Rfc16 m.i.t

zhaozj2021-02-16  40

Organization: China Interactive Publishing Network (http://www.china-pub.com/)

RFC Document Chinese Translation Program (http://www.china-pub.com/compters/emook/aboutemook.htm)

E-mail: Ouyang@china-pub.com

Translator: McSewang Mcsewang@21cn.com)

Translation time: 2001-5-23

Copyright: This Chinese translation copyright belongs to China Interactive Publishing Network. Can be used for non-commercial use free reprint, but must

Keep the translation and copyright information of this document.

Network Working Group Steve CROCKER

RFC-16 27 August 1969


M.i.t can now accept all network working group document memo, and the memo can be sent to the following address:

Abhai Bhushan

Room 807 - PROJECT MAC


Cambridge, mass. 02139

Abhai's Phone IS (617) 864-6900, x 5857.

[THIS RFC HAS BEEN RESTORED to ON-line Status by Walter Pienciak]

RFC 16 m.i.t


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