Also talk about .NET vs. Java

zhaozj2021-02-16  66

- Back "Cross-platform away": .net vs. java on linux "

One of the few tests on Java in the article I didn't bother to be the same. The speed below is my test result (I will change the "cross-platform away"> One text in the article: Windows 2K Chinese version SP2 P41.5 / 256M JDK1.3.1_002

.NET test program

Using system;

Namespace consoleapplication7 {class test {static void main (string [] args) {int TEMP = 1; datetime a =; for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000000; i ) {TEMP = i;} DateTime B =; timespan c = b - a;

Console.writeline (C. TotalmilliseConds); console.writeLine (TEMP);}}}

Java test program

Public class my

{Public static void main (string args [])


Long a, b;


a = system.currenttimemillis ();

For (int i = 1; i <= 1000000000; i ) {TEMP = I;}

B = system.currenttimemillis ();

System.out.println (B - a); System.out.Println (TEMP);



Test results DOT: 2437 Java (-HOTSPOT): 59796 Java (-server): 375

(I am in JDK1.4.0_01, basically comes from JDK1.3.1. Someone gets 0 results in JDK1.4.0, because there is no system.out.println (TEMP), the calculation process is optimized)

The second test, I will change the TEMP = I above the program to TEMP * = i, the result is as follows:

DOT NET: 10234 Java (-HOTSPOT): 21109 Java (-classic): 59984 Java (-server): 9625

What does these results mean, I don't want to say more.

The same calculation results in Delphi 6:

Add: 1514 Method: 9797

Delphi program program my;

{$ Apptype console}

Uses sysutils, dateutils;

VAR I, TEMP: Integer; B, E: TdateTime; Begin B: = NOW (); for i: = 1 to 1000000000 DO TEMP: = Temp * i; E: = NOW (); Writeln (MilliseCondsbetWeen (B, E ));

The same calculation results in C : VC7.0 addition: 1390 Method: 10281 BCB6.0 addition: 1422 Method: 9641C program #include #include

INT Main (int Argc, char * argv []) {Int b, e; int TEMP = 1; b = gettickcount ();

For (int i = 1; i <= 1000000000; i ) {TEMP = I;}

E = gettickcount (); Printf ("% d", e-b); Printf ("/ n% D", TEMP);

Return 0;}

(Note: All the above procedures are release version, speed optimization)

2. What is the compilation result of Java under Linux and Windows? I didn't install Linux, can't compare whether the compile results of the two platforms were different, but I believe that this result is reason, but I am hard to believe is due to platform issues. I don't know if the author checks if the version of JDK on both platforms is consistent.


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