Rational Rose Technology Communication (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  65

Rational Rose Technology Exchange

First, what is Rational Rose ... 2

Second, what is use of Rational Rose 3

Third, ROSE core - unified modeling language UML 4

(1) UML development history 4

(2) Details of UML (Unified Modeling Language) 4

1, use case Figure 5

2, class diagram 8

3, package Figure 9

4, sequence diagram 9

5, collaborative figure 10

6, status Figure 11

7, activity map 11

8, component Figure 12

9, deployment Figure 13

Fourth, use Rational Rose to make database modeling 15

5. Some use skills of Rational Rose 16

1, Units Control 16

2, Import, Export 17

3, Add-in manager 17

4, Workspace 19

5, common shortcuts 20

6, AutoSize All 20

7, Options set 21

Sixth, further study 22

Clear Rose's position in the Rational product line and the role of the entire development process, introducing ROSE's core-unified modeling language UML and communication from the perspective used by ROSE.

First, what is Rational Rose?

Rational Rose is an UML-based visual modeling tool for Rational's products.

There are many tools based on UML visual modeling on the market, such as Microsoft Visio2002, Oracle's Designer2000, and Playcase, Ca Bpwin, Ca Erwin, Sybase PowerDesigner, and more.

Why choose Rational ROSE? This cannot mention the three founders of the UML, master-oriented master of objects: Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson. And these three masters currently serve as Chief Engineers in Rational, since UML is the visualization of the industry standard, then the reason for choosing Rational Rose will not say it.

Moreover, Rose and Rational's other series of software engineering products have made ROSE better availability and scalability.


Architecture (analysis / design)

Construction (encoding)


Demand Management - Collecting, Management, and Communication Software Demand and System Demand. Rational RequisitePro Visual Modeling - Generates a graphical design diagram that reflects software applications, their components, interfaces, and relationships between them, which is easy to understand and communicate. Rational Rose, Rational Rose RealTime Programming Environment - Rational Apex, Rational Summit / TM, Rational Testmate, Rational Ada Analyzer Software Quality and Test Automation - Provides integrated programming and test tools to simplify component creation, and replacing expensive, lengthy and easy error Hand test, thereby generating a higher quality application in a short period of time. Rational Suite TestStudio, Rational Suite PerformanceStudio Configuration Management Software Configuration and Change Management - Controls the daily development of the team during the creation, modification, building, and delivery of software. Rational Clearcase, Rational Clearcase Multisite, Rational ClearQuest, Rational ClearDTS Software Flow Software Flow Automation - provides guidance for software managers and developers to develop software assets with commercial competitiveness. Rational Unified Process, Rational Soda

The above from left to right is the four typical links of the software lifecycle. The following configuration management and software processes are active throughout the software life cycle.


Rational Rose

The market share in China is about


to make(


Survey statistics), the occupancy rate in foreign countries should be higher.


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