The implementation of the HTML element of IE support in Netscape4.76
Related HTML elements
(1) Text, Edit, Password, Textarea
(2) Radio, Checkbox
2. Writing in IE
(1) Document.form_name.text_name.disabled = true;
Document.form_name.EDit_name.disabled = true;
Document.form_name.password_name.disabled = true;
Document.form_name.textarea_name.disabled = true;
(2) Document.form_name.radio_name [i] .disabled = true;
Document.form_name.checkbox_name [i] .disabled = true;
(3) Document.form_name.select_name.disabled = true;
3. Writing in Netscape4.76
(1) Document.form_name.text_name.disabled = true;
Document.form_name.EDit_name.disabled = true;
Document.form_name.password_name.disabled = true;
Add methods to FOCUS events on the corresponding text, edit, password, and textarea elements: οnfοcus = "disableelements (this)"
Function disableelements (obj)
IF (Obj.disabled)
Obj.blur ();
(2) Document.form_name.radio_name [i] .disabled = true;
Document.form_name.checkbox_name [i] .disabled = true;
Adding a method for mousedown event processing on the corresponding radio, checkbox element: οnclick = "Return Disableelements (this)"
Function disableelements (obj)
IF (Obj.disabled)
Obj.checked = false;
Return False ;;
(3) Document.form_name.select_name.disabled = true;
Adding a method for processing a CHANGE event on a corresponding SELECT element: οnchange = "disableelements (this)"
Function disableelements (obj)
IF (Obj.disabled)
For (var i = 0; i { Obj.Options [i] .selected = Obj.Options [i] .frozenstatus; (Obj.Options [i] .selected = false; writing this way.) } } } Finally I attached an example, this example is tested under IE6.0 and Netscape4.76!