Realize client writing method for uploading (increasing) multiple files.

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

On the client, implementing multiple files at a time, it is always very troublesome, the annoying File button can always change, this may be a better way, give you a reference. delete

Function addFiletoselect (AOFILE) {ix ((Aofile == null) || (Aofile.Value == "" ") Return; var loopts = form.selectfile.Options; loopts [loopts.Length] = new option (AOFILE.VALUE, AOFILE.UNIQUEID); AOFILE.PARENTELEMENT.Style.Display =" none "; var loobj = document.createElement ( "span"); loObj.innerHTML = ''; AffixFile.insertBefore (loObj (} Function DELFILETOSELECT () {loel = document.all (form.selectfile.Value); if (loel! = Null) {loel = loel.parentelement; AffixFile.RemoveChild (LOEL);} var loopts = form.selectfile. Optio Ns; if (loopts! = null && loopts.length> 0) {losel = loopts [form.selectfile.selected "loopts.removechild (losel);}}


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