zhaozj2021-02-16  72

Midi Channel Mode Messages

All MIDI CHANNEL MODE Messages, information channel 'n' must be basic MIDI CHANNEL, otherwise the message is ignored.

Midi Channel Mode Messages

Status byte Data Direct Message Interpretation BN 78 00 Close All Sounds Close All Sounds, including detectable note envelopes or affected echoes (if applications), N0-F Midi Channel 0 = CH 1 Status Byte Data Direct Message Interpretation BN 79 00 Reset All Control Reset All Controls Make them back to the "default" point. Includes all consecutive or switches, slides, and processed. All controls are set by the administrator to the corresponding initial state. Example: Slide is set to its "center" point. If the OMNI ON (Mode 1 and 2) is ignored. Numerical range explanation N 0-f MIDI CHANNEL 0 = CH 1 Status byte Data Direct Message Interpretation BN 7A XX Local Control Disconnect (or Reconnected) MIDI Synthesizer (Electroacoustic Music) Keyboard and Sound Synthesis Equipment (Contact) . The keyboard continues to send the message through the MIDI-OUT port, and the sound generator circuit until the MIDI message is received and feedback by the MIDI-IN port. Don't take care of the switch. Numerical range explanation N 0-f Midi Channel 0 = CH 1 XX 00, 7F If 00. Disconnect the keyboard and sound generation synthesis. If 7F, connect the keyboard to the sound generator. 00 = Off 7F = Open (Default) Status Byte Data Direct Message Interpretation BN 7B 00 Turn off all notes All notes, no matter where the "note open" message is received (note 1) This only uses MIDI devices, no The button pressure value affects the local keyboard. If the OMNI ON (Mode 1 and 2) is ignored. In mode 4 (also mode 3) This message only affects the MIDI Channel of the received (this message). If the control board "open" (controller 0x40) message is not detected until the control panel is released. Numerical range explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 Status byte Data Direct message Interpretation BN 7C 00 Close Omni This receiver acts on the basic Channel Voice Messages. (Note 2) This expressed MIDI device in Channel Mode 3, 4 depends on the current state with the MONO / POLY switch. (Note 3) Numerical range Explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 status byte data Direct Message Interpretation BN 7D 00 Open Omni This receiver responds to Channel Voice Messages, from any MIDI CHANNEL. (Note 2) This expression of the received MIDI device is in the Channel Mode 1, 2, depending on the current state with the MONO / POLY switch. (Note 3) Numerical range Explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 status byte data direct Message Interpretation BN 7e M Open Mono Enables the receiver in Monophonic mode (Note 2) This expression is received in Channel Mode 2, 4, relying on the current state with the Omni switch. (Note 3) While Omni is ON, THE M = 1 is used. IF n m-1> ch.16 there is no wrap-around to ch.1. Only Channels n ... 16 Are Used numerical range Explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1 M- 10 Channel No. used in Mode 4.

There is no impact on this parameter in Mode 2. 00 = N ... 16 01 = USE 1 CHANNEL0X10 = Direct message with 16 Channels (if n = 0) Station byte data Direct message Interpretation BN 7F 00 Turn off Poly Polyphonic mode. (Note 2) This expression receives The MIDI device is in Channel Mode 1, 3, depending on the current state with the Omni switch. (Note 3) Numerical range Explanation N 0-f Midi channel 0 = CH 1footnotes

Note 1

MIDI device supports "Close All Notes" This message is not required. A MIDI sender must send a separate "note shutdown" message, corresponding to each "note" message, no matter if there is a message that "close all notes".

Note 2

This means that "closing all note" is associated with changes in the CHANEL mode. That is to say: When changing the Channel mode, the recipient closes all the note messages reached by the old mode.

This exclusion reaches the "note" message to the Local keyboard (if available).

Although its description in the specification is unclear, I think it is:

Includedes Notes on All Channels N ... n m-1 while in mode 4. Applies Even if the omni WAS or is 'on' (unlike the all-notes-off "). Reference Specifications (section 2, P20)



123 [7b]

To 127 [7f]

... will close all sounds, allocated to the basic channel of the constraint.

And (section 2, A-4):

"When the receiver is converted between the Omni ON / OFF AND POLY OR MONO mode, all notes will be turned off. This in order to avoid unexpected things, when the appliance mode is converted.

Note 3

MIDI devices support all four modes are not required.

If the mode change message is ignored (detailed in detail), this is not necessary to complete the "Close All Notes".

MIDI_MODES.HTML Contents Midi_Control_change.html Midi_Channel_Mode.html

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Translation: zj_zyq e_mail: zj_zyq@163.com December 28, 2002


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