in the device. This does not detect the speed of the release.

Note 3

Least Significant Byte (LSB) The right part right (bit) is large.

Most Significant Byte (MSB) The left part of the zip (bit) is large.

MIDI_MODES.HTML Contents Midi_Control_change.html Midi_Channel_Mode.html

Please note this disclaimer

Translation: zj_zyq e_mail: zj_zyq@163.com December 28, 2002


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